The 498A Final Report Of Filmstar Prashanth

Prashant 498a Final Report (pdf)

I wrote the 498A Survivor’s Guide as a means to help people defend themselves when caught up in this extortion racket known as Section 498A, IPC. Months after writing it, I was plagued by doubts about whether it was fulfilling its purpose.

In July of 2007 I heard about a 498A case being filed against film actor Prashanth and his family. I read that they had asked the media to spread the word about the survivor’s guide to 498a as it had inspired them to fight. The feedback I received from Prashanth’s case that led me to push on with my efforts.

A few weeks ago, I heard that a final report was submitted and Prashant’s 498A case closed by the Chennai Police as a case of “MISTAKE OF FACT”.

In effect, the Police force has demonstrated that they can investigation.

When a 498A case is registered, there is a rush by the police to shakedown the victims under the pretext of a compromise. If the victims can’t or won’t pay up, the FIR with its litany of lies is transformed into a chargesheet verbatim and filed in unregulated, overburdened and increasingly corrupt trial courts. I have heard of very few instances when the allegations in the FIR were investigated and a final report being filed — closing the case as one without merit. Click here for the flowchart that will give you an idea about how a final report is filed.

It is very likely that Prashanth’s 498A case was investigated into as he and his family chose to fight. It is also likely that the police investigated the allegations as the normal route of transforming an FIR into a chargesheet would have invited scrutiny and brickbats from SIF volunteers .

I had a few reasons for uploading Prashanth’s final report:

  • To show ordinary folks that something called a final report exists.
  • To show them what it looks like, in order to enable them to ask for the same and get the police to INVESTIGATE along the lines of Prashant’s 498A final report.
  • To enable those already chargesheeted to have their cases re-investigated. This can be done by filing RTIs on the investigation conducted by the police. The RTI can be based on this final report. The results of the RTI can be used to petition the police higher ups.
  • To enable ordinary citizens to demand that they be treated equally and that an investigation into a criminal case is not just meant for the famous, the well heeled or the well connected.
  • To raise questions about the investigations, if any, conducted in 498A cases. There are over 60,000 498A cases filed per year, yet the rate of conviction, as per Ranjana Kumari’s organisation is just 2% (Click here for the CSR study on 498a).
  • How did all these cases end up in trial courts? How many of them were truly investigated? How many final reports were filed? Why is there is such a discrepancy in this ratio?

In Prashanth’s case, the final report is 30 pages long, double spaced, and include the allegations.. I will upload the FIR as soon as I get my hands on it. I have read a few FIRs and they all seem to come from a single template. Here are some of the common allegations listed in these FIRs including mine:

  • In-laws preventing the bride from contacting her family – invariably the phone is taken away.
  • Demand for dowry before and after the marriage, and non fulfillment of the demand leading to physical and mental harassment.
  • The bride being thrown out of the matrimonial home with just the clothes on her body.
  • The in-laws locking up the bride in a room.

Here are a few excerpts from the final report. :

  • She was subjected to dental check up and the dentist certified her teeth were in good condition.
  • She further complained that soon after the marriage, when she went to her in-laws house, Mr.Prashanth’s bedroom was not ready and the toilet was very worse. She was forced to stay in the living room. Her mother-in-law and sister-in-law used to harass her for not bringing enough jewellery, sarees and Dowry. Servants were not allowed to wash her clothes and to clean her toilet.
  • Whenever her in-laws leave the house, she was locked inside the house and the watchman was informed not to open the door.
  • She stated that since her passport was not returned to her, she could not take her ailing father abroad for best medical treatment, thereby she had lost her father and alleged that her father died only because of Mr.Prashanth. Hence she filed this complaint to punish her husband, her father-in-law and mother-in-law for the dowry demand, cruelty and harassment and also requested to return the valuable items left at her matrimonial house.

Here is the final report of Prashanth’s 498A case.

Prashant 498a Final Report (pdf)


44 Responses to “The 498A Final Report Of Filmstar Prashanth”

  1. 1 Gokul June 8, 2008 at 7:46 am

    I have never seen such authority(rightly so) in any police report – usually they just copy the FIR and forward it to the court as ‘charge-sheet’ – here some efforts are done and they have proved that they too can think and act. Hope this is a precedent for majority of cases to come.


  2. 2 Rahul Verma June 8, 2008 at 8:42 am

    For a change, the police has done some investigation and analysis. Good work 🙂


  3. 3 498A_Victim June 8, 2008 at 2:22 pm

    I wonder how much these people might have robbed from Prashant!!


  4. 4 Bijay June 9, 2008 at 5:00 am

    Hi friends,
    It is great to see the role of Police in Prasanth’s case. But can we convincingly say that it is an act of a sincere IO, or just he has acted neutrally since a big man was involved and pressures on the IO. Has the same IO treated other 498a cases with same enthu? If yes, then I salute him.

    But this case can be highlighted for creating awareness.



  5. 5 bharati June 13, 2008 at 12:26 pm

    In 498a everyone and anyone could just screw the husbands.
    Beit MLAs, actors etc. but in prashants case a combination of SIF and the complete ideological mistakes of his wifes lawyer Sudha Ramalingam prashant could show that yes it is not required to file Charge in eveyr case.
    use that as precendent in your case.
    HOw many celeberities have guts to fight . most of them pay and get away .
    Prashant is a SIF guy fighter to the core


  6. 6 Té la mà Maria June 16, 2008 at 6:33 am

    very good blog, congratulations
    regard from Catalonia Spain
    thank you


  7. 7 Ashok June 19, 2008 at 8:49 am

    Very good

    Very good


  8. 8 Nirmal Kumar July 3, 2008 at 11:20 am

    guys even i am a dowry victim… who will save me and my family. My in-laws file case against my whole family and we are running to court for more than six months.

    God please save this india. i beg this society to do something.


  9. 11 Shekhar July 13, 2008 at 11:54 am

    Hi ,

    When I heard that my in-laws have file the 498a against me I was shattered.
    Thanks for your survivor guide I really respect and salute you for spreading the awareness and giving the courage to fight the legal terrorism to lots of people.



  10. 12 anonymous July 26, 2008 at 12:24 am

    Killing is the only solution.

    Why cant you fight for yours/familys honour.



  11. 13 aneel kumar August 17, 2008 at 1:09 pm



  12. 14 Ashish Dixit October 28, 2008 at 7:33 pm

    No person has destiny like prashanth. Had it been any other case, the outcome was not as such like this. This is how criminals are formed.


  13. 16 raju November 16, 2008 at 9:08 am

    Psychic disorders like called ‘Narcissim’and borderline personality are not considered by the enquiry officers and our judiciary systems in cases like this. The persons with these disorders cannot be easily established in clinics as during short period as they can fool others and gain sympathy.In short such personalities will do anything to achieve what they think and they need a person or persons to be always submissive, sympathetic to them and worshipping them (known as ‘Narcissistic Supply sources’).For them they are always ‘right” no one other than he or she will be right


  14. 17 raju November 16, 2008 at 9:29 am

    Dear Dixit,
    I agree totally with your views. Had Prasanth been not affulent, just imagine his destiny.


  15. 18 Kunwar Jai Singh Som December 18, 2008 at 11:11 am

    This is a very good work for combating the the 498a Like dowery cases.
    Kunwar Jai Singh Somvanshi


  16. 19 498a Misuse Killer December 19, 2008 at 12:12 pm


    I am second Prashant. Thanks to support of SIFF &

    Police investigated the FIR with evidences provided by us & are very hopeful of clean chit or something similar.

    Read my story at :


  17. 20 kalpana February 22, 2009 at 4:03 pm


    i am victim of the dowry case,which is lodged by my brother’s wife on my parents and on my brother ofcourse. my parents were arrested on 8th of jan 09 and are out on bail. my brother and myself are on anticipatory bail. i would like to share the trauma which my parents are going through right now. my father has gone to depression and both of them are hospitalised. i am seeking legel guidance and emotional support for to fight in behalf of my parents.

    hope to get a reply


  18. 24 MANIKANDAN November 7, 2009 at 12:30 pm


    dont get misled. This was a case involving a bigwig who had the blessings of the high and mighty.No one in the Tamilnadu police has the competence and ability to file this report. Apparently it has been prepared at the behest of someone representing Prashanth himself.

    Anyway what is most important is the stupidity in closing the case as MOF, instead of closing it as a FALSE case and initiating action against the lady for filing a false case. Apparently the Tamilnadu police does not have the spine to take a woman to task.

    I need ur responses guys.



    • 25 Mohan June 8, 2012 at 5:28 am

      Mr Manikandan,

      In that case, which NGO or authority can legally investigate in to the details in Chennai that can be produced in the court of LAW.

      Have you dealt with a similar situation and have been able to get details and produced in the court of LAW to get a clean chit for any client that has been slapped with 498A accusation?

      Any suggestions are welcome.

      Thanks and regards.


  19. 26 veda March 20, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    In these 498a cases the investigating officer need to analyse basing on the fir, instead of blindly arresting the accused, later when they find that the accused in not guilty…just think of his life. Even the protectors of law should executive the laws in proper way.
    I would like to wish prashant Cgrts and all the best for getting out of this murky.


  20. 27 Ramesh April 13, 2010 at 2:03 am

    In Bhagavad Gita Krishna said it is not wrong to kill someone for a just cause. Women filing 498A are you listening?


  21. 28 Whomsoever May 24, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    Hey guys,we women are listening.dont beat around the bush.why did you push your wife to a situation where she had to file dowry case to safeguard her?you married her to live,what crap is on.i hve dowry case on my husband.that psychic kept bothering me for my salary and he wanted an apartment.he used to beat me up very badly and poured acid into my mouth once.i didnt die.but i couldn’t have proper food for two weeks.when my parents couldn’t afford an apartment,he married another gal in his native without my knowledge and went on a honeymoon.i realised his another marriage after a long time.he quickly ran into some village to hide.his family didnt bother about my life,all this for an punish such cheap guy,there is no quick rule in indian law.they ruined my life.


    • 29 Indian June 8, 2010 at 6:02 pm

      whomsoever it is indeed very tragic that you were made to drink acid. gosh!! this is so cruel and barbaric. i am glad that you are still alive.

      whatever you mentioned if that is true then its really really injustice made on you.

      i like your honesty in admitting that women use these laws to punish the guilty. no matter the law that is used to punish relates the crime reflected by the law or not. as you filed dowry case though no dowry was taken by you. but to punish that cruel human being in the name of man you used the law to quicky punish them.

      it is because of the bad men that women get wrong impression of men and vice-versa.

      this way fight will never end. what is the solution ?


    • 30 Indian June 8, 2010 at 6:03 pm


      whomsoever it is indeed very tragic that you were made to drink acid. gosh!! this is so cruel and barbaric. i am glad that you are still alive.

      whatever you mentioned if that is true then its really really injustice made on you.

      i like your honesty in admitting that women use these laws to punish the guilty. no matter the law that is used to punish relates the crime reflected by the law or not. as you filed dowry case though no dowry was taken by him from you. but to punish that cruel human being in the name of man you used the law to quicky punish them.

      it is because of the bad men that women get wrong impression of men and vice-versa.

      this way fight will never end. what is the solution ?


  22. 31 vimal October 3, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    subscribe the current events


  23. 32 vimal October 3, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    pls subscribe


  24. 33 Vishaal October 15, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    I was given th egift of 498A,406 and 365(Kidnapping of my son) on 30.9.2009 ,Police filed Final report in th emonth of October but My Ex-LAws and Smt.498A protested the Final report in court and the have got contradicting statements recorded in the court.
    This is done so that court can take cognizance against me and my parents.
    Thogh Judge in the past one year has been kind enough and has not taken any action on the protest by them,but he has sent me the feelers for compromise so that he can accept Final report and I have sent him feelers that NO COMPROMISE WITH 498A and her family.

    So this can also happen ,but final report does gives one edge.


  25. 34 krishankmittal October 16, 2010 at 3:51 am

    Pl put full name and adresses of all females who have logded false FIRs u /s 498a,306,and34 on the website.SIF foundation should put this information on their website for information of the public and for cross checking in case of remarriage.


  26. 35 Ashok K Rao October 22, 2010 at 9:37 am

    Dear all,
    This is nothing but a well planned and scripted extortion of money. This is being done by many families. Unless the Government and law making authorities come to the rescue of the families and the boys, the life of many innocent families, boys, fathers in law, mothers in law will be spoiled. An urgent action from the government and law making authorities is desired.
    ashok k rao
    8095179247 bangalore


  27. 36 Divya January 6, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    Can anyone please HELP me !!!
    It is nothing related to 498A but I want to know about the role of police in filing a final report in case of an FIR. Actually my relative has been framed in case of false allegations of 294, 504 and 506. Though he has obtained an anticipatory bail, but I want to know if the police files a favorable final report, will he be ridden of the problems of a court trial ??
    And can anyone suggest what can be done in such a case ??
    Will be very grateful if anyone helps.


  28. 37 Hemal February 7, 2013 at 3:58 am

    Manish sisodiya from Delhi has gone thru this n we need justice for this


  29. 39 Hemal May 13, 2013 at 1:15 am

    Lets take the gender out of the equation n treat both parties n women need to understand if u r not ready to commit in a relation then stay away no one is questing that . Prostitution in India is on rampage escort services n other shanti stuff is on rampage as well with the advent of Internet n change in outlook of our culture . We forget history human civilization harrapan n mohenjdharo !!!
    Lets not leave a crumpled society for future generation but rather a real educated n thinking society


  30. 40 Angel Mary September 6, 2013 at 6:03 am

    I really feel pitty for Prashanth. He has got best of everything as a son, as he always quotes.. This should not have happened to him. I really wonder how bold these people are to trap someone like this getting into a relationship. Please be aware and extra conscious while choosing your life partners.. as such incident should not happen to anyone.. especially for a celebrity like him… 😦


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  33. 43 SWAT Team - Anti Terrorism Group August 19, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    Gender Biased Laws .. A Precaution to Indian Men.

    For Work Place :
    1.its highly advised not to “Talk anything beyond the context of work”.
    2.Even if its work related “Never Call female employees on their Personal Mobile”.
    3.Don’t call them at odd hours even in case of work emergency.
    4.In case of Emergency like Fire when you exit the building in hurry make sure don’t touch any female in the process of trying to save your life. (Feminazis aka Legal Terrorists think Indian Men are perverted 24/7 * 365 * (natural life time of a women in India – 7))
    5.Don’t Enter into Lift alone with a female Employee.
    6.Don’t be alone with a female employee in cabins,conference rooms , cockpits are any other such confined places.
    7.Don’t Invite a Female Employee for a casual coffee or lunch.
    8.Don’t offer female employees Lift to home or any other places.
    9.If you use computers or tablets make sure you have a blank screensaver and blank wall paper.
    10.My Best Advice is Being Unemployed is the safest Thing”.

    Precautions for falling into Love :

    1.When Committing to a relationship kindly write a letter stating “You are not promising a marriage out of this relationship.any such claims made anytime during and after the relationship be the other party will be invalid” – get it signed be her and if possible from her parents. Make use of bond papers.

    2.Don’t Exchange Gifts of any nature including greeting or any such documents.

    3.Don’t Pose for intimate photos.

    4.Avoid Sexual Activity (Wondering?? )

    5.If She initiates kindly draft a letter saying “The sexual activity is initiated by the other party and will be happening in a future date , time and place” get it signed by her in presence of witness. make use of bond papers.

    6.If you are having the urge for it Make use of hands (Tips: try being ambidextrous for variety or any creative ideas ).

    7.Make sure she is not married.Ask her to provide a “Not Married” certificate” at the very beginning of the relationship.

    8.If you ignored point no.7 and fell in love with a married women, both she and her husband can screw you.

    9.If she is Divorced – get a certificate from her stating the Grounds of Divorce , Whether its a Mutual or Contested Divorce , Who Initiated the divorce if its a contested divorce , Whether any counter criminal cases lodged by her – “Not a 498A Girl Certificate”

    10.My Best Advice is not to fall in love.

    P.S : After reading this if you think better be homosexual , no you are wrong “sex with same sex is a criminal offense under 377″ – in my view this is also a gender biased law, when India recognizes transgenders as a new gender , why is LGBT community sex is a criminal offense.

    Precautions for Marriage :

    1.This is most important and tricky point , Study the girls family carefully , make use of internet resources, take some time to analyze and take a decision.

    2.Make sure the girl is not related to a Lawyer or Police Official in anyway (Father,Brother,Sister,Uncles,Aunts,Ex-Boyfriends)

    3.If the girl is a divorcee – get a “Not a 498A girl Certificate” – which should contain the Grounds of Divorce , Whether its a Mutual or Contested Divorce , Who Initiated the divorce if its a contested divorce , Whether any counter false criminal cases lodged by her.

    4.Get Married to a girl from Different state.

    5.Don’t buy properties of any nature in her Name.

    6.Don’t Lend Money to any of her relatives.

    7.Make Sure you don’t have any ancestral properties. in case if you have get legal advise and transfer them to someone else.

    8.Don’t Share Bank Lockers , Don’t Share Joint Accounts.

    9.Don’t Invest Any Funds or FD in your Wife Name.

    10.Don’t Share passwords of emails , bank accounts etc.,

    11.In Short don’t go for a Marriage.


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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women

In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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The family of the writer was tortured by the Indian Police in an attempt to extort over a $100,000 by holding them in custody for over a week. The police, in cahoots with the magistrate and the PP, did this due to the ridiculous allegations made in a 498A case by his embittered ex-wife. She filed the case years after he and his family had last seen her. Thousands of 498A cases are filed each year in India by women seeking to wreak vengeance on their husbands and in-laws. Enormous sums are extorted from intimidated families implicated in these cases by corrupt Indian police officers and elements of the Indian judiciary. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees.

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June 2008