Maintenance and Divorce Laws In India

This is an article by Sumanth in

Here is the link: Maintenance and Divorce Laws In India

Text is given below:

Disclaimer: This article is not from an expert in Judicial matters. So, the author or Desicritics takes no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences arising out of following the procedures explained here.

As I keep talking with many of my friends on the issue of divorce, child custody and alimony, I was shocked to find that most of them have absolutely no knowledge about the laws related to marriage and the court procedures. Many think divorce is just a cake walk and others think the woman gets 50% of the guy’s salary or even property if the couple have a divorce.

In India, family courts can pass an interim order on maintenance to a spouse when s/he is separated from the other spouse with minor marital conflict, with a decree of judicial separation or if one of the spouses has applied for divorce. So, a lawsuit for divorce or judicial separation is not mandatory to apply for monthly maintenance.

Interim maintenance order remains valid till the permanent maintenance order is given by the court during the divorce.

The maintenance amount is calculated (approximately) by taking into account the total monthly take home income (ie. without tax) of both the spouses. The educational background of the spouses, the number of years of marriage, number of children and child custody are also major factors, which govern the maintenance amount. Maintenance amount can also depend on who well the lawsuit has been fought by the advocates of both parties. The spouse with lesser income or no income can get a maintenance amount, which will make his/her complete earnings (plus maintenance) to be equal to 20% to 30% of the above total monthly income.

For example, if the husband has a take home income of one lac per month and the wife has a take home income of twenty thousand and they have no children in a marriage of 2 years, then the wife can theoretically get Rs.4000 as maintenance. How? The total take home income is one lac and twenty thousand and twenty percent of it comes to Rs.24,000. So, the woman gets Rs.4000 per month, so that her total income (her income+maintenance) becomes Rs.24,000.

If the couple have a child and the woman has the child custody, then she may get a maintenance amount of Rs.10,000 to Rs.16,000 per month so that her total income becomes Rs.30,000 to Rs.36,000 per month. Apart from that there can also be a judicial order defining the details on how the expenses for high studies of the child are shared. If the child decides to stay with the father after the age of 5, then the maintenance amount to the woman gets reduced accordingly.

If a woman’s income is at least half of her husband’s income, then most often she may not get any maintenance.

Similarly in a marriage of six months, if the wife is not working, but she has a masters degree and the husband has a monthly take home income of rupees one lac, then she may get a maintenance amount between Rs.8,000 to Rs.12,000 per month. Why? Because the argument would be that she has the capability to work and support herself.

Sometimes, the wife is also ordered to pay maintenace to the husband when the husband has a very small or no income compared to his wife’s income. In recent past, such orders are passed by high courts in Cuttack and Lucknow much to the annoyance of some feminists and media. But, laws have to be the same irrespective of gender. Is not it?

So, economically empowered women do not get maintenance or they may even have to pay maintenace to their husbands in case of divorce.

The maintance amount can get higher if its a long marriage. The parents can also claim maintenace from their grown up earning children. Even though, it is not clear, if they can claim maintenance from their earning daughters as today daughters have equal property inheritance rights.

It must be noted that neither the husband nor the wife can make claims on the property(residential or otherwise) of the other during divorce. So, some intelligent men make sure to get residential property registered only in their name, when they apply it through a bank loan. But, most other foolish men (being misguided by the builders) register the property in joint names, while its the man who pays fully for the bank EMIs. In case of marital conflict and divorce, the condition of such men becomes extremely miserable as they are already under a debt of rupees 20 lacs to 30 lacs and the wives make a claim on it apart from the maintenace they may get in the court. I know, some other men asking their working wives to pay for half of the property and loan so that the property can be registered in both names. These wives sometimes start complaining that he is asking dowry as they feel its only a man’s duty to provide for the family and the common expenses.

A woman or man stops getting maintenance from his/her spouse once s/he gets remarried unless they have a child. So, often women ask for a one time out of court settlement (or alimony) in stead of divorce. The man may agree to it or he can decline to it saying that he would prefer to give monthly maintenace.

For young guys (say techies within age group of 25 to 30) in marital conflicts, the maintenance amount given to their non working wives can be between Rs.2000. to Rs.7,000 (if they earn a salary between Rs.18,000 to Rs.50,000) provided they have no children.

So, often lawyers advise the women to file false dowry cases, so that the woman can force the guy to pay up a huge settlement/alimony (out of the court) in stead of going for a monthly maintenance. A monthly maintenance of Rs.3000 is in no way comparable to an one time alimony of Rs.10 lacs. But, the guy becomes bankrupt in such a situation as he ends up not only losing all his savings, but also takes loan from family and friends. He not only pays the alimony, but also ends up spending time in jail with his family, loses reputation, may be even the job, pays bribes to the police to stop harassing his family and the huge legal expense for bails and fighting the multiple cases. There is no way he can think of marrying again as he simply has no money to pay for even the marriage expenses. Of course, the painful experience can also keep him miles away from the very word marriage. On the otherhand, the woman’s dowry case is fought by the public prosecutor(ie. the lawyer from the State paided by the taxpayer’s money).

Its is alleged by some that the lawyers of both sides may also profit from this kind of a settlement. Its not at all surprising, if a husband finds himself cornered by his own lawyer, who keeps on pestering to go for a settlement, pay alimony, marry another girl (immediately) and live happily ever after.

The child is an important factor in a marital conflict, especially when the child is below the age of five. Fathers have natural right to child visitation. But, women can often evade the instructions/law and deny child visitation rights to the fathers. I have seen such fathers being allowed to meet their children once in a week or two just for an hour in the family court complex in Bangalore as in the police keeps dragging chained criminals into the vehicles in the background.

Today, as fathers get sensitive towards their children, it can lead to misery in case of a marital conflict, as there are no shared parenting laws in India and the child visitation rights may not get strictly enforced. This can mean, men may not prefer to have a child for many years in a marriage, if they have doubts on whether the marriage will sustain. They can also think of furthering their professional career in stead of spending time on bringing up the child. If the wife wants to have a child, then it can further escalate the conflict into a vicious circle, finally leading to a situation where the woman starts accusing the guy as being impotent. In year 2002, Media (especially the ToI-Let Tabloid) picked up such situations and presented it as “a lot of male Software Engineers are impotent”. God knows, why they are not with that story now-a-days and are in stead focusing on stories of casual sex in parking lots, bathrooms of IT and BPO companies.


510 Responses to “Maintenance and Divorce Laws In India”

  1. 1 manmohan April 21, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    Sir, i shall be grateful for information on the following issue:

    My son and his wife had been a loving couple for the first four years of marriage. My son got stricken with Multiple sclorisis six months after marriage. He had no noticeable effect but during the last two years, he has some walking difficulty and weekness in left limbs. He earns 1 lac per month and his wife 55K after taxes. She is a MSc PHD. My son bought a 1 BHK flat entierly before the marriage. His wife is asking for a divorce. Are there any maintenance/property liabilities to my son?

    Please, please please reply on my id



    • 2 maria August 8, 2014 at 11:38 am

      This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me….My name is maria cooker … My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa ork who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa ork brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa ork e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa ork is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man…If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa ork today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here’s his contact: Thank you great ork. Contact him for the following:

      (1)If you want your ex back.
      (2) if you always have bad dreams.
      (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
      (4)You want women/men to run after you.
      (5)If you want a child.
      (6)[You want to be rich.
      (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
      (8)If you need financial assistance.
      (9)Herbal care
      10)Help bringing people out of prison
      Contact him today on:


      Liked by 1 person

      • 3 conchita September 26, 2014 at 6:54 am



      • 4 lovebug May 18, 2015 at 5:02 pm

        spell caster.. are u kidding me??? people here are in real problem and you are suggesting this stupid way to lost more money?? u are out of your mind….. stop promoting such people …


      • 5 Abhishek September 2, 2015 at 11:13 am

        Hamm. , there is one uncle also …uncle Zozo ..


      • 6 498aNvrTkHerBk July 14, 2016 at 9:47 am

        Yea right! Let us all go to great ork and get our ex back (her lover can also go to him and get her back) , get a promotion (everyone in the team can get promotion you know), we will all become rich (everyone in world) no one is poor and the richest of all will be great ork and yea let us all kill, loot money and go to jail and come out using great ork !!!


      • 7 Neel Lohit January 14, 2018 at 7:01 pm

        this shd be the approach…discuss and resolve. Marital issues will be there but divorce and 498A is not the right path. Advocates -some of them- are brainwashing Indian women and so is the media.There is NO GLORY in the wife filing 498 and no brilliance in the man abandoning his wife either.


      • 8 EvilDragon January 15, 2018 at 5:19 am

        OFcourse. That’s all we need. Spell casters.


    • 9 Advocate Veena January 4, 2017 at 5:44 am

      call me 9619420806 after 5.30 PM


  2. 10 Kuldip Singh Lamba April 22, 2009 at 1:12 pm

    My sons wife parted company on her own accord and lived for just 19 days in matrimonial home in the total 48 days married life. She is a graduate with 2 diplomas in cloth designing and textile designing. She can earn her livelyhood. The most she can extract from her husband may not be more than 3K per your calculations. My fear is how long will he have to support her in case she dose not marry.


  3. 11 Rishi Nayar June 13, 2009 at 7:32 am

    Dear Sir,

    Me my my wife living separately for two years after one year she filed case of “restitution of Conjuvial Rights”
    now in last hearing she has applied for the Interim maintenance,I have one daughter out of the Wed lock,
    Plz suggest can i claim the natural right the child and what will be the Maintenance court can grant her, actually she has dserted the hosue by herself and also after two years of Marriage we have filed mutual consent for Divorce later we planned to stay back.
    Now suggest me the best way as now i want Divorce from her.
    Thanks and regards


  4. 12 aanal September 12, 2009 at 12:07 pm

    3 years ago i hd file 498 and 125 case, both the case are can i file DVA and Streedhan case ? is there any rules for time limit in filing any case?


  5. 13 mili February 7, 2010 at 7:06 pm


    I was physically abused by my husband for a long period of time. We are married for 10 years and bear 2 boys ( 6yrs and 3 yrs). Unable to bear with the pain, i was compelled to file for divorce and consequently left the country without my children. Meanwhile my children were with my husband. I was not permitted to even talk to them over the phone. On my return , i was emotionally blackmailed that the only way i could see my children is if i withdrew my divorce petition. so i did that. then we proceeded to file for sec 13b mentioning that the legal custody of my children will be with the father. I am allowed to visit my children for only 2-3 hours every 2 weeks.
    My question here is how can i keep my children overnight during weekends and through the summer vacation with me while the court takes its own course of time to pass the divorce decree. What is my visitation right during trial perios as a mother of the 3 year old and 6 year old?


    • 14 sam November 10, 2011 at 9:10 pm

      hi mili, according to the court laws. you have full rights of guardianship towards the boy who is 3 years of age. the hindu minority and guardianship act says that. if the child is less than 5 years of age.the mother has the rights of full guardianship over the child.


    • 15 Vinod Shroff November 26, 2011 at 12:00 am

      You can apply under sec 6(a) of HM and Guardianship Act, 1956.
      it reads ” …… provided that custody of a minor who has not completed the age of five years shall ordinarily with the mother.”

      You have right of custody, not Guardianship.


    • 16 siranjeet sandhu May 2, 2012 at 2:35 pm

      leave ur children with ur hubby and find new life partner. u get visiting rights as these citation help u

      1 Paramjit Singh Lamba vs Prabjot Kaur AIR 2004 Delhi 318
      2 Manju Tiwari Vs Rajendra Tiwari AIR 1990 SC 1156-57

      for any query contact me on my email id


      • 17 lipsa dash February 22, 2015 at 12:10 pm

        sir,my husband is a HAIVAN.I don’t want to go with him.Last time,when I was there..they (my husband and in-laws)were not fulfil their .today I alive..if I will go with them.100% sure,they kill me..I know,my husband will never give me divorce..they want my dad’s one third property..I want to start new life.without can i ???

        Liked by 1 person

      • 18 lipsa dash February 22, 2015 at 12:17 pm

        sorry sir,I forget,I have no child..I came from him.after four month of marriage.I am here (parental house.with my mom and dad) from last sixteenth month..


    • 19 Sam May 27, 2012 at 7:17 am

      Yes you can file for visitation rights under section 12. You may want to consult a layer for that. The visitation rights can be increased with time.


  6. 20 mark July 14, 2010 at 11:01 pm


    I filed for a divorce under exceptional hardship after 8 months of my marriage. My wife is asking for a huge settlement amount which I cannot afford to pay.

    We have been staying separate for two years now, Is there any law which can help me out getting a divorce as she does not want to settle on a reasonable amount.

    We have been having arguments in court for two years now. Nothing has been finalized yet, no maintenance but she has got Rs 2 lacs when me and my family members got bail.

    She is expecting around 25 lacs from me now and I cant afford it.

    Please help me out if there is some law or any mediation center through which I can get out of this mess.

    Your help would be higly appreciated.


  7. 25 RAM July 17, 2010 at 3:12 am

    Dear Sir,

    My brother who is an australian citizen divorced his wife who is a graduate. They have a son of around 1 year at the time of divorce.( The divorce of after a married life of about 12-14 years).
    The divorce is given by court in india on mutual consent basis @ Rs.30000/- per month maintenance terms till the child attains age of 18 years.

    He was under pressure and did not realise the consequences and okeyed it. Incidentally he is having debts in australia and is paying the monthly maintenance every month after lot of hardship. The lady has returned back to india and is india itself. My brother is now married to an other lady and is having difficulty in meeting expenses. They are planning to have kids of their own. Kindly advise .

    The lady is having good property. As such there are no other differences. Pl. advise.


  8. 26 KAUSHAL THAKRAR August 4, 2010 at 10:48 am













  9. 30 Prasant October 17, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    Hi ,
    I got married on July 2009. Me and my wife were staying separately from the begining of our marriage, as she has to finish her enginnering .We stayed together atmost 3 month.We don’t have any child .

    For last few months i was noticing,she is not interested to spent the rest of her life with me as it was a forced marriage by her parents which i was unaware.She was showing her unwillingness to join me .

    She has filed a 498-a case against me and all of my family members.The intention behind this seems to be , they want monthly mantainance money till she gets a somebody (she might have got sb also).She can wait for 5 year also bcoz her age is only 22 year but i can’t .Once she decides to get a divorce they may claim huge amnt of one-time alimoney.

    We want to get a divorce asap by giving one-time alimoney as this has became a mental trauma for my whole family.

    How much % of take home income i have to give, if i lost the mantainance case.Once she gets a good amnt of money she is not going to give divorce in near future.
    Could you plz help me to win the mantainace case and also to get a divorce asap.

    Please reply to my email:


    • 31 A M Chauhan, IPS retd, Advocate,09925108633,Ahmedabad December 18, 2013 at 6:34 pm

      I can help u after seeing the papers,getting the details.


      • 32 raghav April 8, 2014 at 9:54 am

        my brother is going through similar charges . the girl and her family first filed false 498 a charges followed by one time settlement in family court again on same false allegations plus added more false allegations.

        i need to get legal advice . kindly get in touch asap


    • 33 krunal March 21, 2017 at 3:11 pm

      You should not go with one time alimony, as if she even gets married in 5 years = 60 months , and as she has a degree and capable to work you can manage to give 8-12% of your monthly income, which will be less than one time alimony definitely. so sit back and relax, and agree to pay maintenance per month than one time alimony.


  10. 34 confused girl November 27, 2010 at 7:10 am

    i have big confusion about my marriage. before 3 years i did registered love-marriage. after that having many family problems i couldn’t live my marriage life. after one big crush i am totally disagreed to live with that person.he has cheat me.
    till date i am leaving with my family. now i want to know that my marriage is voidable? and if not ,so what should i do for divorce? and if that person is disagree with me than what i should do..this is very big question mark on my life..please reply me soon.
    hope for favorable reply.

    reply me on


    • 35 Gurnani March 9, 2011 at 9:11 pm

      Dont be confused.Be Bold in Life…

      When you say that it’s a Love marriage.He also should have loved you…If he loved you,Even his life has got spoiled…Did you ever the considered pain he has/had gone through after missing you…

      What’s the way your husband cheated you?

      What are the family problems you faced?What is the problem with him?

      If any problem with him,try to counsel him with his friends/relatives.

      Are you Major by the time of your Marriage?

      The marriage would be void only if you married as a Minor.

      If he agrees for divorce,what are your next plans of your future?

      Is there any guarante,that you will be happy after divoce and remarriage when you are not able to adjust with your loved one’s?

      Try to explain your problems and make him to understand the difficulties you are facing with him…After all he is your husband…He will definetely listen you…

      Already it was 3 yrs you got seperated and he also should have suffered and changed alot…TIME CHANGES EVERYTHING/EVERYONE…VALMIKI A THIEF , CHANGED AND GIVEN US RAMAYANA …It’s after all a husband…WILL CHANGE FOR HIS LOVED ONE’s…

      Wait for sometime…Life is Precious for both Men and Women.That very few people will get a chance to live together with loved one’s

      Simple immaturities may make a person unbalanced.No human wants to be bad and spoil his/her life…


      Can reach me on


      • 36 BM Chandrashekar August 18, 2011 at 1:33 pm

        Really a great & soothing humanitarian advice to that girl by you . You are simple, sweet & great.


      • 37 Kamal October 10, 2011 at 12:26 am

        Thanks for your good advice.. Really it is absolutely true… I am completely agree with your opinion.. If this type of situations coming then both parties are suffuring and taking pain.

        All family problems are coming due to lack of meture thinking, good believeness, good understanding, proper obligation, right decision etc…

        But sometimes problems are coming due to improper interferance of others like woman’s parents, brothers or other persons.

        My family problem :

        Sorry to say that i am also going to similar problem due to immature thinking, improper obligation to me and my parents. Still her perents are supporting to her even everybody knows she is wrong. GOD knows why they are doing like this. They always want to see me down. even my wife also supporting from her parents side.

        My father is a retd. high school teacher and very humble. I am the only son of my family. I am 32 Yrs old now. I have a younger sister and got married. Now i am also working. I have married since 2 1/2 yrs. she is M.Sc ( Math ). her father is also working in shipyad, Vizag. Her 2 brothers are also working in MNCs and since 3 to 4 yrs they are working from abroad. so that they earned a lot. if we will go for tradition up to before generation then nobody educated except these 2 brothers. They all are very lier and crual and proudy. Always her parents and brothers giving spoon feeding to her. suppose if a small disturbance happened in between us today night then next day the same information has been informed to them over phone by my wife. then they are feeding some poison medicine to her mind and she is behaving me and my parents like a barking DOG. so that i will suggest her not to tell like this to me or my parents. but no influence fall upon her.

        Anyway still Me and My parents are loving her very much even if we are going through very painfull time. I am always thust to GOD. He is the right person to show everybody to proper path.

        Thanks and Regards,


      • 38 Miss Divine October 10, 2011 at 1:03 am

        Dear Kamal,
        After reading your comment I feel that may be things can be sorted out and may be they are not out of control yet. I would suggest you speak to her openly about your expectations and problems, and listen to her openly.
        If that doesn’t work and if you either end up fighting or can’t open up, I think you must meet a good marriage councellor. They are quite helpful in putting some sense in people and making them realise if they have been worng. If you love her and want to work on your marriage, pls do visit a good councellor.


      • 39 Vinod Shroff November 26, 2011 at 12:05 am


        well done, I appreciate your big lecture. it worth.


      • 40 Prabhu March 4, 2012 at 8:06 am

        Really great.


      • 41 rashi January 5, 2014 at 12:53 pm

        I Raise a FIR against my husband and his family as he left me and my 1 year old child in Pune, and went back to his parents. He emotionally physically financially and mentally harnessed me. At the time of marriage he was suffering from some decease, but he and his parents deliberately hided. After FIR within 4 hour he and his family members got bail. They are enjoying there life, I am fighting for maintenance. I am innocent still I am suffering. They should be punished, but they are enjoying. Please help me on it. My advocate suggest its a lengthy procedure to get justice. I have lots of mental stress. I am working, and such stress is effecting my work as well.I have my kid as well to take care. My husband is not supporting financially as well. Please help me.


      • 42 Advocate Atwal January 5, 2014 at 12:58 pm

        call me at 09699717999


      • 43 Swathi May 6, 2015 at 10:18 pm

        Very good Advice..I respect you and agree with you.


    • 44 neeraj January 17, 2014 at 5:21 am

      I think u should ask him finaly if he is ready you should not put that black spot to ur future.u will b treated as a divorcy. Talk resolve it nd dnt spoil ur future coz of families.At th same time if he is not willing to live with u then move on go for a mutual divorce.and find someone tell the trueth start a new life but be carefull in choosing th next one. I also had love marriage arround 3 years ago .but we never lived together she just dint want to lose me thats why she tied me after her parents got to knw her parents said they will do it they its been 3 years they are not sending her nd she has been requesting me to wait I dnt trust them I feel like shattered. nd m also confused wht to do… plz suggest me. By mailing on my id.


  11. 45 Rajeev Sharma December 28, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    I got married on 14th December 2006; my wife started harassing me from the day one. She did not allow me even to touch her with some hidden goal in her mind. So the marriage could not be consummated. There was no sexual relation between us. She stayed with me for 1-½ months only from 14-12-2006 to 12-2-2007 as she went to her father’s house 3 times during this period.

    She left the matrimonial house on 12-2-2007 willingly on her own with all jewellary & other items given to her by our side on Goad Bharai. She is now staying at her father’s residence for the last 3 ½ years.

    She with her father falsely accused of Sexual Incompetence just after 4 months of marriage i.e. in April 4, 2007 meeting. With these false accusations & other false charges she with her father went to Mahila Ayoug Delhi on 7th March 2008. The case was closed on 2-12-2008 as I provided Sexual Competence certificate from RML Hospital.

    When she did not come back to the matrimonial house even when two years passed a Divorce Petition as filed by me on 17-3-2009. Instead of giving answers to main petition she filed maintenance application under Section 24. By insisting court let them file first answers of main petition then decide about maintenance. By forcing again & again she finally submit answers.

    She filed for Maintenance under Section 24. Court orders – to give her Rs.4500/- pm as maintenance from the date of case file & Rs. 9000/- for legal expenses.

    A wife who has deserted her husband willingly on her own and falsely accused him of sexually incompetence she should not be entitled of Maintenance.


    • 46 Rajeev Sharma December 28, 2010 at 5:57 pm

      I got married on 14th December 2006; my wife started harassing me from the day one. She did not allow me even to touch her with some hidden goal in her mind. So the marriage could not be consummated. There was no sexual relation between us. She stayed with me for 1-½ months only from 14-12-2006 to 12-2-2007 as she went to her father’s house 3 times during this period.

      She left the matrimonial house on 12-2-2007 willingly on her own with all jewellary & other items given to her by our side on Goad Bharai. She is now staying at her father’s residence for the last 3 ½ years.

      She with her father falsely accused of Sexual Incompetence just after 4 months of marriage i.e. in April 4, 2007 meeting. With these false accusations & other false charges she with her father went to Mahila Ayoug Delhi on 7th March 2008. The case was closed on 2-12-2008 as I provided Sexual Competence certificate from RML Hospital.

      When she did not come back to the matrimonial house even when two years passed a Divorce Petition as filed by me on 17-3-2009. Instead of giving answers to main petition she filed maintenance application under Section 24. By insisting court let them file first answers of main petition then decide about maintenance. By forcing again & again she finally submit answers.

      She filed for Maintenance under Section 24. Court orders – to give her Rs.4500/- pm as maintenance from the date of case file & Rs. 9000/- for legal expenses.

      A wife who has deserted her husband willingly on her own and falsely accused him of sexually incompetence she should not be entitled of Maintenance.

      Kindly Reply :


    • 47 siranjeet sandhu May 2, 2012 at 2:46 pm

      she might have said u impotent verbally/orally in society just to defame u if she had given in written statement it may amounts to cruelty and defamation and may be good ground for divorce


      • 48 siranjeet sandhu May 2, 2012 at 2:51 pm

        but ur marriage is not consummated and court may not count this as desertion(leaves u without just and sufficient cause)


  12. 49 JITURAJ February 8, 2011 at 6:09 am

    Boss do one thing,get second marrieg agin with a good girl,and do not disclose this to any body only your family aware of this,befor marrieg tell all throuth to your second wife to whom you are going to marry,tell her if she is a good girl she will never denied for marry LIVE YOUR LIFE and let the case running no problem, see how long they will fight with you,after 2….3…year latter they will cum to you and asking for compramise.but the IMPORTANT THIS IS THAT NO BODY NOW ABOUT YOUR SECOND MARRIEG TILL 2 YEARS.



    • 50 krunal March 21, 2017 at 3:31 pm

      Don’t give wrong advice to him, he is already facing issues and if the second one will trap him, he will have to suicide.


      • 51 krunal March 21, 2017 at 3:33 pm

        and if the first one will get to know about the second marriage, she will ruin this men’s and new women’s life completely, with other legal actions.


  13. 52 Sandesh Mane March 21, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    Sir, I would like to have information on my divorce issue.

    I have filed a divorce case for separation from my wife. My marraige is 3 years old.We have got a kid having a medical problem and its with my wife. SHe is earning around 45000/- per month and my salary is around 1 lac per month. Till the date of separtion I have paid all the expenses for my child and even hers. I had even repayed her personal loan of 5 lacs which she has taken it before marraige. But still she has never contributed to my home expenses after marraige.
    Now she has applied for interim maintanence…will I have to pay it..If there is maintanence issue can I claim the 5 lacs amount I payed for her. I have all the proofs with me.Infact it was my mothers fixed deposit money. Wat kind of amount will come for me to give as maintanence to my wife. I dont mind paying for my child but is there ny way that I can ensure that compensation is used for my child only?.Please let me know.


    • 53 amit May 5, 2013 at 7:49 am

      you paid 5 lacs for her personal loan, that now becomes a stree dhan, you cannot claim back from her at any cost.

      Compensation for chid has to be paid but you can only verify if child is getting proper schooling, clothing and shelter, beyond that it becomes difficult to verify if the money is used only for the child.


  14. 54 Divya Bharathan April 6, 2011 at 11:26 am

    Sir, I am Divya, working in an IT Company-30K salary at Bangalore. My husband gets 60K. We have been married since 2 years and have a 6 month old girl baby. I’m only child for my parents. My husband and in-laws harassed me a lot and my parents. I had Placenta Complication and was on “Loss Of Pay” for 1 year. My father passed away due to heartattack during my Pregnancy period, due to my husband’s and F-in-law’s torture. After the C-delivery, within a month, he drew me and my mother out of the house with our premature baby. I was at my native at Coimbatore(Tamilnadu)then for 5 months. He didn’t come to see our kid, though I kept on calling him over phone. Nor gave us any financial support, though I was on LOP. I had taken Salary advance of 30k from my company. Not only that, he vacated the house and shifted to a new place and demanded->If he has to accept me and kid, then he and his parents demanded me that 1)I should Leave my mother and 2)Give them my full salary”. I couldn’t leave my widow mother, especially when I’m only daughter for her. Henceforth I came to Bangalore recently with my mother & my 6 month baby. Stayed in lodge. Searched for a house. Joined work recently. Since 6 months, after 4 counseling sessions went into vain, atlast per mine and the old house owner’s evidence and witness, the Police Filed FIR under Sec 498a and DP Act 3&4. Also with the help of lawye, filed for Maintenance(20K per month and 4 lakh compensation)in Court. He was arrested last week, under JC and released on bail. In today’s(Apr 6th 2011) court hearing, he didn’t appear. Instead his lawyer asked for time till 15th April. Though his office is near the court, he didn’t turn up even for Mediation. I was also not opting for “Interim order”. The judge henceforth ordered his lawyer to present him before court on 18th Apr.

    Its really pathetic when I keep roaming with my kid for justice. I’m really getting worried as how this would go about. Please help or suggest as how I should go about. Awaiting your valuable response.



    • 55 Divya April 7, 2011 at 6:01 am

      Sir, please reply to

      Thanks again.


      • 56 Siva April 23, 2011 at 6:32 pm

        Dear Divya, Unfortunately you have broken your marriage. What ever may be your story of harassment you should have done either of the two. 1. You should have discussed with your husband about a mutual agreement for settling your misunderstanding. Marriage is a sacred relationship which needs a lot of understanding and adjustments like any other relationships. 2. If a proper agreement could not have arrived then you should thought about separating amicably. Unfortunately you have chosen to file a false dowry case against your husband and made him to go to Jail. Now nothing can be done to restore your marriage. You won’t get any benefit from fighting in court. It is going to be more pain for both of you guys. At this point the right advise for you will be to help him quash your false dowry case in High court and ask him for Mutual divorce and some maintenance amount for your daughter and live in piece. Take a break and move forward in life and plan to remarry some one else who would suit you more and would be more understanding. If you chose to do anything else then its for sure you will be in more misery.


      • 57 humanbeing April 27, 2011 at 10:38 am

        Dear Divya,

        you have filed true cases if any cruelity has been done. you r educated & r working. people not earning also fight for their rights. y should you not fight against injustice. u tried for reconciliation effort. if it is not possible.. move on. there is no life without problems. join some support group who can help u. there will be difficult times in every one’s life. tolerating injustice is more grave crime then doing injustice. criminal must be punished to stop further crime


      • 58 advsushilkumarjain November 6, 2011 at 1:06 pm

        Innocent women will never file 498A, only GUILTY / CORRUPTED women files 498A who is SHAME LESS, FEELING LESS, HONOR LESS, MISLEADING, CHEAP THINKING FROM CHEAP CLASS FAMILY to hide the facts and her family sin. How can a man live and spend his whole life with such a women? Filing a complaint under section 498A is as easy as ordering an idli sambar to a road side vendor and actually, it is easier—the vendor may refuse to provid:e the dish but the police cannot refuse to listen to bride grooms. “Arey kanoon banane wale, aap ke ghar mein baap, bhai ya bete hai ke nahi? Let her proceed with the 498A,bcz the husband side conviction rate is less than 2% in all india and 0.6 % in Bangalore. There is remedy to FALSE 498A too:1) Criminal Defamation under IPC 500 for financial compensation 2) IPC 211 – is applicable (when a false 498a case is going on i.e. UNDER TRIAL)-(Imp : SAME COURT AND SAME MEGISTRATE CAN TAKE CONGNIZANCE- NOT EVEN HC/SC). The Result of husband filing 211 : If the husband side is convicted then husband side GOES TO JAIL (Convicted) – (husband side NOT loosing anything here as they are already accused), if husband side is NOT CONVICTED (Acquitted) then the WIFE SIDE GOES TO JAIL… !


    • 59 maddy June 24, 2011 at 1:02 pm

      hi divya.dont worry things will be right and steady be calm think wht to do..Kick that me i will kick him..sorry to say that..but the way he treated he is not a human..dont worry…myself madhavan frm bangalore..i dont have any parents im an orphan…be bold and brave..if yu feel yu can call me or msg me my num 9019736400….. and also take care of yur mom come wht may happen and also yur child….


    • 60 Gopal August 16, 2011 at 12:33 pm

      1. This law is really pathetic and is causing divorce. If we look back to Our parents, they also lived together and adjusted there habits but they were never be under influence of relatives, especially women, because once a girl comes out of her fathers house she was taught to accept her new parents and family. This may sound as old thoughts but, this is a reality that the lessons which parents gave to their daughter matters a lot, whether it is year 1880 0r 2080. There is a reason why our parents are still celebrating their Anniversary, because the women knows that her husband is the one who will take care of her when she need and vice versa. Its not like husband is god, but he is your love and your better half as you filed dowry case though no dowry was taken by you. but to punish that cruel human being in the name of man you used the law to quicky punish them
      But things are changed, girls give a damn to a relation and can take care of there own. They dont want a relation and dont want in laws. They want freedom or so called SPACE in life. But they never realized they are killing a Relation by demanding something which is sometime not feasible to every one. She dont want her hubbies parents to live in the same house and dont want to respect them.
      Now putting such cases on husband who used to love her and filling all her demands is surly a cheating and betrayal. Elder parents who enjoyed their life are now facing such shock in the crucial years of their life. No one can imagine their pain and frustration. A girl whom they expect to be a family person tries to break, dis-troy their family. Poor husband, tries to make everything right but fails against SPACE issue and sick mentality. Apart from space issue this law is also used as blackmail and extortion. easy way to earn money or in other words Legal way of extortion. This is a criminal act to misuse such laws.
      Wakeup parents, especially girls parents, give some good thoughts to your daughter. Days are gone when people used to ask for dowry. Husbands are earning well and knows the law and if the girl is also working then let them go and enjoy their life. Dont break if you cant make anyone happy. Life is simple if we make a relation not just for the sake of selfishness.


      • 61 babu August 18, 2011 at 4:03 am

        wonderfull…. well said dear friend……


      • 62 prashanth August 23, 2011 at 10:03 am

        very well said, hope my wife reads it


      • 63 Kamal October 10, 2011 at 12:51 am

        Hi Friend,

        You are truely my friend who spoke true thing of life.

        GOD bless you my friend…

        Now-a-days allmost all family problems due to girls parents.

        Husband and Wife relation is very holy relation but girl’s parents are creating some unavoidable situation sothat the happy married life has been spoiled like me. Also i am blemming to my wife that she never believe me where as she never take any decesion from her heart.



      • 64 pintu November 8, 2011 at 2:22 pm

        it is realy wondeful thought everyone should read especially wife and his father.


      • 65 Shraddha Shah June 5, 2012 at 6:45 pm

        Hey…you man have habit of rule and dominate girls and her family..This tradition are coming from time has chage


      • 66 sandhya October 14, 2013 at 5:52 pm

        hi gopal…..dowry abhi bhi maangi jaati hai, dowry demand abhi bhi poori tarah active hai. mere husband IT company me hain aur unke gharwalo ne isi baat par 10 lakh dahej demnad ki kyunki unka package 7 lacs/PA tha…..aur isiliye meri shaadi aaj khatam hone par hai… aisa mat kaho ki dahej abhi koi nahi maangta, jo log shaadi ke baad bhi dahej ke liye bahu ko pareshaan kare, un in-laws ki seva ladki kyu kare, she is not a servant


      • 67 Lipsa Dash August 8, 2014 at 4:43 pm

        Hi Gopal,
        aap sayad apni jagah sahi ho sakte hono,par koi bhi ladki ki maa,baap kyun
        chahenge..apni khud ki beti ki ghar barbad ho..yeh sab hote hai..bete ki maa ki insecure feel hone ki darr se..mere saas ki hisab se BETE BOHU KI KHUSHI baad main, pahele hame respect nahin mila..iski bare main sochiye..respect means dowry kam ho gaya..relatives ke samne hum be
        ijjat hue..bolte hai senior citizen..woh log hi unke jamane ki tradition,system batakar jyada disturbance karte hai..
        sorry,if I am wrong..


      • 68 preeti November 2, 2017 at 11:29 am

        are u are not place of that girl or even on many others girls in indians and where are living dowry is still a major curse in our society…it is easy to gyan baatana bt now its clear u men always same weather it is 1990 0r 2080.same on you


    • 69 Divya January 29, 2012 at 6:47 pm

      Hello all,

      I posted my query with deepest pain in my heart. If you say, girls family causes problem, then I should say no. There are at times when guys family also create problems. His father has 8 criminal cases in his name and that’s the result I am suffering. Father in law assaulting a Daughter in law is the heights of cruelty. I posted this when baby was 8 months old. Now she is one and half year. Still he hasn’t turned nor looked at the baby and have been harassing me extremely by his deeds.

      I posted query to the lawyers forum after waiting for long period only, had filed the cases. If it was your sister or anyone in my situation, that time all of you would have realized. I really didn’t want any of the people here to respond. Not all 498A cases are false. Girls especially educated and working girls are haunted and being harassed for money in certain families. Today am happy leading a peaceful life taking care of my mother and baby and I don’t want anyone’s Conduct Certificate as I am truly living per my conscience and know my father’s soul and God’s and my mother’s blessings are with me.

      I couldn’t tolerate when he raised his leg to kick my mother. When he bet me severly after Ceasarean. Tell me, is this Violence or Not? Recording, SMS, conversations, Printouts, Un compromising nature, Counting expenses for the baby, hiding Address, giving extreme mental torture, threatening boasting about his father and that he will murder me. Tell me if this Harassment or Not? Leaving home with 1 month premature baby, after my Ceasarean Operation in Winter at morning 4 am with my mother in a General crowded compartment, while he was happily enjoying at home under the comfort of wrapping a blanket around him and with his mobile trying to record even my compromises, tell me if he is Human or not?

      He told the court that he has taken LIC for the baby and can’t give maintenance. The court told that if something happens to the baby, the LIC money would go back to him right and he asked the judge “Oh is there any such option” and the judge replied ” You would not be too cruel to harm your own baby right?”, tell me if he is of good nature? His criminal attitude?

      He told the court that “He is going to resign his job and that he is going to keep a petty shop at native, and that I need to give him maintenance. In the name of his father, even last week, he send me a notice stating that I am not giving money to him. Tell me if this Harassment for Money or Not? He told that he cannot give me divorce simply because he wants me to maintain him. Tell me if he is Shamless or am I?

      I don’t want his money, basically because his money is also a poison like him. But Tell me if he is a Father? Just giving birth to a kid doesn’t mean you are father. Father should be in all means. I am there for my baby and do not want his or anyone’s mercy. Finally, I am good in Character and henceforth am not a girl who immediately agrees to someone who had answered my query in this post stating that he’s ready to accept me. I do not want life to mock at me.

      If his father has 8 criminal cases, let him have 1 more. My lawyer also atlast decided to file 498A case. If that case is against harassment and violence, let it protect women from such dangerous criminals. Basically, no one would prefer filing 498a case. If we have filed the case, it is due to his continuous threat that he is going to kidnap the baby, murder my mother and ruin my life. Tell me if this is Violence or not?

      If the law is not going to punish him, there is a power above all of us and that power will haunt him. For deserting the baby, am sure he would not have a chance to father a baby. Children are precious and just deserting because it is a baby girl is a Criminal offence only. Whoever protects him, please understand that tomorrow the same baby girl might become a great person also. We are no one to judge a baby’s future. That time, why law, she herself will question him. All his defenders, please understand that the 498a case has not been started yet. The police is very supportive and are truly realizing the value of our tears. If I fail or not, doesn’t matter, but tomorrow my baby should not question me why I didn’t do this earlier.

      I only wish people whoever see this forum, please do not harass women especially during her pregnancy period, especially when if she has to be on complete bed rest, taking bath in bed itself. My parents visited me during my pregnancy period and within a month, he killed my father. They brought the ashes and he demanded me property. After baby’s birth, he demanded me to desert mother completely and give my salary and belongings to him. Ask him to give my father back. All defenders and supporters of him, I agree, I shall withdraw the cases.

      Tomorrow my baby will not question me for leaving him, for ending the relationship, because though born legally, she is more or less like a fatherless child. If criminals like him start rising, there would be no family to celeberate a Wedding Anniversary.

      Till date, I haven’t done anything agaisnt my conscience. Committing a sin unknowingly is different, but keep on pricking and torturing is a definitely Inhumane and is a Sin !!!

      I do not want anyone’s comment because my conscience makes me do things. I am now happy with my mother and baby. Her smile and little pranks keeps growing me up.



      • 70 Div January 29, 2012 at 7:36 pm

        Also please note that carrying a 1 month baby, I was hunting for him when he took my ATM card also and left home leaving me without a penny. Gave him 2 counseling sessions. Since there was no moral support, had taken salary advance from my company. Since they demanded mother should not come, I had to agree and arranged for a maid.

        He said “After eating for 10 months, I can’t spend for you again. Don’t try to get money in baby’s name”. I couldn’t tolerate that and went and paid money for baby care agency. That time he refused to give the address. Till date my belongings are with him and I don’t know where he stays.

        That time when I questioned him, he told me that his unmarried elder brother and his big gang of bachelor friends are staying there. I told how can I come to Bachelor’s room?? So all we relatives went to his native and his father and him stated “Divya should give her salary. 2) Leave her mother forever”.

        My company spend all medical expenses for me. For my father’s death,only 3400/- Rs was spent. He told he spent 1 lakh for me, 40K for my father. His father asked me “Why you didn’t travel to native”? I told” I was on complete bed rest and couldn’t travel”. That time he asked me “Then why didn’t you take your father to native?. So you wanted my son to spend for your father, so you let your father die here?”. I told him “Being only daughter, I had 3400/- Rs to cremate my father.

        I told atlast that he had spent only 10/- for my father for 1 Sorbetone Tablet and he corrected stating that he has spent 70/- for his Tonic.
        Am happy that my father was not alive to witness the scenes. Still they killed him a thousand times.

        Had to show all Hospital bills, Mortuary Expenses, Mother’s tablet bills etc. For baby’s 1st month consultation, instead of 200/-, he told his father – 2500/-. He had Citibank Salary Account. He opened an SBI account, started depositing money into that and told the Counseling People that Daily he spent 2000-3000 for my Food Expenses.

        Tell me a Pregnant Woman who vomits, how much food she would intake? If at all she takes, will it cost 2000-3000 per day???

        I was on Loss of Pay. I applied for Iron-Calcium tablets via Amway, however due to the high cost, canceled it. He took the Application form and stated in court that I have an Agency membership with Amway. I tried a lot to compromise thinking of the baby, however at that time also, he tried to record conversations, take printouts.

        I am not a Christian. He himself asked me to Pray to Velankanni. He himself kept a photo near by baby when she was born and stated that I am a Christian. Per law “If wife tries to convert to Christianity, she can be divorced without compensation”. I told him “Prove I am a Christian. Which church?”. The court told him not to pull religion unnecessarily.

        Even in Court he brings all account statements. We gave him 5 Counseling sessions, the court gave us 3 Mediations, I told him “Just let me live. Set us free. I shall withdraw all cases” and he told “I am ready to go to jail, provided you give me maintenance”

        I do not want anyone, whether men or women to undergo the trauma that I had faced. He earns 60000/- per month and still I dont understand why he keeps demanding me even after filing the cases.

        Still I don’t understand what harm I did to them, why did they do this to us??? My marriage was at Guruvayur temple. My father was a great devotee of Lord Krishna. Still all these happened to us.

        I am really not bothered about the comments posted here. If you hear the other side also, it would be the same. He would start discussing the Account Transactions and Recordings. He takes Color Printouts and highlights even simple things stated like once I told “Come atleast to bustand to see the baby” and he underlined that and told the judge “She has given me permission only till bustand”. The judge immediately asked “Now the baby is here right. Now why are you not looking at her even?”

        Likewise, for compromise I told “Let me be bad itself. You are good right. If you are good, please come home to see the baby”. He immediately took a color printout, highlighted with Green marker stating that she is bad. When I was pushed out of home with 1 month baby, I wrote for him stating “Please come to see the baby. Please do not have any vengeance on me.. Please do not hurt us. My mother argued with you. Forgive her.”, He showed that also to court and the judge told she had intended for compromise only. Please stop showing all these”

        All my jewels are there with him. He denies it. Fridge, furnitures purchased etc, the money for these was given by parents considering Packign and Transporting expenses, the bills are also in his name and he has the bills for all of them before 2 years. So I should say “It was a marriage forgery that he still has all the bills even for small items purchased 2 years ago”. Let him enjoy. However with both lawyers support, I could get my dresses and most of the kitchen accessories given.

        Even for baby’s1st birthday, I thought he would sent a small dress as parcel to home. That didn’t happen. But am happy that everywhere he told it is his baby and couldn’t tell anything against my character,

        One thing – It really pains when I have to bear the punishment that I do not deserve. For whatever comments posted here, I can tell only 1 thing “Not all girls hurt their in-laws and demand money. Not all guys are bad”.

        My father set a good example for me. He took care of his family and brothers well and my mother’s parents also. My husband set another example. So trying to forget the bad and take the good.

        If law can change him, let him do. Myself and mother are alone with a small baby, Ofcourse relatives are very supportive. It is left to God and to law.

        Please anyone do not comment, be it good or bad. I am trying to recover from the past, changed my location, trying to forget everything. However the posts answered disturbed me. Hence had replied.


      • 71 Sri April 1, 2012 at 4:57 pm


        I read what you put out here and the responses from others. Assuming all that you said here happened, I can only say that guy has committed a sin.

        Your case could be a genuine, but a vast majority in the urban south India, 498A cases are not, whereas in rural India and to a large extent in Northern India, we can find genuinely crimes committed against women.

        I have followed such cases for the past 14 years and I have suffered for the past 14 years and still suffering in different ways from an abusive woman. I lost my father and my brother was mentally affected when we as a family was abused in filthiest terms in public and our reputation was tarnished beyond imagination. It was proved that she had beaten my mother and taken away valuables from my house. I had repeatedly proved with facts and I get a judgement after 12 years that I am not guilty where the lady in question herself had agreed in the court that she filed a false case out of vengeance. But she does not leave me to my peace, but harasses at various places and keeps demanding astronomical sums like 2 crores as alimony. I am a normal middle class person earning around 17 lacs per year now and even that will go away because I cannot be working from now with my right hand not working. Someone else is typing this for me now.

        I fully agree that all women and all men are not bad. Vice versa is also true. I find it silly in this modern age, that a guy cannot have his old mother in law.

        I do not believe in advising you because each of us are entitled to our ideas and opinions and clearly capable of making right decisions. However, I believe in live and let live principle. Now at 48, I lost my active life and do I go after her and make her life miserable? I don’t because my parents did not teach such values and always I followed my conscience. To anyone reading this, my appeal as a brother is if one wants to still makeup and live with that other person, then do not file cases under 498A or DP Act because once those cases are filed, there is no going back. Families will go to jail either guilty or not and there cannot be any reconciliation after that. No counselling session will ever help. Think million times before filing the case. On the other hand, if the case is to be certainly filed and really filed, then no point in going back to that person again. Make up one’s mind.

        Now I might still be suffering from her, but I have a different life helping needy people and caring for my family. I also counsel couples having similar issues. I do not have regrets now.

        I wish your daughter and you a happy future.


      • 72 chanchala February 13, 2013 at 3:32 pm

        When a girl suffering from a big problem then she is only filed for 498/498A or something against their family. one of my close friend is suffering from same problem.Divya has same problem thats why she lodge an FIR agains her husband. dont worry divya god will give punishment. After marriage she is come to know that her husband is a mental patient. She did not tell to her widow mother because she don’t want to make her mother sorrow. but what her situation in short is as following”Date of Social marriage: feb 2012 Type of marriage :arrange From the 1st date my parents in law miss behaved with me.afterward my husband also make a torture to me. Always I keep silence, since I want some peaceful life. also I afraid divorce. I always afraid that if he give me divorce what should I do? where should I stay?our physical relationship is also very pathetic to me.he used to bite my
        until some liquid comes. he used to bite everywhere in my body. if I said its not tolerable. he angrily said “thats why I am not satisfied. What my in laws family says about my miss behavioral: on some day on the month of may my widow mother came to our in laws family to invite us. My mother trying to inform us but due to our(my husband my father-in-law including me) ignorance my mother unable to inform us. When my mother came my mother-in-law objected to my father-in-law in very rough language “why my mother came here without informing us”. This hurt me. I told my mother to go to my sister house. don’t stay here. My mother-in-law hear this and created noisy environment. Then I pardon to my mother-in-law.After ward when my husband and my father-in-law came she began to cry. That I am very bad girl. repeated my mother-in-law says this and I pardon to her. form July 12 we have no contact. They lock the door whenever I go to my in-laws house and send me letter including lawyer latter that I did not fulfill Hindu marital law. I went to my in-laws house without informing them they driven neck also beating me in front of public place. This really hamper my
        prestige. Then I go to police and lodge an FIR. they took bell.”
        they took all the jewelries including from mother side also her necessary certificates.


      • 73 M.A. February 27, 2013 at 9:36 am

        Divya, Hats off to you. You have suffered a lot and good that you are coming out of it slowly but steadily. I hav got lots of courage from your post as I am also suffering from a similar trauma. Hopefully, God wil do justice to us oneday! Thanks again.


      • 74 anjum September 23, 2013 at 12:52 am

        dear divya, I appreciate you. wish you best of luck and lots of courage to stand strong in this rude and selfish world.


      • 75 Sutikkatti Dizuza June 12, 2023 at 10:28 am

        Divya Bharathan is the typical victim playing false filer from india who is merciless, ready to do anything, home-wrecker, legal terrorist, gold-digger, social misfit, narcissist and a misuser of the legal system anticipating huge alimony at a time to enjoy future life.


  15. 76 NB April 25, 2011 at 11:05 am

    Nice information..


    • 77 midhunlal August 31, 2011 at 12:46 pm

      Don’t worry Divya, things will be all right…seeing your and ur mothers condition he is really not a human being. We are there with u. As u informed, we find out his office, and conveyed his cruelty to his entire colleagues, management etc and hope u will be hearing the good news shortly that he will be losing his job and then he will be falling your feet as u told….!we will do the same in his home town too.. Take care.


      • 78 Raj rao November 23, 2011 at 10:48 am

        Dear midhunlal,

        We should not act by listening one side you should also listen to other party also. both the families should sit and discuss and settele the problem


    • 79 Nandu February 1, 2012 at 5:02 am


      What you did was right. I feel you did less. If I were a woman and if it was me in your situation, I would have not let him survive only. We feel sorry for what happened to you and your mother.

      Don’t worry, all of us are there with you. He deserves to be punished. 1 thing is for sure – Even if you have made mistake or not, the baby is innocent. Deserting a 1 month old baby, especially after your Ceasarean, pushing you out of the home and not turning up even now when she is one and half year and she being more or less like a fatherless child is the height of cruelty. He could have tried atleast once to send her some gift etc, especially when he knew your address. That doesn’t require any court order or any maintenance laws.

      If he has no love for the baby, definitely there is another woman. So demanding money, at the same time cheating his parents also, who blindly believes their son. You can’t blame your in-laws because it is the son who is playing the role and acting smart to them stating he spent money for you. Delivery care and mortuary expenses are considerable and should not be counted. It is his duty as a husband and as a son-in-law. As you said, there are innocent 498A men also in this forum. Your case is truly different. As you told, you don’t want any sympathy or reply, still am stating “May God bless you and your little one”. Thank God for saving you.

      If you try for a compromise with him again, the vengance personality in him can harm you throughout. Be bold and try to bring up your daughter well. Atleast be happy that you are taking care of your old widow mother and small baby, both of extreme age groups.


      • 80 Himanshu Agerwal October 20, 2017 at 10:47 am

        I had worked with Divya in same company but different ODC, and heard lot about her false case and laugh much with friends. I am feeling pity about the people who is commenting here without knowing the facts and believing her big lies written here. She was filed the false causes due to her ex-husband was not allowing her to keep her mother with them due to her ugly street character and fighting nature. She was bringing her parents without the consent of husband and tried to stay without spending a penny. Her father passed away due to coronary artery disease since long and she is not dare to treat him and not due to heart attack. His soul will curse her for sure. she had filed false 498A case by giving bribe to police, put her husband in jail though he is innocent and not demand any money ever and never stayed his parents with her, but she had lost all her cases in the court miserably and didn’t get any compensation in her domestic violence case rather got firing and criticism from court in its judgements and police filed B report on 498a case. She had cried loudly in magistrate chamber during cross examination without any shame in front of 200 people as she was unable to answer court questions about her false allegations and was fearing the counter cases from husband and have resigned job and run away from Bangalore, got some job in Cochin. Married a widower who is working as a light boy in cinema locations who is aged and having children. She left her child in her native somewhere and living in Cochin with her new kid and husband and his children in poverty. Her child is studying in local school and completely abundant by her and she is not feeling guilty to separate her daughter from her father who is rich now owning a bungalow in bangalore and having rich and prosperous life. The lady really don’t know family values and consequences of her acts and her daughter will definitely slap and spit on her face for sure.


      • 81 Amit Chowdary September 16, 2020 at 10:34 am

        There is some morel from this long literature written here, after marriage this foolish liar lady tried to hijack her husband like her role model mother how hijacked her father and made separated him from his family without any contacts and made him useless beggar that leads him mental pain, sickness and further death but it did not worked out with her husband who have strong personality that disappointed her. So she don’t want to spend her salary a penny and saved in full and made husband to spend all expenditure for herself and her family who all shamelessly and purposely staying long time with couples after coming like a visit. At the same time she tried to stop husband to take care his family. She demand husband to sell and bring his own family share, construct house and take care her and family and demanded complete disconnection with his family which he denied and fired back to mind own business. So she purposely made argument and fight with his parents and brother who all are staying far away and not involving anything but her intention did not worked out. Her parents don’t have any rights or shame to come and stay long in daughter’s house without spending a penny which is leading by her husband. As her husband not flexible as per her nonsense and as per her parents idiotic advice she decided to file false 498A and DV against husband and made him go Jail but her happiness was short as he was having all evidence and proof to prove his innocence and court sacked her false cases and police filed B report against false 498A and she run away like anything after miserable failure from court.
        Here we have to understand the consequences of act of this two ladies:
        1) Her Mother : She made fight in daughters house and made her daughter unacceptable to her husband and forced to file false case and made complete loss of daughters family life after a child and made her HUSBAND LESS.
        2) The false filer : very proudly filed false 498A and DV and made husband to go jail 1 day but life not end there, after obvious separation she made her small daughter FATHERLESS.
        The husband less lady got second hand ugly husband but daughter growing fatherless and that is the achievement she got through her false 498A and DV cases. Sexual attack also can expect to daughter from second husband. Her daughter will curse her every day to make her fatherless and one she read the judgement and understand the truth. The ex has saved his life from dangerous false filer and her ugly family and leading peaceful and prosperous life with full family, blessed children etc. Her cruses to him will not work out as he was having truthfulness and thus will prosper in all areas of life like anything.
        So friends, realize only long time pain and separation of relationship and create orphans will bring false 498A and DV and avoid the same in life.


      • 82 Yeshwanth Rawal April 27, 2023 at 7:31 am

        KARMA comes after everyone eventually, You can’t get away with screwing people over your whole life by taking advantage of female laws by playing victim, cheating, filing false case, jailing innocent people and making children orphans, whoever it may be what goes around comes around like a boomerang return back to the person that throw it. That’s how it works. Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve in the form of regular health issues, hospitalizations and paralysis with 1 and 2 on bed many years. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback.


  16. 83 karthe April 26, 2011 at 11:11 am

    dear sir,
    Due to my worst wed lock if was suffered from her harassment,cruelty, ugly talking, giving continuous torture to me n my mother.marriage done in august 2007.before marriage she was completed B.Sc.B.Ed,now my mother took her to finish her with M.Sc,M.Ed,PGDCA.,between her studying years v both got lot of i applied a divorce (regarding the acts of harassment,cruelty,desertion)in the court on feb 2011,she leave the home with her jewels n certificates at may 2010 after exams over to her parents,after she got summon she attended the court n she summit the maintenance case n restitution of Conjuvial Rights case at her native place.the first hearing will be on next month. i don’t want her to reunite again.
    Is there any idea/advice for me to finish this case and get the divorce soon because of my mother illness n grand father illness.both are in the bed now for treatments and to better look for my future?

    please give some assistance for me sir.


  17. 84 karthe April 26, 2011 at 11:13 am

    dear sir,
    Due to my worst wed lock if was suffered from her harassment,cruelty, ugly talking, giving continuous torture to me n my mother.marriage done in august 2007.before marriage she was completed B.Sc.B.Ed,now my mother took her to finish her with M.Sc,M.Ed,PGDCA.,between her studying years v both got lot of i applied a divorce (regarding the acts of harassment,cruelty,desertion)in the court on feb 2011,she leave the home with her jewels n certificates at may 2010 after exams over to her parents,after she got summon she attended the court n she summit the maintenance case n restitution of Conjuvial Rights case at her native place.the first hearing will be on next month. i don’t want her to reunite again.
    Is there any idea/advice for me to finish this case and get the divorce soon because of my mother illness n grand father illness.both are in the bed now for treatments and to better look for my future?

    please give some assistance for me sir.


  18. 85 Jigar Joshi April 30, 2011 at 4:44 am

    hi my sister stayed in US with her husband for 7years as a dependent fr H1B and has a 4 year old daughter.last year they all cam back in india for a fucntion and my sister stayed back for a while with her duaghter,after going back her husband started making harassing calls like he dont want to stay with my sister,wants a divorce etc…this went on for almost 5-6 months and all my family member really got shocked with his behaviour..later with the help of one of my friend i got to know that he is having affair with one girl there and he is not responding to anything to us now a days…let us know how to go for the steps further..we need financial assistance form him as soon as possible and would like to nail him…


    • 86 Kittu June 26, 2014 at 7:19 pm

      Is your sister uneducated and unemployable? Ask your sister to work. She also has legal right in your father’s property so why can’t you support her?. Why do you need to beg for a financial assistance! May be this is what our laws has been reduced to. Of course, you should nail him if you can.


  19. 87 VSR May 3, 2011 at 6:05 am

    dear sir
    i was married on Dec 18 1999, we were blessed with a daughter in Aug 2001, how ever after so many petty quarrels and her insistence of separating me from my mother who is ailing and sr. citizen of above 70 years,i did not heed to her diktats, she finally gone away with my daughter to her parents house deserting me. i tried my level best to bring her back but she was adamant. for the last 5 years we are living separately, meanwhile 2 years ago i met with an accident (a bus in which i was traveling got turtle d), due to which my left hand was amputated, despite this, she did not care to even visit me. she hides my daughter and prevents me from meeting her. of late i filed for a divorce on grounds of desertion and cruelty, after a counseling session in lok adalat failed, this case is in progress now, she filed a maintenance case for 20000/- per month. i am not in a job and the house in which i am staying is on my mothers name. how ever i get some rent from other property which is in my name. my question is am i liable to pay her, if so how much, she in in her counter has written so many ugly narrations which are absolutely false, my worry is that will she file 498a though last 5 years no to prepare my self. can i file child custody.
    with regards
    pl reply to


  20. 88 ashish May 19, 2011 at 12:09 pm

    dear sir
    on 8june im compeleting 25 yrs of marrige and now she and my two sons has decided to leave me the age of children are 24 and 19 they are supporting theri mom n she is going to file a suit we boyh are ready separate but step is taken by her side im earning 10000/pm and she is earning almost 50 to 60 thousand /pm pl advise what will the terms of alimony & maintaince


    • 89 suffering women June 27, 2014 at 10:51 am

      omg after 25 yrs of mrg?it is better to support your children. They may be in big problem if both of you fight. every child want their mom and dad too. dont think about separation. think about your child sir.


  21. 90 deepak June 11, 2011 at 8:44 am

    my marriage held at 06.011.2009 and my wife not tell that she safariing from epilepsy for last 5 year, after marriage she live with me just for 4 mount on that time she pregnant, she go back to her father house and i go ask to her to come back my home in lat of time but she cannot ready to come with me and we have boy child in last 9 mount and after i go and ask come back to my home, but she cannot ready for that and i file to court for, asking i want my wife and my child, she”s lawyer come to court and take vakalat i get some nervous. so please guide to me for any think she file for maintenance and what she can do on this matter on my mail address please i am waiting for your valuable suggestion

    Thanks and regards


  22. 91 Mr Ang Geck July 17, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    Description: Hello Every One,I am Ambi Marvell by name, I live in U.S.A, just a few weeks ago I was in search for a loan of $ 35,000 Dollars, as my family was running out of money for feeding and my education. I was scammed about $4,500 Dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again finally A colleague of my introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings. I made a trial and I am most grateful am I today, I was given a loan amount of 30,000 Dollars by this great firm, Ang Geck Loan Lender you are in need of a genuine or legit loan or financial assistance and you can be reliable and trusted of capable of paying back at the due time of the funds I will advice you to, contact him via email:


  23. 92 Mr Ang Geck July 17, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    Description: Hello Every One,I am Ambi Marvell by name, I live in U.S.A, just a few weeks ago I was in search for a loan of $ 825,000 Dollars, as my family was running out of money for feeding and my education. I was scammed about $6,500 Dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again finally A colleague of my introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings. I made a trial and I am most grateful am I today, I was given a loan amount of 820,000 Dollars by this great firm, Ang Geck Loan Lender you are in need of a genuine or legit loan or financial assistance and you can be reliable and trusted of capable of paying back at the due time of the funds I will advice you to, contact him via email:


  24. 93 anil July 19, 2011 at 4:22 pm





    • 94 mannu October 10, 2011 at 6:22 am

      hi anil i can understend ur prb,my good wishes are with you after a long time after all u took a designee to live happy ther is only one diffrenc in bittven u and i is that i dont have kids and with the help of kind u and ur designee im welling to file a divorce on her so plz sir ur senear to me and im facing same setuation like you so plz tell me sesation u got on my mail iwll be thankful to you ,,,,,,,,mannu


  25. 95 anil July 19, 2011 at 4:24 pm





  26. 96 Shyam July 31, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    true… not sure who said this, but it still rings true: Corruption has its own motivations, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist.


  27. 97 swati August 2, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    i am 28 yr old women who is employed as an officer in central govt . 2 years back i got married to my colleague . our’s was a love marriage. all was well till the time we were not accepted by my in laws. but my world turned upside down when they opened up their arms for my mother in law keeps on telling me that my husband had a lot of affairs, had so many girl friends and as he is hasty in all things that’s the reason he married me…my husband doesn’t say any thing to his mother, i am the one getting all the brunt . i am so upset that wanna get separated from my husband. i just cant take it anymore. i am highly depressed and because of the same have tried to commit suicide also. please guide me as i just cant take it anymore. its so true when somebody said that a marriage is not of two persons,but of two families..
    i was happy without in-laws..but i guess they have accepted me to let me down and harass me to death….i am in great tension…please help..


    • 98 Miss DivinePrady August 16, 2011 at 4:09 am

      Swati, You are independant young girl, please don’t even think of ending your life for people who are not worth living themselvs. Be strong.
      I would suggest you first spend time to get yourself together, meet a counsillor if that would help; there is nothing wrong in seeking help.

      Once you feel strong and firm, You both can meet a marriage councillor and see if your husband opens up.
      Speak to your husband to let him know what you are going through.
      If its only the in-laws creating the trouble, then would it help living without them? Would your husband be ready for it? Don’t be emotional, fight, or cry. Discuss things in order to solve them, or get an answer.
      If you still feel the situation is unchanged then look for a good lawyer and file for a divorce.

      Look, you had a life before marriage, whatever happened in these couple of years should be just a big lesson, and nothing more than that.
      You will come out of it stronger and as time goes by you’ll even feel good about yourself that you fought.

      Don’t let things lead you, Just take charge.

      My wishes with you.


      • 99 surendra September 22, 2011 at 12:38 pm

        Look Swati, we understand your situation. Now a days girls are more educated, more intelligent, and why you people don’t use your brains? First thing, are your inlaws and your husband terrorists that you are scared about? They are old, mostly they understand and listen to you, by your behaviour, you can change them if they are wrong, or you have to change your attitude if you are wrong.
        This is my sincere advice, save your marriage with your patience. Things change with time.
        Any issues or advices ping me at


  28. 100 sandsesh chouhan August 7, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    Dear sir, mera naam sandesh chouhan meri shadi ko 2 saal ho gaye hai par main or meri wife pichle 1 saal 9 mahine se alag rah rahe hai or usne mujh par maintenance ka case daala hai jabki main abhi sirf 1800 rupye mahina kamata hu or wo mujhse 3000 hajar rupye mahina mang rahi hai abhi tak main is case me present nahi hua hu kya aap mujhe thodi jankari de sekte hai ki mujhe agar maintenance dena padha to kitne rupye mahina dena hoga please mail me: or call me +919822450669


  29. 101 ashish August 14, 2011 at 7:40 pm

    I was framed under false 498a in 2003 and subsequently applied for divorce under mental cruelity. I got acquitted from trial court in 2010 and also got divorce decree from trial court under being subjected to extreme mental cruelity by my ex wife the same year. Now she has put applications in court for maintenance under sec 24 as well as 125. can somebody advice that if i have got divorce decree on grounds of mental cruelty against me as well as the charges of 498a being proved false..why should i pay her any maintenance? can i put defamation charges against her if so then is there any lock in period?


    • 102 puneet September 11, 2013 at 5:16 am

      No Dear , you not pur defamation chaeges against her.

      you can give me full detail on my id with case no.


      • 103 kapil June 23, 2014 at 8:34 am

        Dear puneet,
        I got married on 12 may 2013 ,on 19 may 2014 my wife called her parents and went with them,on 14 june they filed FIR under 498,506 and 34,i came to know about this through my relatives that they read this in newspaper.I am harassed because of this as i have to go to court along with my parents as accused and after getting Interim bail i have to go to police station for investigation,i have not done any thing all expenses of Marriage were born by me i have details and proof of every payment made for marriage ,not taken any thing in dowry also .Please guide what to do so that i can sought it out,i have already spoken to girls parents gone twice to her home when they took her with them.Now what i am able to c they all did this for money,please help me out i got ur id from Maintenance and divorce from google,me and my Parents interim bail is uptill 14 July .Please guide what to do or if i have some rights.


  30. 104 arvind August 24, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    i have a intercast marriage on dec 2008. my wife and me both are a public sector employee and she earn nearly 2000 more than me. i was mentally tortured by her nature and behavior. she is extremely aggressive, over sinsitive,jiddy, independent minded lady. we fight almost every day even on trivial issues. i have become so mentaly upset.we live separate from our native home. she dont want to compromise on any time even when my parents come for 3-4 days. i have tried many times to made understand her and counsel her but she didnt listen me and fight and blame me. so i decided to divorce her, i talk to her for divorce but she declined.please suggest me how can i divorce her easily and can she claim for maintainance. we both are living separate from nearly 2 months in different city. please suggest me.


  31. 105 Vishnu September 4, 2011 at 8:52 am

    Got married in 9th sep 2007. Having a son with age 3. MY wife has filled DVA against me. After that I had filled an RCR in family court. Then she had asked an interim maintenance rs 5000 for her & my son on 26.8.2011[while the judge ask her whether she is willing to live with me ” she said she is not interested”]. Now on 9th sep the judge asked us to talk with him in chamber. Now can I ask for visiting rights?
    what should I speak in chamber?


  32. 106 Sanjeev Chauhan September 5, 2011 at 8:53 am

    I got married in the year 2001 and we have an issue, 8 yrs old daughter. In last three years my wife made my life miserable by putting all short of baseless allegation(illicit relationship) due to which she always humiliated me verbally and Physically. She even tried to commit suicide four time but some how I safe her live without any doctors help. She had filed false case against me on 18 May-2011 and putted me behind the bar.I got the bailed from the court and living separately from my life (I mean to say she left my house on very next day of my jail by collecting all her belonging). She infact humiliated many times my parent and relative and same has been comm united to their parents and relative’s , time to time. However, many adult member of my and her family did counseling jobs for her but failed to get any result.

    My daughter is with her and she even not admitted her in any of the school, i even approached her indirectly to provide all sort of support to my daughter so that her education would not be suffer.

    Almost five month have been passed she has not even shown any interest of coming back nor i think their is any such possibility.

    I would like to seek legal advice what should i do now, I’m planning to file divorce case against her on the ground of cruelty. What remedy I would get from the court or what else she may get from the court.

    Pl. send me your advice at


  33. 108 S. M. Imam September 6, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    Hey, to every1,
    I married 5/12/09. I left her in my home 21/12/09. She stayed few days & left 2 her uncle home. she demanded when i come, then she wil come back. So I came & picked her 2 his uncle home. I stayed wid her 10 days in my home and left (1/3/10). 5/4/10 by panchayat she left my home wid a promise of that she wil be back in a month. She not came, delivered a baby 12/11/10. I tried, she not came. I puted a conjugal right 2/2/11. Her uncle putted a maint. & 498A wid someother law to. Plz advice.


  34. 109 sanju sharma September 25, 2011 at 8:19 am


    I married a Bihari girl from Bhagalpur on 2009,it was an arrange marriage.
    She had complain with me with my lifestyle and work nature,since i used to work morning to late night sometimes in a IT sector in bangalore.
    later she joined some call center and then i moved down to different city 8 hrs jounry from bangalore,she denined coming with me and lived 8 month alone in bangalore,later she joined me for 2 month and one day left home with all stridhan.
    she had told all false about me in her family and not returning or talking…i asked if you dont want to live with me why dont file divorcee and get separated but they are not giving or coming back to maintain the fakily life.

    i am planning to visit there home in bihar and take the help of there society(they have hidden this things with there neighbour and society),girl is probably staying in some different city.

    I dont want to live with her any more since she and her family was abusive threaten to my and my family many times.
    i am sure she might have some extra marital affair somewhere(i doubt her jija)
    I am in great stress and tension…i goy my half hair turned grey in this lat 8 month since she sleft me to get divorcee from this hell lady.



  35. 110 SRABONI September 27, 2011 at 10:46 am


    I got married on Jan, 2009. On June,2011 i blessedwith a newborn (daughter) . From few months before we are induldging with little quarells and day by day its increasing. So after a long discussion with my well wishers i have decided for a divorce. Pls. tell me the procedure to get it as soon as possible. But i want my babys custody on my hand.


  36. 111 raj pandit October 3, 2011 at 8:01 am





  37. 112 Ashish Mishra October 3, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Hi Sir,
    3 months ago My family married me to a girl she was not completed of 18 years. and I was also not completed 21 years of age. Unfortunately I was not able adjust with that girl. We donot have any child. I had conflict with my family and did’nt went back to my home from past 3 months. I can not continue with that girl anymore and any how. I dont want to get my family suffer of dowry related issue. So please kindly let me know how to get a safe divorce and are there chances of filing dowry or compensation related cases which girl’s family may file in court.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Ashish Mishra


  38. 113 poornima October 14, 2011 at 5:01 pm

    the period of marriage is 4 husband is stsaying away from me .but he have sent the legal notice stating the interest of living with him.i have applied for maintanence case. i have a child ,aged 3 yrs.state the possibility of amount and the legal proceedings in it, to my mail


  39. 114 Karen November 5, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    HI I was wondering how things worked . I am a divorcee and did not have much of a problem getting through the divorce as it was a mutual understanding, with a pay off that i got from him and we had not children in 7 years of an intercaste run away marriage. However my question is about this friend of mine. He was married about 14 years back and after 2 years of an insuccessful marriage and two children one of whom is no more now. He left the house because the family did not support him and said that the fault was his. SO he left the house and after a few years one of the two children died due to some chronic disease. Now the man wishes to get settled and the wife to be wants him to follow a proper procedure. The husband and the wife have not been in touch since twelve years and there have been no genuine attempts from both of them to get things back in place. Now the family is unhappy with the wife who mistreats them . The wife is not ready for the divorce without which the husbands life is messed……..Please suggets what can be done in this case……What is the easiest way of working things in the favour of both the husband and the wife and the son who is no 11 years old……The husband earns enough for himself and has no other sources of income. He gets about 30000 pm and the wife also works in some school……What can be done in this case….


  40. 115 tinnu November 11, 2011 at 9:38 am

    Sir i got married in 26/05/2003 wife stayed for 2weeks later moved to parental house and came back in 2006 stayed for 2mnths later again moved to parental house and after 21/2 filed case of 498aand others among which is maintenance125 which is worrying me,after filing the case i havent appeared in the court what will happen and next hearing is on 3/12/11should i go or parents can appear for the same and what will be the charge i have to pay her please reply as soon as wife is infertile how to prove that.



  41. 116 Sanju November 15, 2011 at 9:26 am

    I married to a girl through matrimonial web site,she left my house this year jan and denied to come back,now putting wrong allegation with Dowry,DV and attempt to kill her many times…god should punish such family and lady.
    i sent legal notice to her parents,in reply they framed whatever a legal terror people could do they filled all those in their return legal notice to me with threat that if i file RCR they will pose dV and 498 and maintainace on me.
    Please advice me what should i do? shell i go for RCR first to make my position strong when they file 498a or apply for divorce.

    Please reply



  42. 117 Rakesh November 15, 2011 at 9:28 am

    My wife is threatining me after i coughth her haviong sex with her cousin brother,both are from bhagalpur onward her parents and she threaten me for false dowry and DV case if i scold or tell this to anyone,please let me know what to do.


  43. 118 meena devi November 24, 2011 at 9:26 am

    hi, my brother is accused for dowry and maintenance charges but he’s innocent . my brother and his wife married for 4 yrs and has one son (3yrs ) and now she asking for divorce and maintenance with huge amount and my brother not much educated(10th class) and now he doing security guard in company and monthly income is 5500 p.m and his wife(intermediate, good in english) is computer operator in e seva govt company recommended my mom and salary is 8-9000 p. m and we returned all her dowry in the women’s police station and now the problem is we are middle class family and we never tortured her , always good to her especially my dad..but honestly telling my brother have some bad habits that he drink alcohol , and my brother son is too much attached to my mom and dad and till now living here with my family and my parents gave 3 chances by compromising becoz of grandson .she filed case for divorce in may and we gave half of amount to her on that time worth of 1lac with 6 tolas gold and now 6 month passed and we hoped that she will return’d but she did not and filed for maintenance in family court in nampally ,hyderabad on 30th nov 2011 and divorce case also on 1 st week of December and what should we do . after reading your article i come to sense is that she gonna ask huge amount in the court from my brother coz before also she demanded for 8 lacs maintenance in women’s police room and refused and my brother agreed for all educational responsibility of child by him.and my mom joined his son in the school worth of 5000 rupees in nursery class but she didn’t send him..and now we are worried about my nephew future and she didn’t care about him and now she is with another man roaming around and never call and ask about her son health and how he is doing nothing.and her parents also not care about him…she just using as her drum card to take huge amount …so am asking is that what rights is my brother has to take my nephew custody and leave her without paying anything…plz give me good advise so i can help my family from her torture…..plz…my id is


  44. 119 tejas November 24, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Hi, I am accused for dowry and maintenance charges but i never asked for dowry. I got married for less than 1 year. Now she asking for 25 lacs that is really huge amount. My monthly income is 80 thousand per month and my wife is B.Pharm. So, She is able to earn monthly 15-20 thousand but she is not working. …plz advise me how much alimony i need to pay…plz reply


  45. 120 karthe November 27, 2011 at 6:33 am

    i got Exparty divorce from t devilklady t court expart me coz they didnt com to court for almost 6-7 counters in the court rejected n exparty me from that with in a week they applied in highcourt to reopen t case in court,i dont know wt to do further.pls help me to get freedom from the devil.


  46. 121 Dhananjay December 5, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    Hi everyone. They say marriages are made in heaven. Then there is a book called Men are from Mars and Women from Venus..etc etc…. I am too in same boat like others. Yes, I suspect that my wife and her parents are preparing ground for 498a..just reading about this 498a. To brief, I am married since last 11 years. 2 kids, Son 7 yrs, Daughter 3 yr old. We all were staying abroad for last 6 yrs. During our married life of 11 yrs, it was full of small incidents, if there is no harmony or say understanding at all. Still she continued or say I did not allow it to spread and got situation under control everytime. There were some instances where my wife tried to create so intense sinario, stressful situation, attempting physical struggle with me in order to may be bit me or push me etc etc…so that in return I should react, get angry etc….as she knows my nature is short tampered. LIke wise at some instance, I had to confess that, I used and slapped her, but honestly it was extreme case as if some child do… I read many cases on this forum where wife swallowed poison or trying to jump to suicide..but with intent…and then husband gets out of control and do not have any alternative to slap her in agony. Since last 2 yrs, I am observing strange behavior from her parents too… my wife is staying with them on grounds that she has fear from me.. but she is very much keen to have her money or finances etc.. secondly, my F-i-law wrongly claiming that he has funded me and my family in past… also putting wrong allegations in society on us… which was shocking. Initially I was agreesive but then got a news about something called 498a..and then realised it all Cold blooded plan??? Are they behaving as if they have to prepare base for 498a? Mean while I tried many meetings, discussion with them, but all th etime they kept on inviting new people in that discussion and kept on distracting from main subject to always continue fight. Now my wife has said her stand of divorce, where I refused to give. In that situation, she is trying her best to annoy me,…as usual my new house in on joint name… she is trying for me not to live there… in the similar way, talking legal language some time… I got a feel that, they have some thought just to threaten us about their separation is always difficult and not desirable… we are simple people and now a days started staying alert after these attempts from her… my bottom line was, for 2 kids, we both should surrender and try to live together… but she is not listening. Somehow, parents are more pushing with the intent of money. I do not want any councelling here…but is there any precaution that I should take now on to avoid any thing like 498a or etc? Eg. I started staying in my new house..and also kept financing my wife for her needs… In presence of all, I apologised here and invited to start fresh life. But things are not working out… Your comments please..


    • 122 Pradnyaa December 9, 2011 at 6:26 am

      Dear Dhananjay,
      I have no knowledge of any legalities but can suggest you a few things from what I have seen around. There were 2 cases of 498A in my relatives, and in both the cases there was no actual violance. One can just files a case like that without anything actually happening, and without any proof. In such a case you need to prove how you were not involved in it.
      Since you know that your wife is building such a ground, I would suggest you involve maximum relatives and other people in it and let them know your side so later they can stand by you.
      I have read that If a house is on joint name and husband is paying EMIs then the house does belong to the husband.
      I would also suggest you keep records of all the help/finances you are providing to her, like cheques or bank statements.
      Since you know she is tackling it legally, I would suggest you too take some help.
      My good wishes for whatever is best for you and the kids.


    • 123 ravinder January 10, 2012 at 7:10 pm

      bro i m in a same situation in yuu are if got some information or plz guide me as well may GOD give u strength to tackle such odd situation in life…my id is


  47. 124 Partha December 6, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Dear Sir,
    I shall be grateful if I get the proper answer.
    Ive been falsely accused by 498A & 406. Before that I filed a separation case.Now both of us want to withdraw the cases & go for mutual divorce.
    Now before withdrawing the case our lawyer advised us to make an notoriesed agreement for her one time maintenance.So is the notary justified for future?Can she further claim for maintenance if she sign in agreement with notary?


  48. 125 swapna December 14, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    Hi, i am married 3yrs back.It was almost 9 months that i came out from my husbands house.i filed for divorce.he is not attending the i will get the divorce in few days.Till now i didnot filed for maintanance.Can i file for maintanance after i got the divorce or should i file before getting divorce?If i file after getting divorce will he pay me?He is a goverment employee.He is drawing Rs.20000.How much i get the maintanance?Till now i didnot put any case on him.He dint even treat me like a human being for those 3years.I struggled a lot when i was in their home with him and his mother.Please advice me.


    • 126 Mehul April 11, 2018 at 4:33 am

      Dear swapna,

      If your husband is a Govt. employee and drawing a 20,000 salary that is ok but you not wrote here your age about any issue or etc… Dear one time you finalized a settlement then as per law you can’t take any action against your ex-husband because of Law can’t permit it never. Till you are not got a legal Divorce you may filed a case before him for actual happen with you. So please reply if any

      Mehul Patel


  49. 127 trisha December 22, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    I got mutual divorce 4 yrs back my ex is giving maintenance for our daughter rs4000 p.m ,at the time of divorce i agreed to a point that i wont ask for any maintenance after divorce for myself. i am very educated but still not doing job to look after my daughter. can i file for maintenance for myself now? he is well settled and has remarried. kindly reply in my mail id purplemind


    • 128 Vinod Shroff December 23, 2011 at 7:14 am

      With change in circumstances, and incresed cost of Education, residence & food ec, you can file case 4 ur mtnn, and court will allow.


    • 129 vijay srirang December 23, 2011 at 12:10 pm

      At the onset, i feel sad that you are seperated but for what so ever be the reason if you are refusing to cohabitate with your husband despite he inviting it tantamounts to adamency and cruelity, even then he is paying your child, thats his duty but 4000 is on higher side, you are educated and can do job, then why are you trying to extort from him, its not fair, also you must honour child visitation rights failing which this allowance may further be reduced.


  50. 130 Sandy December 29, 2011 at 6:37 am

    My brother has in hand salary of 42000.per month. Her wife filed a divorce. After 3 months of marriage she left husband and her parents filed case for alimony after 10 months of marriage. Her wife is Msc in computers and doesnt work. How much alimony will he has to give her (apprx). Both r from punjab.


  51. 131 David December 31, 2011 at 4:33 am

    Dear Sir,

    I married in 1994, lived together for 6 months only. No children at all. My wife is working as bank clerk and gets about 25k per month in a small town of Haryana. I filed for divorce and she filed for ‘stree-dhana’. I lost divorce case and she lost her ‘stree-dhana’ case. Both cases now appealed in HC and under trail. So far she did not ask any maintenance at all. Now I have a big job offer which I can get up to 1.3 lakh per month as pharmacist. My question is – can she file any new case now? after 17 years of separation? based on my higher status now?

    Do you think ‘no children/ only 6 month marriage’ will prevent her in getting the alimony?


  52. 132 ravinder January 10, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    We know each other 1 yr before our marriage and my drinking habbit.We had a love marriage in 2005 and blessed with a baby girl, we both were working before the marriage but after marriage she quit and i was the earning member, she did not want to live with my parents, so we had a nuclear family, she started fighting with me on different issues and gave threat to suicide every alternate days and used to go her parent house occassionally. In 2009 i lost my job and tried to start my own business which didnt work out. Then she also joined job and asked me to take care of our daughter but she hadnt had enough salary to meet expenses i sold my car and ask my retired father for some assistance. I paid all the educational and medical expenses of my kid some how being unemplyed till date from part time trading in share mkt. But she keep on humilliating me and didnt give up fight and went back to her parents they also dialed 100 for home violence, Despite all these hummilation i asked her to come back.I admitted my kid in school till date i am giving fee and spend on various household. Now suddenlly she asked me to leave and repay her credit card which i was paying earlier and loan outstanding on her name which is spend at home and some of it i lost it in stocks honestly. I told her not to worry i ll repay the loan some how.But she is asked me divorce and to leave which i have already left because of hummilation and her mother has come to take care of my daughter, almost after 8 yrs i left with no job and no home and missing my daughter very badly, she asked me to not come back till she filled for divorce. Her father is asking for a mutual divorce and repayment of personal loan and i am agreed to that also. I dont want to bother her financially as i still love her but now i also dont want to live with her. kindly guide me as i am also in financial crunch if she still act the way she did in 8 yrs i ll be in trouble badly emotionally. I really wanna do something for my kid in future.Despite all these yrs hummilation and mental harrasment i havent lost my keep on going attitude in life i dont wanna loose it further in life.They are consulting a lawyer i also need guidance now so plz guide me.


    • 133 Ravinder January 17, 2012 at 9:43 am

      I called her father that politly and took permission to visit at home to take few of my things, he agreed on that normally but when i reached there my wife started riots and threatened me to call police, i got shocked i called up her father and he also repeated the same words.I silently came back. Was that a trap??? Her father told me its a mutual consent divorce and i need to stay away from my wife and daughter and my wife asked me to leave the home i had no other option so i left, now i can not visit my home to see my daughter…i dont know about divoce law are they preparing some serious ground to accuse me. Its been a more than 2 month my wife asking me to leave the house and stop cooking for me…before i left because of all hummilation.Now she is calling my brother who is well off and told him that his advocate will ask him and my father to come on 24 jan 2012. I think she has left the job as well, and following their advocate instruction. What her lawyer is suggesting her to hang me to death or what??????????? she has barred my ph. no too which was a corporate no. on her name so plz email me on


      • 134 Ravinder January 26, 2012 at 4:49 am

        Its 26th Jan and still my in laws have not prepared any document for mutual divorce, i think they are taking more and more time to humilliate me more , its been more than 2 weeks, i havent seen my daughter, its really hard for me no place to live wandering here and there seeking shelters having emotional loss.Whats in future nobody knows, but one has to move on, i am doing the same, managing things for living and holding myself . I m worried how my daughter is bearing this situation.After all kid wants to live with both.My question is that cant i meet my daughter meanwhile. My wife is threatning me to call the police or her advocate if i will visit my daughter, is it justified??? I am afraid she can manipulate the kid also against me.


  53. 135 Hamza January 22, 2012 at 6:29 am

    Dear Sir,

    I am working in Saudi Arabia, I am married in 2003, I have two kids age 9 & 5, in this years lots of ups and downs, at marriage time she is working in Saudi Arabia as a Nurse, they told us she is only 22 years old and she is working in Saudi Arabia since 2 years only, but after marriage I came to know that she is working since 1992, and she is 9 years older then me, I thought that its my mistake that I dint see all this before marriage and I compromise with that marriage and I shifted to New Zealand in 2003 mid and I stay for 2 years mean time we had a baby (New Zealand Citizen) at that time I buy a house & gold on my wife name in India, after we return to India from New Zealand, I work heard and I went back to Sadui Arabia on other visa, my wife was in India, now I get all permanent Visas in Saudi Arabia, and she says that she dont want to come and she left my house and she is staying with her brother, I am trying to call her on mobile and house number both are not working, now what I have to do… If I come to india any risks for me? and if she want divorce I am ready to give, but my kids and property?

    Please help me in this matter…


    • 136 Mehul April 11, 2018 at 4:38 am


      have you done purchase property from your bank account or her that you not wrote here clear. Secondly what was the reason she not wants to come with you? at least you should have to once face to face talk with her and give an assurance so may be she understand your plan for you her and your next gen.

      Reply then we discussed



  54. 137 vinod mande January 26, 2012 at 10:18 am

    i am 42 yrs man, i had divorced before 2 yrs ago. and this case in court. i have no children and my occupation is i am small contracter. my earning is nearby 5k per month, so pls reply, i dont want to give her single rupee. what should i do?


  55. 138 Nandu January 30, 2012 at 4:59 am


    What you did was right. I feel you did less. If I were a woman and if it was me in your situation, I would have not let him survive only. We feel sorry for what happened to you and your mother.

    Don’t worry, all of us are there with you. He deserves to be punished. 1 thing is for sure – Even if you have made mistake or not, the baby is innocent. Deserting a 1 month old baby, especially after your Ceasarean, pushing you out of the home and not turning up even now when she is one and half year and she being more or less like a fatherless child is the height of cruelty. He could have tried atleast once to send her some gift etc, especially when he knew your address. That doesn’t require any court order or any maintenance laws.

    If he has no love for the baby, definitely there is another woman. So demanding money, at the same time cheating his parents also, who blindly believes their son. You can’t blame your in-laws because it is the son who is playing the role and acting smart to them stating he spent money for you. Delivery care and mortuary expenses are considerable and should not be counted. It is his duty as a husband and as a son-in-law. As you said, there are innocent 498A men also in this forum. Your case is truly different. As you told, you don’t want any sympathy or reply, still am stating “May God bless you and your little one”. Thank God for saving you.

    If you try for a compromise with him again, the vengance personality in him can harm you throughout. Be bold and try to bring up your daughter well. Atleast be happy that you are taking care of your old widow mother and small baby, both of extreme age groups.


  56. 139 samba January 31, 2012 at 3:16 pm

    Hai sir,
    i got married 1 year back , since form 20 days of my marriage me my wife were having disputes, she doesn`t respect me or my parents, she Denys what ever i say, as its 16 months of my marriage. she is at her mother `place for about 9 months within this 6 months . the rest of the months we use to sleep separately. she has strong support from their their parents told that she as done B.A computers but she completed 10class.
    iam working in a pvt organization. i wanted divorce from my wife iam ready to give back the amount and other gifts which they have given. is it necessary to pay her monthly we don`t have any children.
    if both of us agree to get separated and get a agreement done in fornt of the family members. is that valid.
    plz suggest me . & reply to my mail id.


  57. 140 samba January 31, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    Hai sir,
    i got married 1 year back , since form 20 days of my marriage me my wife were having disputes, she doesn`t respect me or my parents, she Denys what ever i say, as its 16 months of my marriage. she is at her mother `place for about 9 months within this 6 months . the rest of the months we use to sleep separately. she has strong support from their their parents told that she as done B.A computers but she completed 10class.
    iam working in a pvt organization. i wanted divorce from my wife iam ready to give back the amount and other gifts which they have given. is it necessary to pay her monthly we don`t have any children.
    if both of us agree to get separated and get a agreement done in fornt of the family members. is that valid.
    plz suggest me . & reply to my mail id.


    • 142 Mehul April 11, 2018 at 4:46 am

      Dear Heli

      if really all these happen then your mom file a case against your father i mean to say her husband,. Secondly a long back married life may be court not allow this line that they demand a dowry because there are many many gaps and decision has been given by the Honb’le court in the inrest of the justice. Secondly, 110% you are liable to take all these expenses for your life which was incurred by your mom for you on behalf your father but you should have to prove it before the honb’le court. as a child of your father you must have to get whatever amount fixed by the court you are entitle for the same.

      please if you like and wants to know please reply


  58. 143 Heli February 2, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    My mom has a marriage life of 18 yrs. She was asked for dowry of a large amount from last four years. My father and paternal relatives have given lot of mental torture to my mom. Now my mom has filed case of 498A against my father. I have witnessed all the incidents of mental and physical torture on my mom.
    So can my mom file any case related to the torture in addition? What can be the results and consequences?

    I am with my mom as I know what she has beared for my better future..
    Plz help in the best way you can….


  59. 144 Wife February 3, 2012 at 4:10 am

    I am married to a guy without a job – he was being maintained so far by charity from various sources – even his parents gave him money. I suspect he may have some property in his name or his parent’s name. i want to divorce him. We have a child under 5 years. What can I get in terms of money ? He wants the child – can he get it ?
    He is well educated but does not work – and I am working now. But I want him to pay me every month or big settlement. What to do ? I never gave dowry – I actually ran away from parents and married him – but can I still file for dowry harassment and get something from him ? Can he prove he did not harass me ?


    • 145 Gopal R. March 30, 2012 at 5:52 am

      It’s women like you who fail marriages, who want to take undue advantage of ruthlessly biased laws to their favor. But don’t forget… what goes round… comes round. You are only in for money… that is what has made marriages in India nothing more then socialized and legalized prostitution, and nothing else.


    • 146 Mehul April 11, 2018 at 4:55 am

      Dear Aplicant

      please let me know you are working so how many salary you not show . secondly you have got divorce or still a case pending before the Honb’le court for decision, Thirdly if court will and feel they are not give a proper childhood or education to your child so court will give a order in favor of you. further a property in the name of your husband do you know about any? because of as and when need so you have to place a related all papers and proof before the Honb’le Court.


  60. 147 megha February 3, 2012 at 4:18 pm

    i got married two months back, i am a B.Com graduate with no job. my mother-in-law has become psycho due to my father in law’s torture. she keeps annoying me and i become upset and irritated till the end of the day. my husband is not at all supportive to me, he keeps saying that i should go back to my parents house and he will send me divorce notice., i need some advice and divorce tips regarding this. can i get divorce immediately or is it necessary to live with him till minimum 6months?
    please help.


  61. 148 preet February 7, 2012 at 1:34 pm

    Sir ,
    After my graduation in medicine, I was preparing for my career in USA and had even passed my exams. Just when i was going to get admission , i met a person and he proposed marriage and we fell in love, even our parents agreed for it . This Person was by chance , also PR in some other country. After our marriage(and many gold gifts and money expenditure), I had to face a troubled environment at his home where he rarely supported me and went back just in a few days . They took all the jewellary that they gave to me saying they were going to keep it in locker and later used it themselves without my knowledge.We filed for a spouse visa, also a visitor visa , becoz spouse visa takes time. I went to see him on visitor visa for honeymoon . Just the day I returned to India , 5 days after it , he siged a document and cancelled my spouse visa. Also , he stopped communicating with me at all. There was a brief home violence while i was with him overseas for those 3 months. Before that , his family here in India had thrown me out of house , used all my jewellary and stuff. We never filed any case of dowry/ violence/ harrasment or anythign against them , becoz we wanted things to sort out with time. But when he now refused me visa just after i came back to india, and completely stopped communication and says he would go for divorce and threatens me that he is PR and if i take any step against it , he would destroy me , I feel i have been cheated. Also , “all” my belongings and books and many certificates still lie with him overseas in his house. Since then , he has nt even been sending me any money .No response from him or his parents.

    I dont want to file any case against him , i still love him , plus my family is very respectable family. Donot want them to face all the crap in courts. But I do need to finish my education .And I can not put further strain on my parents.
    Given that he kind of dumped me after sending me to india, it is a case of NRI fraud, but i dnt want to fight that case as well. Just already feel very low.

    He says he will file for a divorce. If that happens , will I be getting any money back ? Any gold that we presented to them ? or any expenses of the marriage ? will he have to giv me compensation for destroying myc areer and cheating me with visa?

    Please advice.I am a graduate , but currently not working and going for further studies (Masters).



  62. 149 ravinder February 16, 2012 at 6:26 am

    Its 16 feb today finally my father in law asked me to come in to court, i dont know what to say but i want to save this marriage somehow, my spouse has manipulated the kid but e1 know its very easy task for a mother to do so. I called her many times but she is not responding, she is asking for divorce and want me to repay her loan, i am ready to do that despite i m unemployed right now so a family dont need to go through a separation.But i want to do that as i did earlier also for the same being in the family(me, myself and my kid).What should i do because if she revolt she could file a case as genrally women do in anger under 498a. I know once the ball start rolling it wont stop even if any party want it to with out more emotional, financial,society image damage for both family her and mine.She asked me to say yes if lawyer ask me if i want divorce or not, i am in dillema as once on phone in this month she also has threated me of 498a charges,she has always threatened me in all 7 yrs with the same whenever she lost her temper.Despite all these i want to save this marriage. In 7 yrs of marriage she has worked only two yrs and i worked 5 yrs in various co. and 2 yrs i did baysitting for my kid as she asked me to do still her father asked me what i have done in all 7 yrs. I didnt seek any help from in laws in all these 7 yrs . Now she dont want to listen that life is very long and ups and down are the part of life it does not require separation plz help.


  63. 150 shirish February 22, 2012 at 10:06 am

    i was marred at 30th dec 2010 but my wife has love afir with one guy of her class she told me for divose at 14 feb 2011 i was record her call which contains hole love story. that time she want divorse but after few dayas her famaly memebers pressheris on her and she was change now she dont want divorse but now i want divors. and after 14 feb 2011 we didnt live together. so if i apply for divorse i need to pay Maintenance. and i have monthly income of Rs.5000 only and my wife soing master degree now. so plz help me


  64. 151 Subhash March 13, 2012 at 10:27 am

    I got married on 18 May 2006, I have two child, Son (03year) and Daughter (01year). My wife file a case in women help line at her home and blaim to me and may family members(Father,Mother,Sister,Brother) for Domestic Voilence, she wants Divorce,child(son-who is staying whith my family and going school) and maintence, Daughter with her. But I don’t want Divorce.
    Her complaint is we had beatan to her . this is not true. She has a problem, she takes Negative every word by my family and also me. She think wrongly any of my talking about anything. She say every time in phone I will see you and your family. I don;t give her my childs and Divorce. What can i do in this situation. I am in tension. My second and last hering on women cell on 23 March 2012. If no solution comes on last hering. Please suggest me all of things who i can do.


  65. 152 ramdoss March 15, 2012 at 2:41 pm

    divorce petion is before the family court In the meanwhile court has ordered to pay Rs2000 to to my wife with restrospective from 2008
    I have meagre income of 4000 p.m. as marketting man How to go I have no capacity to pay 2000 as ordered by the court as maintencance to may wife
    pl advise


  66. 153 kaito sema March 17, 2012 at 11:13 pm

    sir my .wife .abadoned me and dauther 4 yrs back …the reason ..sumtimes iuse to do
    chemicals ;;but i was never violent salary goes strraight to her every month thats how we lived ….every dicission regarding family matters she;;s she would make it without even consulting me..NOW SHE”BACK after 4 years and demandind child custody and about chemical problem it”s over 4yrs nw m sober now wht advice can you give me please?? it would be veryimp 4 me plls……………………………………………………………………

    and about our child she””s going to best school here …her mother or family dosen’t support her even with a single paise.. so sir please help out ;;………. i really need it..

    if you want to know more.. please ..dont hesitate to ask..
    would be waiting for replly

    eagarly thank you..

    k bhatt…


  67. 154 Rohit March 27, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    Hello Sir,

    I got married in Dec.2010.But due to some circumstances my wife and i got fight and she went to her father house in the month of april 2011 and came back in july 2011 and she stayed with me for exactly 2 months and again she went to her father house and now she is staying their for last 6 months and we have on daughter who is 5 months old and i have not seen her since her birth. I need divorce from my wife my annual income is 2 lac and i have masters in my education and my wife has also done MBA. she is putting alligations on me & my family that we ask for bribe and we have tried to burn her. Kindly confirm me how to come out from this matter & how much compensation i have to pay her not in monthly basis. I do not have any assets with me. plzzzz help. In my 16 months marriage we have stayed together for only 6 months.


    • 155 Sandy April 1, 2012 at 12:58 pm

      i dont understand why alll time women blackmail to men by putting allegations. Court system in our india is wrong. Actually, why it is by default assumed that men try to harm her or harass her, why cant women harm men in today scenario. The only thing is men are assumed to be powerful but actually women are also powerful . I suggest u to put case that she beaten u and try to kill u dats y she left ur house wen she failed in her attempt. If she thinks u as her enemy u also treat her like same. In bhagwat gita also, Bhawvan shri krishan said to arjun to attack on opposite side and not to wait for her mercy. aaj kal ki ldkiyon ka dimag khrab ho gya hai…..


      • 156 Rohit April 2, 2012 at 6:45 am


        As i have told u that we have baby girl who is 5 months old now she and her family putting allegation on me and my family that we are not coming to take her from her father’s house because she has given birth to girl and we were asked for boy.But the fact is she herself does not want to leave her parents house. We have are very much fed up with our life. Kindly confirm us what we can do so that she should get ready herself to give divorce to me that also with out any complication to me and my family. I do not have money to give her. But what i and my family have understood from her behavior that she gives importance to money a lot. She thinks we always asked for dowry from her parents and they have done more than enough on marriage but the fact is we do not touch any item which come from her parents house & i and my family we have not even touched the clothes which her parents gave at the time of marriage (as per the culture). Kindly confirm us what to do and if we have to pay her money much amount i have to pay her because i do not own any property and my annual income is Rs.2 lac. waiting for your reply


  68. 157 Anjali Kuriakose March 29, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    I got married on 30th Dec 2011. My husband and I met through a matrimony site and got married in two months time. Before marrage he told me that he is well to do and will not be dependant on my salary to run the house. I was working and doing very well for myself and he promised that my life will only get better. He said he is going to do MBA, buy a house in US and many other things but after marriage I got to know that he doesnt have any savings. We barely meet ends with his income and he says he will not be able to run a family and hence doesnt want a child now. We both are 38yrs old. He also has erection problem and says it is only with me. We do not have any sexual life. It is a second marriage for both of us. He divorced his wife saying she has bipolar disorder. He was living with her only for a month. We lived together for three months and in these three months he was totally indifferent to me and I came back to my parents because he was totally indifferent.
    It is my second marriage too. I do not see this marriage working. On what basis can i file for a divorce? Will I get divorce? Any maintenance or alimony? Kindly advice.


    • 158 siranjeet sandhu May 2, 2012 at 1:59 pm

      u can file divorce on the basis that ur hubby is impotent and u had never sex with him from date of marriage to till date


  69. 159 Help Plss March 31, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    Hello Sir\Madam,

    I have a friend who got married and had to file for a divorce with in an year of her marriage. Her parents are looking for some matches lately to get her married again and have come across a divorcee. And according to his version of the story of his divorce, they say that the guy was married only for 3mnths while the girl tried to behave very indifferntly by not cooking, not letting him near her, not helping him out in any of the works at home, not even taking bath for days together etc….,he lived in the US and was working and earning their living. And then after 3mnths the girl returned to india with the pretext of being very very home sick, and then started forcing the guy to come back to india n settle there, which led to arguments and eventually the idea of a divorce between him n the girl. The boy’s family aslo said that they had to pay 50lakhs in alimony to the girl to avoid any complications from the girl that can affect the boy’s career in US. Now, In every way possible i know..,no one can demand an alimony from just 3mnths of marriage. I very strongly believe that there r some lies involved here from the boy’s side. Please tell me in detail what circumstances can actually give a person the right to demand for an alimony. Please let me know if demanding an alimony in the above case even possible..???

    Thanks in advance.


  70. 160 Ritu April 20, 2012 at 7:56 am


    i am ritu, aged 26 yrs MBA Graduate married to a person who has completed his L.L.B in 2010 . and now he is doing Accounts work with his father in their own home . like income tax returns, sales tax , vat returns cases etc and earn nearly about 1 lac p.m both of them. and me was doing job in Pvt Company since 5 years. as an accountant. we got married in 2010. my in laws tortured me physically as well as mentally for dowry. after that when i got pregnant they started to threaten me for pre natal sex determination baby boy/baby girl .and arrested me in room for 4 days. they left my job forcely. when my parents come to know and come to my matrimonial home my in laws started man handling. police case registered as ipc 107/151. then many meetings were held between both families with relatives for mutual settlement. but after few days they started all theses harassments back. when my baby boy born , no body come to meet me from inlaws. even i hv tried many times to call. and now they sent me divorce summens. and now i went to women cell. now the case is pending in both places. my father in law disown his son and me from his property immediately after dispute.and now they showed his son is residing anywhere else and working as a helper and earning 3500 per month. i hv also appeal for compensation and maintenance case. but please let me know what would happen next.


    • 161 siranjeet sandhu May 2, 2012 at 1:47 pm

      ritu u and ur daughter get maintenance according to net salary of ur hubby from date of application u/s 125 crpc or if any matrimonial case under HMA is pending in court then get maintenance u/s 24 of HMA as per status of ur hubby.As marriage is relation of faith and ur mutual faith have been finished then go for divorce and find new life partner. for ur any query u can ask via email id


      • 162 Ritu May 3, 2012 at 12:12 pm

        Thanx for ur reply . Is there any law for disowning the son and his wife from property after such kind of dispute? As they have showed that his son i mean my husband is now residing in another place and falsely showed that he is earning just Rs 3500/- p.m .


      • 163 siranjeet sandhu May 3, 2012 at 2:56 pm

        dear ritu
        ur son after age of 18 yr has right on the ancestral property of ur hubby and u have right on self aquired property of ur hubby.


      • 164 siranjeet sandhu May 3, 2012 at 3:02 pm

        one who has self aquired property and he has full right to give that property to anyone during his life time or by way of will where as ancestral property is divided into their legal heirs


      • 165 Ritu May 8, 2012 at 10:45 am

        Sir now my husband is withdrawing his divorce case and saying that he want to come back my wife in front of court. but in reality he give me abuses after councelling . what should i do now . i have filed for maintenance . but he showed he is earning only 3500 p.m . which is not true. how can i prove it in front of court?


    • 166 siranjeet sandhu May 9, 2012 at 1:59 am

      ur hubby seems to be both lier and lawyer.he showed his desire to take u back in court and he had given assurace to wirhdraw his divorce case otherwise he had to pay maintenance u/s 24 HMA to U. so it would be very difficult for u to understand his each and every plan. give more detail and contact me via my email id


      • 167 Ritu May 9, 2012 at 9:40 am

        Yes absolutely he is lier . so how can i prove in front of court so as to get maintenance . as now i can’t live/ stay with such kind of person, who has even still not see the face of his child of 4 months old. he is very smart now he is saying he want to meet my child and want to stay with my child that’s why he is withdrawing the case. he is earning approx 45000/- p.m but showed only 3500/- p.m . so give me some suggestions what to do now ? i am very needful now.


      • 168 siranjeet sandhu May 9, 2012 at 11:30 am

        ritu make an action plan when u have decided not to suh a person and u had to prove cruelty by ur hubby on uand action plan must be secret and tell ur bad incident occured during ur stay with ur hubby and tell me me on my email id


    • 169 siranjeet sandhu May 10, 2012 at 1:21 am

      try to locate income tax PAN No. of ur hubby and he might had shown Rs 45000/- or more income in his previous income statements that can be documentry proof and there are so many other ways to prove that he is earning more.


    • 170 Mehul April 11, 2018 at 5:10 am

      Dear Ritu,

      I have been read a comment has been posted by you and adviser shri siranjeet sandhu has give a proper guidance and line of action. Still you does not got a Divorce. Right. so you may also file a Criminal suit against all of them for mentally harassments and torched to you for the many matter was happned with you as well as u/s 125 maintenance of you and your child. If you know a PAN no of your hubby then all details are know easily and ask for a department of Income Tax may be thay will help to you. PAN details easily available if you full name of your husband and Birth date. if know CA will help you better in the case.



  71. 171 lalit April 28, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    hi, myself lalit and i got love marriage on 21 sep 2007without dowry . After one year my wife had gone his father home and left me.i have gone his home to take him back for several time as i am serving in defence job and his father home is far away that is 2000 kms from my home.MY all the effort are gone vain to return him back home. After one and half year sereration ihave filed a case under sec 9 act to come back home but she can not come the court notice have sent 3 to 4 times to his home but she cant come.After that i have filed a petition a divorce under sec 13. The court notice of divorce have sent 7 to 8 times to him and also a publication is also published in newspaper regarding divorce petition. she had never come in the court even a single time. After one and half year the court had give his decesion in favour of me. the court had show him ex party and the court had give me a decree sheet of divorce.

    Now i want a suggestion regarding maintainance law. i want to ask to ask you that is my wife is elligible for maintainance and how much she will get maintainance money while my income is 24000 rupee monthly secondly she is studing in B.A. final year. i have no child.

    please suggest me to my email id


    • 172 siranjeet sandhu May 2, 2012 at 1:55 am

      Your wife is now eligible to get maintenance u/s 125 crpc and quantum vary according to mood of judge and documents on record and tradition of court in area where u lives. Wife is not eligible to get maintenance if she is judgment debtor in case of restitution of conjugal rights of section 9 of HMA, only and only till decree of divorce u/s 13 of HMA is passed ( even during pendency of divorce case) and after passing of decree of divorce, wife become eligible to get maintenance. Quantum of maintenance may vary from one fifth to one third of your net carry home salary.


  72. 173 smitha May 4, 2012 at 5:31 am

    then later he told not to inform his family as he gets scoldings. i listened to him as he was not well. but the next day wen his sister came from mys back we went to their place and told what happened. police had cum 2 hospital there he tol it happened playfully to save his job.later 15 days we were happily living. but after 15 days wen we went to their house at mys for festival they came to know by seeing up d mark. later they started blamiong me. then it became clash between me n his family. after that he reduced speaking with me . one day wen i was watching tv he made big issue calling owner. later with his under his family guidance he has put for counceling. its been 3 months they are simply extending. me and my mom staying at place where me n husband stayed. councelor also their side. first 2 months he gave rent. now they said to cut in advance for owner. i dont kno what is there in there mind. they r not going legally because they know they r false. pl suggest wat need to be done. pl reply to


  73. 174 smitha May 4, 2012 at 5:34 am

    Me and my husband loved each other and got married on 6th june 2011. We had difference of opinion still my husband forced me to get married to him . as i also loved i dint object much. but after marriage listening to his parents words and sister our clash became more. he tried to phycally hit me even i tried to defend it. ut later i used to cry and sit as i couldn defend . then sometimes he used to consol but never say sorry. but one day when i enquired why he is late he dint talk just he went and slept. when i told to drink the milkshake which i prepared he dint respond. with love i pinced him. for that simple thing he hurt himself and told than ur torture i will suicide. i thought he was doing it for scaring me but it accidently got stuck. i only tuk him to hospital there my cousins came for my help as his family was at mysore for new yr. then later he told not to inform his family as he gets scoldings. i listened to him as he was not well. but the next day wen his sister came from mys back we went to their place and told what happened. police had cum 2 hospital there he tol it happened playfully to save his job.later 15 days we were happily living. but after 15 days wen we went to their house at mys for festival they came to know by seeing up d mark. later they started blamiong me. then it became clash between me n his family. after that he reduced speaking with me . one day wen i was watching tv he made big issue calling owner. later with his under his family guidance he has put for counceling. its been 3 months they are simply extending. me and my mom staying at place where me n husband stayed. councelor also their side. first 2 months he gave rent. now they said to cut in advance for owner. i dont kno what is there in there mind. they r not going legally because they know they r false. pl suggest wat need to be done


    • 175 siranjeet sandhu May 5, 2012 at 1:59 am

      if u can adjust then it is good as u know better otherwise without wasting ur precious life time and energy in useless litigation take divorce and start new life


  74. 176 pujaroy May 4, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    me or mere husband 18th october 2011 me shadi kiya tha uski gharwale mujhe bahut marti he is liye me apni myka agai husband ke upor 498 case korke ab me usse divorce chati hu lekin wo mujhe divorce nehe dena chati lekin me ab jana nehe chati pls suggest me i want a divorce and maintaince pls reply me


    • 177 siranjeet sandhu May 5, 2012 at 2:05 am

      u can file divorce u/s 13 on the basis of cruelty and get maintenance u/s 125 crpc without filing dowry case u/s 498a


    • 178 siranjeet sandhu May 5, 2012 at 2:10 am

      First try to adjust in new family and if the condition is beyond adjustment go for divorce without any delay and maintenance otherwise u crosses marriageble age


  75. 179 sm May 5, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    they r waiting may be for us to put the case ….. i try to call him several times but there is no response from him…. his mother is not allowing him to meet me only. he is staying in his sister place telling lie to conceling that he is in his friend place. i love him . he might also have some feeling. can i do something legally so that he comes back to me.if we send legal notice also they will say same old story that we cant leave them together. We were happy only untill unless his mother involved. can i go to his sister place with legal protection to get him back. cant i do till conceling get over to make him pay rent. because he wont go to mysore also.


  76. 180 Bhuvnesh Kumar May 7, 2012 at 5:00 am

    My wife is registered lawyer in Delhi high court and member of bar council of Delhi, and she filled case against me and my parent’s u/s 498a, 506 504 or 125 maintained in 2009, im working with private firm no fix income I have,
    My question is what she is eligible for maintence and how much
    Bhuvnesh kumar


  77. 181 Bhuvnesh Kumar May 7, 2012 at 5:15 am

    My wife is registered lawyer in Delhi high court and member of bar council of Delhi, and she filled case against me and my parent’s u/s 498a, 506 504 or 125 maintained in 2009, im working with private firm no fix income I have,
    My question is what she is eligible for maintance and how much
    In mediation court we would decided we live together and start new life and forget whatever done from my side and her side, and according to mediation she didn’t withdraw any case, and continue every case
    Right away,
    she is registered lawyer and she den-aye mediation high court Allahabad decision , I just want to know make any case or complaint against herself in bar council & high court


  78. 182 John May 28, 2012 at 8:35 am

    HI i have a good friend (he is an indian) lives outside india.He lives in Taiwan for about 8 years. We studied for master together few years ago and he married with an india girl after school base on india tradition..that means he never met her before. And after 1 year he found out they didnt suit for each other. and she ran back to india.. they are now fighting in court for divorce for abt 2 years. She doesn’t like him at all and also dont want to live with him. But she use his old picture with his ex-gf who is our classmate(a Taiwanese girl) as evidence to issue a case to india court to claim he cheated her, but the truth is his wife met him after school so he didn’t cheat her at all. She didnt treat him well, never do house work and always yell at him when they live together. Before she left him, she took his money and gold, but my friend dont have any prove on these. Now they are not living tigether and all their contact is only the court case. He doesn’t know what to do now to colse the case, he is still young and want to move on his live and try to meet another fine woman. but if this case is not solved, he can’t have chance to meet any woman for his rest of live.

    Is there any way to get rid of this problem and close the case to get divorce?


    • 183 John May 28, 2012 at 8:42 am

      She is not letting him get divorce smoothly.. and trying to make him lose the case..even claimed he beat her…. but my friend buys her everything. and treat her nicely. I’m not an indian guy… so I don’t understand why the court accept her issuing the case of these only base on her talk.


  79. 184 benitha May 31, 2012 at 6:37 pm

    do u all think that a Indian husband having lot of money without account will change no never i had experienced they will only love money and cheat their wife’s and listen parents words also some lawyers they separate couples for money it happens in India alone


  80. 185 Rashmi June 3, 2012 at 7:15 am

    I have been married for 8years and have two children.But now when my daughter started to study and my son to will go to school as I have admitted them to good schools for their better future and I am paying all myself he only contributes1250/- p.m as being a government employ he gets from govt.,he is against this and often on any pretext yells at me that he is giving us food and shelter .He talks all nonsense in front of children and gives out fouls words now and then which are not at all aceptable in a decent society.At times he also beats me and demands for money for a child’s and my fooding.One day he stood nude infront of children as he was very angry.It is really very difficult to stay with him.He does not allow me to have any privacy of my own .He does not keep any money for our future and neither discloses any financial earnings of his but always wants me to be clear with my earnings to him.But I wnt to hide save some money for my children’s future as he is least bothered about it.I am working as an online tutor earning an average of 8k-10k p.m and also doing B-ed to support my childrens’ present and future.


  81. 186 Khushbu June 8, 2012 at 2:33 am

    I spent 1 hour to read all comment brothers. I have all sympathies with u all .but I would like to put a point this is not girls(except those girls ,who are really giving trouble to her husband ,trust me only 4% girls out of 100 in the world will be like who is giving trouble to husband. Exceptions are always there ) mistake that is mistake of those who torches girl for dowry/beat his wife without any her fault/abuse her and her maternal family without saying anything. Even if wife is obeying her husband ,and making money herself .Respecting husband’s family .Girls parents giving support to husband’s brothers without complain g anything .
    You all are getting trouble because of that man, who always runs behind the money for them only money is everything and woman is nothing. They marry to girl with them wish and later they says, I don’t like your face .Telling lie to his/her family about girl insulting girls.
    I can understand why so u hates that law, but try to understand why they made that law.
    You all are exceptions and I believe if you all have really tried/trying to keep your relation then u all are really respected for me but if guy belong to money minded/cruel/character less then I hate these men .Unfortunately in india only 20% man will be good man like you guys.
    You all can help yourself, because marriage is part of life and u cannot live without it. How you can help yourself other boys/girls/man/woman from all these
    1) If you feel some man in nab our/family/friends are abusing /torturing girl .give them advice for not to do. And do same vice-versa if u found any girl to do same.
    2) Be friend of your wife .don’t dominate her, she will give her 101% love to you. May be it will take time.
    3) Feel her u do take care for her.
    4) Every girl wants to be with her husband. Girls want to live happily life with husband. For a girl it is very difficult to take action like divorce .no buddy want to spoil them life just for sake of money
    5) Please don’t find your mom in girls .they are your wife not mother .I am sorry to say but it is true .as u cannot say your mother to treat like wife in same way please don’t find mother in your wife. There are importance role for each and every relationship .you cannot compare them.
    Finally conclusion of my all thought is maximum girls/woman are suffered by man’s torture that’s why this law is important for woman rights.
    I accept some exception are there but think about majority. If you guys are really impartial then u will defiantly understand. Let me explain.
    1) Have u repeatedly heart guy burn from girl for dowry. NO, u can often read news girl burn for dowry.
    2) You can read girl raped by man .have u ever read man raped by girl.
    3) Man is beating his wife after drink alcohol/without dink.
    4) You can read often man marry girl and then leave her and run foreign.
    And many more ……
    Think if you guys think your mother/sister can’t be wrong then believe me girls are very soft .they want only love and respect ,rest on u guys

    I always want to respect human


    • 187 siranjeet sandhu June 10, 2012 at 8:34 am

      dear Khushbu
      i had read ur views which are biased or u donot know what is happening in 21st century because all laws/ Acts are made in 1890 0r 1891 when ladies depends upon her husband in every respect and are not educated , not go outside for shopping or for job and not have boy friends and mobiles.
      Now when women feel themselves equal to man in every respect then why they expect that law should be biased ( Crpc 125, DV act, Dowry prevention Act and child custody Act), newly introduced act right on residential property along with right on movable and immovable property.
      Every one ( Society , police , politician and judiciray) in ur country have sympathy for women either she is right or wrong and try to find fault in man/ husband and this had become ur inborn thinking.
      So try to think broadly not narrowly.


    • 188 Nikhil July 11, 2014 at 9:29 pm


      just because there are some exceptions means they are not humans, they don’t deserve better life & justice, those laws made in completely different situations, today time has changes then why not laws.
      there are lots of rightful amendments can be done in such laws but Women’s organisations are not letting that happens they want straight forward laws even if they are anti-men,
      such women want enslave the men legally,
      they want to give complete freedom to women & taking away even the protective rights from men,
      such false cases not only destroy husband’s life forever but their families too, nobody cares with that, WHY?

      because of such false cases more than 60,000-70,000 married men are committing suicide, some of their parents are dying of shock because of lost dignity & respect in society, shouldn’t there be any law for these people,
      there is no single law to protect men’s right in India,
      these false cases runs too long & in that period women can marry but men cant,
      according to our laws married women are not punishable by law for adultery but men are, is this equality?
      because according to our law all Indian women are innocent, all men are always the seducer, & Women’s organisations supports this & against of making Wife’s adultery punishable by law – a perfect example of feminism,

      means woman can have many sexual relations out of marriage & she is not entitled for punishment but men are,
      means women are completely free to do adultery by Indian laws,
      if such women caught red handed either they will turn against the lover with whom they are willingly having sex by putting allegations of rape on him
      will turn against husband by putting false 498A
      either way men are suffering, is this equality?
      today women of India want all the freedom & liberty to do everything as they want & they don’t want any kind of limitations not even legal or ethical & moral too,
      they just want to be like western women, soon teenage girls in India will start to become pregnant & they will start saying that its their right to do whatever they want,
      this is all because of growing feminism in India & Women’s organisations are the mainstream group of feminists,

      moreover, that stupid Congress even passed the bill of “IRBM” just go & read that bill & you will find how Indian laws are becoming more & more ANTI-MEN
      this bill is height of the non-sense & legal cruelty against men, even the NRIs who get married under “Hindu marriage act” are scared

      I have talked my friends, If that law comes into existence they are ready to stay single,
      today many men in India has are scared of marriage,
      men in India has started to stay single, many are leaving this country because of such biased laws, this will destroy our Hindu culture definitely as our majority will suffer in future,
      nobody think of long-term effects & unfortunately women in India are supporting it,
      where the Muslim population is increasing day by day their families have 5-6 children per family & more in some cases & because of our hindu women, men in our culture now avoiding marriages,
      sure this seems small thing now but in future we will see the big effects of this,
      I don’t want say this but in near future Muslims will be in majority as they are growing & when that will happen there will be a “Sharia law” & that is the best & only answer to such feminists & other Indian women who silently supports such laws,


    • 189 suffering women July 12, 2014 at 9:01 am

      dear khushbu
      nice view


  82. 190 Pathi June 8, 2012 at 9:33 am

    I married April 2012 after 2 months she not accepted sexual matters she accepted only for oral sex but this last month May 31st she got pregnant we r not doing any serious sexual relationship but suddenly pregnant she also ask to me how can this made , lots of time i talking phone to her family about that matter they dont care about that even she is home sick person always sleeping, and every day body pain and everything is pain but she told she dont have any problem in body , Lovable, Sexual, Good Cook this three objects is minus of my person, lots of time i discuss this matter but she hiding everything and still silent, now i want divorce her that is possible?


  83. 192 madhavi June 9, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    sir i got married on june husband is working in (govt)railway department..he started harassing me from aug 2011… We have 5 months kid now..but still no change in him…he is harassing me alot…i have to know how can i get divorce nd my gold, dowry…. I want my son…so tell me child custody ruls…please reply me on my id


    • 193 siranjeet sandhu June 10, 2012 at 8:45 am

      As mentioned u got married on june 2011.ur husband is working in (govt)railway department and now is june 2012( one year of ur marriage )and u had 5 month kid means u had pregnancy before marriage that can be factor in ur dispute.


  84. 194 Nripendra June 10, 2012 at 11:27 am

    6 months ago i got married with pump & show in hindu tradition.Before marriage the girl side told that she was Graduate.After marriage when i asked for certificate for further studies n job she always start quarelling with me and my family saying that it is her property n she wont give it.On investigation from the university it was known that her D.O.B is also wrongly told to us n now according to her original D.O.B she is 2 years elder than me,now i dont have any faith on her n her family.We dont have any child n now i dont want to live together my withdrawing salary is 16000 /month what is the procedure n maintenance money i should pay.


    • 195 Sandy June 10, 2012 at 12:00 pm

      Hello friend,
      i am also like you.. In today indian system, there is need to change the rules for maintenance system…otherwise everytime girl will threat the boy and play with his life. I mean 5 to 7 percent maximum maintenance should be there instead of 20 to 30 percent…..For this change, i suggest all men like us to get together and go to Delhi and have “Anshan” like anna hazare… My friend, millions of guys will come forward by this movement…And in coming years, no girl will blackmail guy n his family……pls spread this message and if possible …lets have a movement like this…………..even 1000 to 3000 guys if go for anshan in frnt of delhi gvrnmnt for reforms in maintence law ( which is always in favor of girl)…, then things will be better…………plssss help me and other guys like us….reply…


    • 196 Sandy June 10, 2012 at 12:30 pm

      check out…….and join petition….Abolish maintenance rules…….


    • 197 siranjeet sandhu June 10, 2012 at 1:57 pm

      ur lovely estranged bitter half and her parents would never admit in court and it would be vey difficult for u to prove that they had concealed her qualification and age but if u had got match through news paper aids in matrimonial column that may help to some extent.

      getting maintenance from u is HER LEGAL RIGHT and u cannot deny and she can get 3-5 thousand per month from u.

      she can use other weapons against u like DV Act and Dowry act which are gifted to her as SHTRI DHAN by Indian law at the time of marriage


  85. 198 Sandy June 10, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    mass of people has power to change d old rules… and laws..


    • 199 SATPAL YADAV June 10, 2012 at 1:35 pm

      Hello Sandy, I am totally agreed with u that we need to do a big dharna against government towards the maintenance which is always in ladies favour, if u find people like this pls stick,together and will plan the same for our and other fellow sake. I am with u if u need any help pls. get back.



      • 200 siranjeet sandhu June 10, 2012 at 2:32 pm

        Dear brothers (Sandy and Satpal Yadav)
        only media ( articles in newspaper and tv serial and films and news in tv chennels) can help man and save man from the hand of these VAMPS.

        write a article in widely circulated Newspaper that DV Act and Dowry Act are lethal legal weapon in the hands of these married vamps for creating ‘LEGAL TERRORISM ‘in society ( as apex court mention ‘498a’ as LEGAL TERRORISM in his judgement sushil kumar vs union of india : RCR (criminal)2005(3)745)

        Write and mention Maintenance either u/s 125 crpc or u/s 24 HMA as ‘LEGAL DACOTI’ in ur article.

        Write and mention Newly introduced act Right of wife on husband’s residential property along with right on movable and immovable property as ‘LEGAL PROSTITUTION ‘
        as spent one or two nights innocent RICH huband and become the owner of half of his property, ( good idea as become lakhpati or crorepati in one/ two nights) in ur article.


  86. 201 Vineet June 16, 2012 at 10:31 am

    I got married to my girl friend of 3 years. 5 days after marriage, she cancelled the reception and since then has been living away. We both have our reasons, and looks like its going for a divorce. I quit my job to come back to india to get married to her and she is earning a decent salary. I did not take even a penny of divorce not even my marriage clothes were given by them. We are many times more wealthy than they are. She is only source of income to her parents and the fear of losing their earning daughter must be her mother’s insistence for divorce I guess. I do not truly understand what is going through her mind, but just to be prepared for a legal battle, here are my questions –

    1. Can she claim share of my property that was acquired before marriage
    2. Can she claim maintenance (i have been struggling to start my own business and do not have any income, where as she earns a decent income)
    3. What kind of emptive measures can I take to safe guard my own property and family’s inheritance?
    4. Last but not the least, what is the best possible time frame to get out of this (in case she also consents)? I heard that to file a divorce, we should be married at least for 6 months and then another 1 year?
    5. Good references for lawyers in Bangalore?


  87. 202 rakesh June 17, 2012 at 3:48 am

    Dear sir,
    i got married in dec 2005, and form day first my wife attitude was not good as far marriage life is concerned. intially she was blamming on others family members, then i took a decision and were living total seperate me and her , without interference of any other famly memeber. but there also, her attitude was not normal, like good , genuine housewife. Now my point is that, both both now living seperate form last 2 yrs, and neither she not her parents giving any concerete decisoion for the same issue. Neitehr they want to make relation good, neither to make this issue solved by leaving eachother. Now her parents had telling me that , u have full rights to go for legal action. now plz guide , wt will be the best way, to get rid of such problem. how i can get divorceee in min time form her , so that i can start my life again. as i feeel she is happy at her place, and many times she told orally that u also goet married , as i am happy and livivng nicely without u at parental house. plz suggest me good and genuine way to get soluiton. rgds


  88. 203 Arun June 18, 2012 at 5:41 am

    iam 35yr old and my wife is 34yrs got a son who is 3.4yrs old my wife has left m,y house from delhi and moved to her parent house in mumbai. she left home saying she is going to meet her mother but reaching their she has send me a advocate notice,asking 40000 rs a month and 35 lakh to but house in mumbai.though i have already made my delhi property on her name. pls guide how much maintaince do i have toi pay my salary is 50000/- a month take home out of which I have to pay EMI of 15000/- per month.
    you can call me at 7838157772


  89. 204 ruchi June 21, 2012 at 9:13 am

    hi i have been married for 11 yrs and have two children .my husband has filed a false dicvorce petition in the mumbai court on the grounds o cruelty whereas i have always been a good wife.he is greatly influenced by his parents.i had also gone to visit him to reconcile but his parents and he illtreated the kids and me and managed to get a temperory injunction against me and the kids.hence i returned to hyderabad to my parents.still i have been convincing my husband to take us back but he is adamant to see me in the court,hence i have filed a rcr in the court.
    will this help my case.
    i love him and i have not filed any criminal cases and i do not intend to file
    ever as my moral values are very high will this make him come back to me.
    nor have i asked for any maintenance as i only want him back.


    • 205 prady June 21, 2012 at 1:52 pm

      I\’m no Lawyer so cannot offer any help there. But being a woman and having gone through life\’s ups and downs, I think you need to be realistic and soon. Keep emotions aside and better have a plan for your own life and kids.
      Consult a good lawyer and do what is right for the situation.
      You have two kids to look after and this is no time to give in to emotions. You must fight when you have to and it\’s got nothing to do with moral values. You can fight fair.
      If and when he comes back to his senses, he will think of you, but to understand good one has to have that goodness too. Don\’t wait.
      I donno if you work. You should definitely ask for maintenance, at least until you are capable to bring up the kids on your own.
      All the Best


  90. 206 Akash June 27, 2012 at 8:16 am

    After seeing so many problems with men and women, I would also like to share my problem.

    I have been in love with this girl whom I got married in 2001 against the wishes of our parents in a Arya Samaz Mandir, The problem started just after our marriage when I got my brother in law (my wife’s brother) as my gift to stay with us, as her parents wanted him to study in Delhi. Each passing day things got worse. I also understood that my wife was attracted to someone else (I was not sure she was going around with him or not). In anger I started to search and give her the same feeling which I was going through. So I met this girl in my office and we started going around.
    Meanwhile my wife got pregnant in 2010 and 2010 she delivered the most beautiful gift to me, I thought of forgetting everything and start over a new life with her and my son but that very moment I saw her talking to that guy on the phone and I cold not take that anymore.

    Same year my father passed away and the girl whom I was going around with got married to someone else. I lost all hoes of life and got into alcohol 24/7. I knew this was bad for me but at the same time I was not sure the child was mine or not, I was scared of DNA test (what if the child is not mine). Now I don’t care about the sperms I only see my kid who is my life.
    I have moved to another city and exactly when I heard that girl of my office had filed for divorce with her husband as he was some kind of drug edict and a wife beater, use to get violent after the drugs and his parents also knew about it.

    We got in touch and started living together since last 1.5 years, I go and meet my son every month making sure he does not feel that he has no father.
    Now I am completely confused where to go and with whom to go.

    Please advise.


  91. 207 saritha June 29, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    i want to know if the husband is not working n wife being a house wife having 2 childrens aged about 8yrs n 5yrs how can she claim maintanence and on what basis can she appeal for the same. as i dont know the proper rules n regulations about this pls guide me.
    thanks n regards.


  92. 208 Prashant Nimbalkar July 2, 2012 at 6:38 am

    This is my personal experience and i am suffering from this,
    i got married in may 2011 after 2 months we realized that the girl is forcefully married to me, so as we spoke with her 1st about this then she disclosed that she was in love with another guy and as we are in pune and they belongs to aurangabad so we will never come to know this about her past and her relationship with that guy (aborted once) all the things she shared with us, when we called her family then nobody responded us and the person who was the mediator within us was just taking him out of this, She is in our relations that is why we dint inquired about her..
    Thing is that when that girl self taken a decision to leave our home and left in Diwali 2011, even after this we tried to call her parents who agen no replied, we waited then we got a call from her family to speak out this issue, we went there , we found except discussing those people were just using abusing language ( JUST BECAUSE OF THIS FOOLISH LAW OF INDIAN GOVT WHICH IN FAVOR OF GIRLS) those people were just getting the benefit of the same, and blamed us for dowry and attempt to kill her for money( which is absolutely wrong) , and went to Woman help cell in Aurangabad Police Commissionaire office, as that girl gave us all this things in written means sort of diary she used to maintain everyday about our behavior with her, my mom & dad was with her like her mom & dad as she mentioned in that..
    when we got clean cheat from Woman help cell Aurangabad and I agreed to live with her, to forget all this things, she also agreed to live with me but one one condition that i have to stay away from my family, i agreed also this. now this girl is not coming to our house even lodged a new complaint against us about we are not ready to keep her with us, and asking for 70,000 Rs, i am completely blank at this case and i writing here on facebook also as well on tweeter to know the people how this Girls are misusing the law which is meant for them, this is such a humiliating law for the guys who are innocent because of this law we have to stay with such a non trustworthy person, instead of this I will prefer to die.. because our law is in just favors the girls .. i am not saying all the girls are same of a kind but some of them are guilty and those are also misusing this foolish and blind law to kick our **s to get ample amount of money and just for money..

    Why we do not have law for boys which will help us to get out of this shit, all govt. is adding more n more clauses in this law but they are not thinking if that is innocent then…………………………….????????????????????????????


    • 209 Ritu July 3, 2012 at 5:05 pm

      Prashant , when ur wife left ur home on Diwali , then why didn’t u try to call her parents ? If they not replied , then u hd to go to the police for complaint.
      And if u are right , then ur wife or inlaws can never proof in the court that u r wrong .and u have to take vedeo record of ur in laws so as to proof ur self.
      Rest, Indian Law is not made only for girls . If u hv guts then fight for ur right , and hire a good lawyer.


  93. 210 kuttan July 4, 2012 at 7:09 am

    Very informative.. Thank you..


  94. 211 nadi July 9, 2012 at 2:57 pm

    I have 2 daughter one is 16 and another is 14, now my wife want maintenance i am one government school master in West Bengal my salary Rs.32000 can you help me how much money my wife want for maintenance.


  95. 212 Rohit Chorghe July 19, 2012 at 12:07 pm

    Dear sir,

    I got married in April 2004. My wife has 2 brothers & no sister. So, in the marriage my father told in emotions her parents to take their beloved daughter for 4 days to her parental house after 5 days of marriage. She had gone to her parental house & came back after 8-10 days & then after every 4 days her mother started coming to my house & my wife was going with her. After 4 months she got pregnant, doctor suggested rest, then i left her to her parents for rest & told to come back after 1 month. But she did not come. Me & my parents started to go their to bring her back but she denied & demanded for divorce. My all the relatives tried hard but without any strong reason she was denying. When she delivered a baby boy, she had not even informed me. I started drinking alchohol in tension & mental pain. We were trying at our level. At last when my child became 8 months old, she came back. But she was always so agressive in her talks with me & my parents, we were neglecting in the fear that she will again go back to her parents & tolerating her many minor as well as major mistakes. She was calling me in my office whenever she wants & started fighting with me & also torturing my parents at home without reason, also blackmailing me saying that she will kill the son or suicide. And getting everything done from me & my parents. After some days we had another child. She became more & more aggressive then. I was tolerating her many mistakes like, Stealing money at home, blackmailing, abusing my parents, saying me an old man (sexually), using ugly language etc. Again she has gone to her parents from last 2 years & saying she won’t come back as her father has 6 acres of land near Hinjewadi & she’ll get a big share in that. When me or my relatives go their she abuse me on my character & saying that she will kill everyone after going back forcefully, spreading rumours about me, even twice she & her brothers tried to kill me. Then i sent a notice to come back. But she didn’t answer, Now i have applied for divorce & she had immediately applied for maintenance. I am labor contract supervisor & earn only 4500 per month. She has taken away my both the childrens with her. My lawyer is not that much serious about my case. Now i don’t want that lady in my life again. I want divorce & if possible remarriage. I’m ready to take custody of my childrens. But now she is pretending that she is ready to come back. Please suggest me the right way from getting rid of such a cruel & dirty lady.


  96. 213 Deepak Maheshwari July 27, 2012 at 7:57 am

    Sir, I, Deepak Maheshwari, I got marriage on dt.29.11.2011 With Ms.Anjali as per Hindu rights.
    On 3.7.2012 she left the house without any reason and went to her father’s place as per her sweet will. She took her all blogging i.e. Footwear, Jewelry etc. in a shootcase and hand bags.

    her family given our family marriage exp rs.125000/- inclusive of reception


  97. 214 Deepak Maheshwari July 27, 2012 at 8:12 am

    Sir, I, Deepak Maheshwari, I got marriage on dt.29.11.2011 With Ms.Anjali as per Hindu rights.
    On 3.7.2012 she left the house without any reason and went to her father’s place as per her sweet will. She took her all blogging i.e. Footwear, Jewelry etc. in a shootcase and hand bags.

    her family given our family marriage exp rs.125000/- inclusive of reception exp, but her want divorce and want of rs.4 lac – 4.5 lac, and she warning go the court, but i am not able to pay this huge money

    I am working with pvt job and earning of Rs.12000/- per month, and I am staying with our brother house.

    Please advice can i do for this time,


    • 215 M.A. February 27, 2013 at 9:31 am

      No girl will return to her parents without any reason. All a girl wants is love, care, safety and security. Either you defaultered in providng her the basic needs which enforced her to leave her husband’s abode. Find out what is it that is giving her better days at her parents place which you failed to provide. You will find your way out.


  98. 217 SRAM August 5, 2012 at 8:51 am

    sir, i m working as a teaching faculty(private job) in an engg. college i got married in the year 2002 we have i boy his age is 5 years. now bcos of some personal problems she went to her native place , she filed case against me with 498a now she filed mc case ,

    i want to know how much i should give to her according to protocol will u give any guidance


  99. 218 Vishal Gawate August 13, 2012 at 4:56 pm

    Sir, I,Vishal, I got marriage on dt.26.01.2007 With Ms.Meenaxshi as per Hindu rights.
    On 5.3.2009 she left the house without any reason and went to her father’s place as per her sweet will. She took her all blogging i.e. Footwear, Jewelry etc. in a shootcase and hand bags.

    her family given our family marriage exp rs.100000/- inclusive of reception exp, but her want divorce and want of rs.20lac, and she file case into family court, but i am not able to pay this huge money.

    I am working with pvt job and earning of Rs.60000/- per month, and I am staying with my father house.My wife is not earening.

    Please advice can i do for this time,


  100. 219 Mohammed August 29, 2012 at 8:15 pm

    Please read with peace of mind and guide the correct way!

    This is the case of my younger sister,We had performed her marriage in the month of December-2011 to an NRI(who is working in Saudi Arabia).

    After staying here in India with her for 4 months.He went back to Saudi Again.
    We had given a dowry of Rs.75,000 cash and an a scooty of Rs57,000 and the rest as usual.

    He had immediately sold the scooty after one month of marriage and did not inform my sister and us.
    He did not gave a single rupee uptill when he was here in India(i.e 4 months).

    My sisters age was 22years at the time of marriage.

    Before marriage the profile, Which was given to us of him, They had mention his age as 25years and we were shown his photo.We had spoken to him and asked him to come for video chat as we want to see him, He said he works far away from city and there is no facility of internet.
    His family informed us after marriage he will take his bride along with him to Saudi Arabia as he earns (3,500 saudi rials and also runs his own business).
    We meet him at his home one day before marriage, As he looked ok and we could not concluded his age at that time.

    Finally, one fine day my sister came to see his passport,according to which his age is 45years.(more than twice age of my sister).

    He had once send 5000 rupees in the time span of 8-9 months for her expenses.

    She is staying with his family consisting of 2 sister(1-divorced and another batchelor) 2 younger brothers(both un employeed).
    The total expenses is being beared by him.

    He do have have 3 elder brothers every one got married and seperated from family.(Due to harsh behaviour of the groom family).

    My sister is performing all duties of his house like cooking and washing clothes of all and eating fat rice and daily, Which she did not eat in her life.

    Compromising on each and every thing.

    Her future is in dark as her husband is not at all showing intrest to call her to Saudi Arabia on family visa nor for the job visa(she is ready to go on job visa).

    But he is not showing intrest in her and every time caring for his family and stating he need to earn and perform marriages of his younger sister and also brothers.

    His income there is very less as What his family had stated us before.

    The major problem here is his age is near to 50 as he cannot lead a successful married life and the possibility of having childrens is less.
    We got cheated by him and his family and we want to save the future of my sister, As she has to go long way.

    My sister is becoming very weak and her health is getting affected and she is not able to decide “What to do”.

    I want to file a dowry case on him and his family and want my sister to be seperated from him. As she does not have any kids know.

    I need to carry all this process, As my father cannot solve this problem.

    I need to set my sister future as the situation is so critical and i need to take a wise decision.

    Please advice me at the earliest and tell me how to carry the process as i am not aware of the legal process.

    Email ur reply to



  101. 220 raj September 2, 2012 at 4:29 pm

    Dear Sir,
    My wife deserted me 3 months back and gone to Inlaws house with her parents in my absence and taken my 2 daughters 7 yrs and 2 yrs with her.Marriage is 8 yrs after goining making alligation of DV since last 8 yrs.Even mailed to my employer of the situation and 75% of may salary to go to her.I want divorce and my 2 kids with minimum alimony or maintenance.She is well qualified with Ph.d degree but not working.How much will be alimony or maintenance and chances of getting custody of my kids.How much time it will take and money involved.
    Please guide.How to proceed.


  102. 221 Mohammed September 14, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    Dear Friends,
    Kind Suggestions,Please dont post ur problems here,Because this site had been designed just to earn money.
    As now one will listen to ur problems seriously and give correct decision.
    Its u and ur family should decide and solve ur own problems.

    Dont trust this site people,As every one will post there problems with a hope that some one will show them the right path.
    This thing cannot be expected from this site.


    • 222 siranjeet sandhu January 5, 2013 at 1:12 pm

      on every site answers are given by experienced volunteers that can be in legal profession or gained self experience by passing through same such kind of problem in his life


  103. 223 ABC September 19, 2012 at 1:03 am

    Can you explain how this blog is making money?


  104. 224 S P October 18, 2012 at 5:23 pm


    I have a question for my sister. She is an indian citizen and got married to Indian born australian citizen in Jan 2012. He left her 7 days after the weeding and spoken to her just 4-5 times since then. She has been living with her in laws all this time.Its high time now and she wants to take some action agianst the guy. What are her option as the guy is in australia? How can she make him come back to India using her legal rights?


  105. 225 sumit joshi October 22, 2012 at 9:46 am

    My take home salary is 40,000 per month. My wife file a case of 125. She is doing PHD and already did MBA marketing and capable of earn.
    I dont know weather she is doing a job or not.
    I have to take care my parents and also my younger sister.
    Can you please suggest me what should be the approx maintenance amount that the court will decided.


  106. 226 Sanjeev October 29, 2012 at 1:34 am

    Sir i m into a conflict with my wife. She has filed in d court 4 maintenance. Court has ordered rs15000 +accomodation as interim relief. My tdke home salary is its second order court has passed an order tm pay 10000 for accomodation. What d law says. If possible pl pass some judgements also.regards


    • 227 vijay srirang October 29, 2012 at 6:09 am

      this is really harsh its too much a coffer.though there is no specific formula for maintenance you must establish her employment and or her assets and educational capability of sustaining herself at the same time you must show the liabilities loans etc and your dependents and health issues etc this way you can reduce the burden in an appeal of higher court.
      with regards


    • 228 siranjeet sandhu January 5, 2013 at 1:02 pm

      1 under which case above said relief is diven DV or HMA 24 or 125 crpc
      2 what is qualification of ur wife (b) present job status (c) previous job status of ur wife
      3 ur liabilties of ur family eg unmarried sister or brother , mother and father depends upon you


  107. 229 john October 30, 2012 at 10:11 am

    Hi My name is “john” just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage… I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce… I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn’t want to loose her but everything just didn’t work out… she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice… He did special prayers and used roots and herbs… Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news… Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need’s it… You can email him via Don’t give up just yet, the different between “Ordinary” & “Extra-Ordinary” is the “Extra” so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it’s truly worth it.


  108. 230 Krishna debnath November 16, 2012 at 3:22 pm

    I am K debnath from Army. i got married on May 2011. after marriage 2 month she harassment to my parents after 3 month i keep my wife at my duty stn till date. 4 month we was went leave then she lived in her father house. she does not go with me.. after 1 month again came back leave and bring in my duty station. after 7 month we went leave. she and her father told me she do not live with me and she want divorce to me. i do not want divorce.
    if she divorce to me so maintenance charge is applicable for me? what percentage will give?
    my salary is 24,000/pm
    plz tell me solution.


    • 231 siranjeet sandhu December 19, 2012 at 3:01 pm

      quantum of maintenance will be more u/s HMA 24 than 125 crpc
      if u go for divorce u/s 13 HMA or RCR u/s 9 HMA u have to pay maintenance u/s 24 HMA so first let her to do anything
      otherwise she will file maintenance u/s 125 crpc
      and now u should wait and watch for their action as if case is filed for maintenance then u have to pay from date of application or date of file of case


  109. 232 Sathyaa November 28, 2012 at 10:15 pm

    Hi Sir,
    I am married for 3.5years now. I have a 2.5years Kid now.I recently constructed a house for 15 lakhs now the situation is my wife and mother-in-law filing summon against me for divorce and false complaints and they had a lawyer who plays an important role in my life with too many complaints .I am not clear at this point.I am frustrated with this problem,is there anyone can help me please.I too have a lawyer.Today I am going to meet him and discuss about this situation. what should I do at this point.
    I would appreciate your response.


    • 233 siranjeet sandhu January 5, 2013 at 12:55 pm

      if your wife wants divorce then go mutual consented divorce and if she had filed divorce and u have even to not to fight divorce and ur wife get ex parte divorce
      but if other false cases like DV , 498a or 125 crpc filed against u , u have to fight those cases


  110. 234 KN MANJUNATH December 18, 2012 at 8:02 am

    My Daughter was maried to a welll educated PG Engineer two years back. Every week The boy used to beat her as a ritual wihout any reason.I thought things would turn for the better,as in between beating sessions, there was some conjugal life. He turnd more and more hostile as months passed. The boys mother says that he is like that only and my daughter, if she wants may live with him as a door mat, or go for a divorce. We were apalled by a mothers attitude to things.Finally things became worse as the parents along with the son started emotionally blackmailing her on a daily basis.I brought my daughter back. Now that I have sent messages to them that they should agree for a divorce by mutual consent, or else face the prospect of arrest and a long drawn litigation. What would you think is a reasonable amount of one time alimony to be claimed?. The boy earns Rs 40 lacs a year and it would hurt him most even to part a rupee. Experts and experienced in the linemay Pl leave a reply. My daughter is not employed for all practical purposes and there are are no issues.MANJUNATH.


  111. 236 palani December 18, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    Very helpful for me as i struggling wih case


  112. 237 suresh January 1, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    i got married in 2003, and have 2 boy children, after i got divorced on cruelty and they havn’t filled any maintenance as they are sound finicial background, although i didn’t do purposelly just as treat.. i was waiting for her more than 2 yrs …no change in her attitude ..finally i sent letter to informing that i am going for sencond marriage, but no response i got second marriage with poor widow (qulaification of Phd). she left me within one month for simple reasons.. now i wish to see my children & i applied for visitation rights which i may likely to get 2 months… also i want to divorce my second wife …how to get rid off second wife without any laibilities.. is there any law as i can fille desertion like that …as she left me more than 2 yrs now.


    • 238 siranjeet sandhu January 5, 2013 at 12:43 pm

      u can get visiting rights under Guardian and wards act under section 12 of GWA but your previous wife can file maintenance on behalf of ur children u/s 125crpc as well as herself if she is not earning. so this visiting right application can be harmful to u as invitation to her to harm u
      you can apply divorce to ur 2nd wife on the basis desertion and in desertion u have to prove that she had left without just and sufficient cause which is even difficult to prove as no lady say that left her husband without any reason and mostly ladies blames for demand of dowry and ill treatment and so on by her husbands


  113. 239 santosh January 6, 2013 at 5:40 pm

    what is the monthly maintenance of wife if husband earn 25000 per month.


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  115. 241 lipi January 12, 2013 at 10:30 am


    I got married on 2002 in a mandir and they gave us a certificate of hindu arya samaj vivah. after marriage of 15 days he took me to his family. while staying there in 2005 in front of my eyes he had been caught by the police due to entangled with a murder case and kept in jail about 3 yrs. meanwhile after his prisonment, afer one month I came to know that I am pregnant and I came back to my parental house.
    the period when I was in my in-laws house was so pathetic because our marriage is love marriage……his elder sister also living there who got married after my marriage and now also she is staying there only with her child of 8 yrs of age. he is generally not a bad person to me bt due to family’s opinion sometimes he was very very rude to me. even many times they all jointly attacked on me… this various reasons I couldn’t stay there. although i tried so many times to live there happily bt i couldn’t..

    now i have a child of 6 yrs and i want to b separated from this confused life what should i do? before 9 months ago he has took away my child and now my child is staying with his father. so i want to know that whether this marriage need a divorse from court or i can b separated by my own……..or what should i do?

    Please advice me at the earliest and tell me how to carry the process as i am not aware of the legal process.


  116. 242 J Singh January 24, 2013 at 12:45 pm

    Dear sir

    Its been almost 10 years of my marriage, but my wife has not been faithful to me. I came to know all these things recently. she has an affair with some one and her voice has been recorded while talking with that guy by my brother as I m not in India, working abroad. that guy was handed over to the local police also where he admitted that he is having an affair with my wife and he gave all this in writing also to the police but becoz of our defamation, we did not file any case on him. Its really very heartbroken news for me as I love my wife and my wife also confessed that she has an affair. i gave everything to wife and and use to feed up her family. but she deceived me. and in coming days, i was calling my family to abroad and for this i wen to india for their passports , now their passports have come but she has gone from heart.

    Now I have decided to leave her but without any money. we have two daughters – one is seven years old living with my mother as my wife does not care of my children and use to stay at her mom s place and second daugher is 2 years old, she is with them but my wife also does not care of her also. my mother in law takes care of her. now, i understood everything thats why she does not live with us in my absence.

    Please advise how can teach her a lesson for deceiving a husband.

    pls respond to my email


  117. 243 swarna February 9, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    According to Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act (1956) “”If the wife is widowed by her late husband, then it is the duty of the father-in-law to provide for her.

    what happends if the husband is of unsound mind and he is not capable to give maitenance to his wife…. then the wife can claim maintenance from her father-in-law ???


    • 244 lipi February 10, 2013 at 6:03 pm

      As per the Indian law, a divorce shall not be entitled to any financial support from their spouse. This, however, is not entirely true. It all depends on the financial position of the spouse. And u surprised to know that , depending on the circumstances, a husband also has the right to ask for alimony.
      In the event of the husband becoming incapacitated due to some disease or accident, and thereby, is rendered incapable of earning for a livelihood, he then has the right to claim alimony. And there is no provision of giving alimony from father-in-law. Bye.



      • 245 swarna February 10, 2013 at 7:44 pm

        ok thankyou for ur reply sir..

        if some in – laws has hide that their son is of unsound mind and an impotent and after marriage only the wife came to know the facts …
        in that situation the daughter – in – law can institute a cheating case against their in laws..


      • 246 lipi February 13, 2013 at 6:19 am

        ya of course in this case, a daughter-in-law can get easily divorced from her husband.


  118. 247 chanchala February 13, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    one of my close friend is suffering from same problem.Divya has same problem thats why she lodge an FIR agains her husband. dont worry divya god will give punishment. After marriage she is come to know that her husband is a mental patient. She did not tell to her widow mother because she don’t want to make her mother sorrow. but what her situation in short is as following”Date of Social marriage: feb 2012 Type of marriage :arrange From the 1st date my parents in law miss behaved with me.afterward my husband also make a torture to me. Always I keep silence, since I want some peaceful life. also I afraid divorce. I always afraid that if he give me divorce what should I do? where should I stay?our physical relationship is also very pathetic to me.he used to bite my
    until some liquid comes. he used to bite everywhere in my body. if I said its not tolerable. he angrily said “thats why I am not satisfied. What my in laws family says about my miss behavioral: on some day on the month of may my widow mother came to our in laws family to invite us. My mother trying to inform us but due to our(my husband my father-in-law including me) ignorance my mother unable to inform us. When my mother came my mother-in-law objected to my father-in-law in very rough language “why my mother came here without informing us”. This hurt me. I told my mother to go to my sister house. don’t stay here. My mother-in-law hear this and created noisy environment. Then I pardon to my mother-in-law.After ward when my husband and my father-in-law came she began to cry. That I am very bad girl. repeated my mother-in-law says this and I pardon to her. form July 12 we have no contact. They lock the door whenever I go to my in-laws house and send me letter including lawyer latter that I did not fulfill Hindu marital law. I went to my in-laws house without informing them they driven neck also beating me in front of public place. This really hamper my
    prestige. Then I go to police and lodge an FIR. they took bell.”
    they took all the jewelries including from mother side also her necessary certificates.


  119. 248 sifaat mansoor February 15, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    i was married 1year 3months back my income is 5000/-per month and my wife is 2nd puc.we have 9month old boy wife always go and sit in her dad home for many months for samll misunderstandings.i always go convence her and bring her.but again she went now its 5months and no contacts till now complaind in police station,mousq also but she is not ready to come.she want to go saperate but i cant effort it even my parents are old.still now not seen my son also.her parents are also saporting wat we have to do.we are scard of dowry or harrasment case.


  120. 249 Pratibha February 20, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    It has been 17 years of my marriage, I live with my husband we have 3 children. My husband is abusive to me and my children, its almost everyday when he hit me or my children and threats me for divorce. My eldest daughter is in 10th class and wants to prepare for engineering which needs a considerable amount of money, education expenses of other two younger sons are also large. He dont want children to have good education even he disturbs their study. I am forced to compromise with all his harassment just because i want my children to complete their education as they dream, I am in extreme trauma. Please suggest if there any way that i live separately with my children and get compensation sufficient for their education. He runs transport business and has earning around 70000 per month.


  121. 250 sunny March 8, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    Sir,i m married on feb17 2012,l live with mother and father, my annul income is 90000 per year,soon after 5 months of marriage v started quallering on some or other issue & from last 6 months she is living with her p arents,& now she had given birth to son also, her age is 32 & she is bsc computers qualified,& now I
    Decided to end the relationship sir please guide me how should i have to apply for divorce& how much andimony i have to paid,sir plz reply must


  122. 252 harry March 10, 2013 at 6:03 am

    i am married since dec 2001,at that time she was doing her masters so just after marraige she left me n gone to hostel .i m in central govt transferable job . than she off n on frequently doing that meanwhile it resulted in clonflict n interference her parrents aggreveted the issue.she never respected my parants nor stayed with them during my holidays .after marraige she done msc,BEd,phd,coaching for civil services , bank po but not succeded even after so much of support n finances she complains i have not supported her.ater 8 yrs of marraige frequently she stays with her parant n while my lve i was at my house n she with her parants even distance of 1 km. anyways till 9 yrsshe was not able to conceive so i went for ivf n her egg was not good so in 2nd ivf n donar egg we blessed with 1 son n 1 daughter twih now again since dec 2012 she is with her parents with my kids n not ready to come back n even not attainding phone n not allowing to spk to my babies now they will of 1 yr n saying even i go there she will not allow to bring my babies at my place even it is their 1st b day n not ready to come n theatening for divorce. i have 01 flate on loan in my name n one plot in my name my salary is 1 lc per month . pl advice my course of action in details with alimonyproperty share , babies custody n other pros n conce .


  123. 253 kirti parmar March 20, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    I separated from my wife from last 3year and I want get divorce . So please sugges me what action can I take to quickly getting divorce.


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  127. 258 gokul prashanth May 6, 2013 at 4:47 am

    MY name is gokul prashanth. I AM a marine engineer by profession,. i got married on the 28th of march 2012. my wife is a triple master degree holder. my wife is a mentally unstable person with a high degree of intolerance. she left the matrimonial home on 2nd september 2012. she says that she does not want to continue and the problem with her is that she is a part time actress. …………she has acted in tele films. she is earning about 20000 per month.after leaving the matrimonial home she has featured in a couple of serials where she has acted very closely( like touching the lips of the hero and allowing the hero to lie down on her lap for which there are evidences also she has portrayed the character of a daughter in law having illicit affair with the father in law and she becomes pregnant after that .my salary is close to 1.5 lacs per month. she started her own concern mvm studios when she was residing with me and with my money……….even today i want to continue the relationship with her but she does not want to ……………….my lawyer is suggesting me to go in for divorce on cruelity grounds. she had acted in one mythological serial after marriage which she was commited even before marriage and my father used to accompany her to the i have to pay any compensation for the girl ………………………….. . we do not have any issues ………….so what are the chances for divorce on cruelity grounds


    • 259 vijay srirang May 6, 2013 at 6:35 am

      your appropriate ground would be desertion in case if is two years of separation because particularly you are interested in getting her back you can escape from financial liability, if you have time first u file restitution of conjugal rights


  128. 260 gokul prashanth May 6, 2013 at 4:56 am

    sir,thsi is gokul prashanth. my wife is an actress .she has a firm called mvm studios where altogether she earns 30k per month. she wants 18.5 lacs as compensation for divorce on mutual grounds. what about the time period that will take for the divorce ………..i am filing the case on crueality grounds……….. there is proof that she started the company when she was living with me ……….she has never worked in any concern for more that two months………………………. for which ther is proof.
    thank you
    gokul prshanth


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  130. 262 Seetha May 26, 2013 at 5:16 am

    Hello, i am married for 12 yrs having 2 kids aged 9 and 6 yrs. I am housewife and i wanted to know pros and cons of divorce and custody of kids i wanted to seperate due to my agressive and violent husband .will i get maintanance and custody of my kids and wil i inherit my husbands property? Also i am worried coz he is too powerfull he might pull some influential strings and get away.


  131. 263 sahil May 30, 2013 at 11:56 am

    hello, my father lives in delhi , but he doesn’t give us money to live in karnal , me , my sis, my mom are living in karnal,haryana. she is housewife, we are living in my mom’s father house,
    my father is in delhi police, we want Maintenance every month,
    is this any law that’s gives us right for it
    plz reply me fast


    • 264 womansuffering May 31, 2013 at 9:06 pm

      i am not a lawyer but suggest you that u submit one letter with attaching marriage certificate in the higher officer than your father claiming alimony. As well as apply for 125 case in the nearest court.
      one of suffering woman


  132. 265 george June 1, 2013 at 9:44 am

    I am happy to report that my wife and I are now happily back together. I have to say it was effortlessly done! Within 72 hours, My wife is back in my life. My wife left me a year ago.with my two kids The longer she’s gone, the more I see what a jerk I was. At first, I blamed her for leaving. I told her she was ‘wrong’. In fact, I slapped Scripture on her, trying to guilt-induce her any way I could. My anger make me only to pushed her farther away. I can’t believe the way I acted. My wife gave me chance after chance, and I ignored her. I contacted Dr Best and within a few minutes of speaking with him, I realized that Dr Best was the one person whom I could completely trust. I just wanted to thank you for all your help! and I will always be using Dr.Best for further work in the future because he really put smile on my family again. We are now blissfully celebrating our Birthdays together. Thank you so much!!! For those who might also want to give him a try. Email him on or find him on Facebook at best temple. you will never regret ever contacting him i wish all that will contact him best of luck


  133. 266 sonia June 5, 2013 at 5:00 am

    i got married in 2003, now from last 4 yrs we are seprate and i have 1 girl child that is not normal we have that after 5 yrs of marriage now she 4.5 yrs
    can i take a claim from my husband he is not agree for mutual settlement


  134. 267 divorceadvise2013 June 17, 2013 at 8:40 am

    I got married last year. I am Post graduate from a well known University.
    I am living in a joint family with my brother & his wife. Mother and father. After my marriage I got to know many things about my wife that was told to me was not right as i got to know after marriage. I was told she is doing MBA and in the bio-data they mentioned it, but it never happened after marriage. She is very ill-spoken, she always tries to dominate me and my family. She dont have eticates to speak to anyone in the family, always tries to get money to do shopping. She spent her all salary doing shopping for the things that are useless and waste.

    We (whole family) has made her understand several times that you are not well behaved, mannered .. even her parents came to our home several times at different intervals when there are issues at home. She seems to be very rude, has attitude issues and always tries to show that she is the most superior in the family.

    We dont have a child, I didn’t plan bcoz i was observing her behaviour since months. Now the things has gone bad and i want to know what can she claim. I have few properties/bank accounts in my name. Can i now change the owner of my property? Will it affect something in divorce case.


  135. 268 sandy June 17, 2013 at 5:41 pm

    I got married in may,2009 through some relative middle person. After 1 day of marriage my wife who is M Com started behaving insane . After showing her to psychiatrist he said she had serious disorders but can’t give any certificate for court. Same happened with 2 other doctors. Her parents denied any such issue and said it may be some black magic etc. We left her at home saying that I am returning to my working base in other city and will come back after getting room. With in 10-15 days of marriage I returned and filed for annulment in court & police for fraud. After getting the police notice in next 10-15 days the other party came in ladies police station & asked for settlement. But they refused that their daughter will sign a document which stated if their daughter condition does not improve we will have mutual consent divorce. After failure of this they filed false cases under maintenance, dowry and DV act . Luckily my parents got anticipatory bail and when I appeared I also got it easily as they said they want divorce & settlement. After repeated dates we agreed on a formula ,but they did not brought their daughter on date & just got signed paper. So judge gave permanent bail. After that we went for agreement as due to continuous leaves and travel my job was getting affected & we paid 3 lacs in 2010. But this was without mutual consent divorce cause. They went to high court & with draw all cases . We tried to get them to file for mutual consent but the other party did n’t agree. So in 2012 we filed for divorce . Now they asked for maintenance & judge has said to pay litigation & 3.5 k / month. should I file review petition in high court. what r my options as along with justice my priority is to save my career since I have to travel due to job & can not take too many leaves to go to home town to attend the case (1 week for each date ).


  136. 269 no no hair removal system video July 12, 2013 at 10:54 am

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  137. 270 Vishal Mane July 16, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    Dear Sir
    i married 7 months before and my wife got pregnant and will get the baby in september-2013, We had lot of family conflicts and i demanded for the Divorce. My wife is post graduate in Arts

    As i m earning 17000/- per month what would be the divorce amount i shall pay for her and for child.

    And can i go for the One time settlement for the same



  138. 272 Sanjeev July 19, 2013 at 7:20 am

    Dear All,

    My name is Sanjeev and i have been married for more than 7 years and i have a 3.5 year old son as well. Ours was a love marriage and we lived abroad for the 1st year in Sydney and then we cam back to Delhi. The 1st 2 odd years went fine however after that difference started to crop up between her and my family which never got sorted out. My parents belong to the 18th century and my wife to the 21st. We also started to fight upon trivial issues and at times did not talk properly for months. She asked for divorce every now and then and i never let that happen nor did i let anyone know about it. Last Dec she again asked for divorce and this time around i told about the same to my in laws. Things went from bad to worse and things never came back on track as i beleive she is being influenced by her office colleagues. She has left me on the 15th June and has taken my son along. I am not able to live even for a day without both of them and have also realised what mistakes i have made. I am willing to change whatever i can change in me however she doesn’t want to give me a chance. I am even willing to move along with her however she is not willing. Please show me a path as to what should i do. She might take me to court one fine day, in that case what should i do to prevent divorce and to seek one last chance at life. Please guide me

    Thanks & Regards


  139. 274 Prince Larry July 22, 2013 at 4:29 pm

    After 9 years in marriage with my hubby with 3 kids, my husband started going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he treatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet Dr. Trust who help people with the relationship and marraige problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he helped me cast a spell and within 24hours my husband came back to me and started apologising, now he has stoped going out with ladies and he his with me for good and for real. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem at Goodluck


  140. 275 manisha sharma July 25, 2013 at 10:14 am

    i have married 10 yrs back at that time it was told to us that the boy is graduate & having a stationery shop , but after marriage we found the boy is under graduate & after marriage the shop was also sold and from last many years my husband is not at all working , i am a teacher in a very good school , i have also completed my education after marriage , i am having 8 yrs old son , i am only taking care of all my expenses my son , my husband , i also live with my father & brother now i want divorce from my husband as he dont want to do any job just depended on us , what are the Alimony i can demand from my husband or his father mother on legal ground , please guide us


  141. 276 manisha sharma July 25, 2013 at 10:15 am

    i have married 10 yrs back at that time it was told to us that the boy is graduate & having a stationery shop , but after marriage we found the boy is under graduate & after marriage the shop was also sold and from last many years my husband is not at all working , i am a teacher in a very good school , i have also completed my education after marriage , i am having 8 yrs old son , i am only taking care of all my expenses my son , my husband , i also live with my father & brother now i want divorce from my husband as he dont want to do any job just depended on us , what are the Alimony i can demand from my husband or his father mother on legal ground , please guide us


    • 277 puneet September 11, 2013 at 5:23 am

      hi Manisha Sharma , why you want to divorce . divorce is not a solution. you are going to father name to your son life. you have try to move to Family Consultant .then going for divorce side


  142. 278 personal loan July 31, 2013 at 8:43 pm

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  143. 280 hitesh joshi August 5, 2013 at 9:58 am

    My wife left home 8 months bak and not. Coming after ot of requests. I went forr restoration of conjugal rights and afterwards she went filing dowry case and asking foproperty which is in the name of my father wat 2 do now I m harrassed help me she have my daughter as well


  144. 282 Anonymous August 6, 2013 at 1:52 am

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  145. 283 ajay pal August 10, 2013 at 6:04 pm

    Me and my wife have filed for a joint divorce, where she has signed the documents stating that the maintenance and all has been settled between the two of us as she did not want anything as such.I was laid off in 2008 aug and was without a job till 2009 sept , whereafter i took loan from my father and went for a Masters in U.K since the time i have come back i have not been able to get a job, till date , besides i have a very ill, father (retired Govt offr) , who is a Parkinson patient , who can hardly go about doing his routine things and needs assistance in all things, which my old mother cannot take care of so i have to do them. Now since we filed for a divorce in December 2012, these people have been insisting on me giving in writing that she has not taken any maintenance and has asked for custody of the child as well, which they want it in writing from me and also 50% of the childs expenses and an amount close to 7.5 Lacs that i had taken from my wife.I did try and reason that once i start to earn will i be able to give money but still have agreed to give it in writing…I was wanting to know if i too can ask for maintenance from my wife on the above mentioned grounds.


  146. 286 sss August 12, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    thanks for you are information.. keep update about new amendments..


  147. 287 sss August 12, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    I am male an SW engnr and not impotent but my wife is in favour of her parents and who are creating issues(they are abusing me and if i scold them back my wife becoming against to me) between me and my they are going to file some fault case..if they do that i will take my action so i was reading your article..thanks buddy…


  148. 289 Sharron Jenna Phills August 18, 2013 at 3:56 pm

    After 1.5 year relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship.But cannot stop thinking about him so i decided to go online and i saw so many good talk about this spell caster and i contact him and explain my problems to him.He cast a love spell for me which i use and after 2 day, my boyfriend came back to me and started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr.Kumar of helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before.You can also contact this spell caster and get your relationshp fix Email: SPELLCASTTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM


  149. 290 newly.wedded.wife August 19, 2013 at 5:32 am

    We got married in 14 months ago. It was an arranged marriage and we had a healthy courtship period of 6 months. Our marriage is not yet consummated. On our first night, my husband did try to get close with me. Since we both were very tired due to the week-long wedding rituals, I told him that I was not comfortable, and he obliged. After 3 days of marriage, we left for our 1week honeymoon. There I noticed that he started maintaining distance from me. I thought that maybe he felt offended because I was not ready to get physical with him on our first night. So I tried to break the ice and get close to him to initiate our physical relationship, but still he maintained his distance. After we came back from our honeymoon, I tried multiple times to get close with him, but still he was aloof. I found it quite strange. Meanwhile, I read one overtly homo-sexual chat he had with his friends couple of years back. And seriously suspected that he is gay, so I also withdrew slowly.

    After 6 months of marriage, he forced me to leave his house, and am residing with my parents currently. Me and my parents have tried innumerable times to sort things out and start our life afresh. But he is adamant about his decision and wants only divorce. He and his parents are forcing me to give them a mutual divorce. His reason for seeking divorce is that my attitude and behaviour with him was not right. I’ve apologised innumerable times if I hurt him, but he would just not listen. The problem is, he doesnt even want to talk about anything.

    We told them that since divorce is a big, life-changing decision, we should take it a little slow and give our relationship another chance. I’ve told him that we could give this marriage another chance and if even then he feels that we cant work things out, then we’ll close this gracefully. But he doesnt even want to give our marriage another chance.

    I am not working currently. I have more than 2yr sabbatical in my career. I’ve been staying at my parents place for more than 8 months now. I’ve filed for interim maintenance and I’ve been told that it would take atleast 45 days to reach them. I would be happy if anyone could suggest any further steps that I could take.



  150. 294 Anand September 18, 2013 at 6:32 am

    Dear Sir, My sister got married in 2001 and she had a 12yrs old girl. Out of this 12 yrs marriage, my sister lived with her husband for 3-4 yrs only. most of the time my sister stayed with us only. Her husband is a addiction of Alcohol, illegal contacts & doubting wife’s character. Every festival seasons & some function days, he drunk fully and come to my house for squarrelling & treat us with very bad words. His words were hurted our family alot. some time my parents were depressed and telling me ” we should not to live in this world. Finally my sister sent a divorce notice. But he replied ” he wont give divorce and he want to live with my sister”. But we know his actual target is to make our whole family commit suicide. we were a middle class family and with my one income, 6 peoples living. My Sister earning 6000/- rs per month only. she dont have any property. Her husband having his own house after he got married only. and he rebuild the house with my sister’s jewels only. At present the jewel cost may be 10lakhs. the cost of house may be around 60-70 lakhs now. He telling ” if u want divorce, i will give 2 lakhs. If u agree then i will give divorce, otherwise No. Please advice me how to approach this issue further? Can my sister get some good maintenance from her husband? Can she get share in his husband’s property?/


    • 295 Advocate Atwal September 18, 2013 at 4:08 pm

      Yes your sister can get not only maintenance but many things, you can call me at 9699717999 as this is important and everything cannot be discussed here.Trust you wont regret.



    • 296 Avocate Atwal September 18, 2013 at 4:37 pm

      Yes your sister can get not only maintenance but many things, you can call me at 09699717999 as this is important and everything cannot be discussed here.


  151. 297 Advocate Atwal September 18, 2013 at 4:37 pm

    Yes your sister can get not only maintenance but many things, you can call me at 9699717999 as this is important and everything cannot be discussed here. Trust you wont regret.


  152. 298 Stacey Bush September 22, 2013 at 3:54 pm

    i just want to share my testimony here.. i was married for 15 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the life of my husband.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn’t know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned me and my 5 kids.. so someone told me about trying love spell to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster called dr. ogala spell…so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn’t believe in all those things… then when he cast the spell, after 3 days that he told me, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn’t believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man help, his email address ( his spells is for a better life.


  153. 299 Seema Gupta September 24, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    Hi my name is Seema
    want to ask about my friend’s case
    Uski marriage 2006 me hui thi
    night ko 4 o’clock usko dowry k liye nikal diya
    aj tk wo case lad rhi h but no result
    kya yahi h hmara third class law
    wo ab divorce chahti bt usk husband use divorce nhi de rha n use le jane k liye ready h aus uspr se second marriage b kr liya jis ka usk paas koi proff nhi
    please suggest any way from which v can help her
    thank you


  154. 300 viki September 26, 2013 at 3:08 pm

    hi, i got married 1.5 years back, it was decided that my wife will stay with my mother,sister n brother for 1 year bcoz of some family problem n girl side were agreed to it. wife left home 3 months after marriage without any gud reason her father said he will bring her back in 10-15 days. but instead of that he started asking 5 alkh rs to dissolve marriage.
    i requested wife n her relative many times to bring her back n so that we can resolve problem if thr any but she refuse to come after 4 months she and her father again started arguing with me saying me that u should leae ur parents then only she will leave with u that too in pune when i told them abt my condtition they did not undersantad and she refuse to come back. then girl started to abuse my family she called 2-3 relative of my family n started abusing my mothr very badly. she was not with me on ganesh utsav, diwali

    3 days later she file complaint 125cf and 3-4 month later 498a we somehow got bail in 498a ..125c maintenace case is still going on she was asking for 3 alkh but in last court date her faather abuse me and beat me on court as well as on bust stop as i was alone that day. i wanted to settle case by giving around 2.5 lakh rs but i dont know after so uch thing i realy dont want want to give even single money to wife
    court hhearing regarding 125c will start from next date my pay is 50k in hand she is BA BEd. my father expired 7 yrs back siter doing job from last year gettig 8 k per month brother in 11th std, mother is houewife i stay in different city .. i can prove few things whcih she has mentioned in her application wrong very properly …she lives in villege , her father has 3 acres farm, n 2 bhk …2 daugter n 2 son … how much maintenance she can get? what r ways to reduced it? she is educated n marriege was very short how it will help in reducing maintence? what should i do now to reduced it further? is thr any different suggestion other than this.? i really wants to get out of this thing i try to talk with girl very properly last time but her ego n atitude made it difficult n in end i end up getting beaten from her father

    plz help thnx


    • 301 Advocate Atwal September 26, 2013 at 6:06 pm

      I felt bad after reading your story,Your maintence could be 1/3 of your take home salary…. but lot depends upon the court, I can help you but everything cannot be discussed here, you can call me at 09699717999.


  155. 303 Robert Caston September 30, 2013 at 4:12 am

    i am so happy that my husband is back to me he now adore and respect me anything I tell him that is what he follows all thanks to dr ogala, the great spell caster,this man his the best and straight forward spell caster that tells you the truth and you will get result under 1 day,other spell caster are scam but dr ogala, is very trustworthy please if you need your lover once back please kindly contact dr ogala on his private mail


  156. 304 kalpana October 25, 2013 at 1:55 pm

    I’m married for 18 yrs and having a daughter 17yrs and son 12yrs. I am in constant conflict with my husband. Ours is love marriage. But I can call it all infactuation since i fell in love when I was just 14yrs. It was all a childs play. Right from the beginning he seemed to be an irresponsible fellow. Additionally he is now an alcoholic and a bipolar disorder patient. I stay with my mom as she is bed ridden. For the past two months he stays with his mother and refuses to give money. I am a home maker. I don’t want to live together but require maintenance. Kindly guide me .

    Thank you.


  157. 306 k k chauhan October 29, 2013 at 12:32 am

    dear sir,
    mai ap se jaanana chahata hu ki husband ki death ke baad kya ladki apne sasur (father in law ) se apne child ke liye maintenance ki demand court me kar sakti hai


  158. 310 Sameer October 29, 2013 at 6:28 am

    What if husband is not willing to give divorce to his wife but mentally torture her for dowry.
    The marriage was held four months ago.
    Due to low financial positions wife want quick divorce but don’t want a long case due to low financial position. This time wife is with her parents at her home. But husband is calling her again to come back but she doesn’t want to because of same reason. What to do now for quick divorce? Is women cell is preferable, but as I hear about women cell is that they first allow wife to live with husband but wife doesn’t want to go back to that cruel person. What to do?


    • 311 Advocate Atwal November 6, 2013 at 1:30 pm

      call me on 9699717999

      Adv. A R Atwal


      • 312 Kate April 19, 2018 at 3:12 pm



  159. 313 edwin November 11, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    I have a testimony to share with you only if you are willing to listen to me, My name is Williams Edwin from London. i have been having problems in some aspect of my life which almost led me to commit suicide, several time i applied for jobs and each time i was turn down, it come to a point that my girl friend left me for another guy and this made me to have high blood pressure (B.P). One day as i was looking for job online in the internet i came across a testimony of a woman how a great spell caster called Doctor Afiama help her with his spell to solve her problems so i decided to contact the Spell caster (Doctor Afiama) by mail. i narrated all my story to him and the only thing he told me was don’t worry because your problems are solve already for you have made the right choice of contacting me. i filled his form and provide the item he requested from me for the preparation of the spell to get me a good job, bring my ex back and also to heal my high blood pressure (B.P) and today my brothers and sisters that are reading this i am very glad to say that Doctor Afiama is a God on earth sent by God to solve problems. I have a good Job now, My ex is back and i am healed of my High Blood Pressure (B.P). Do you have problems and you think all hope is gone, i advise you to contact Doctor Afiama today and you problem will be solve just as he solve mine ok. Doctor Afiama email is:


  160. 314 November 12, 2013 at 1:23 pm

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  161. 315 devisri November 26, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    sir ,
    a person got divorced with his spouse in 1991 on basis that she is leading an adulterey life bt now after 20 years she appealed for maintenance she got her two sons and two daugters marrired and they are majors will she be granted maintenance wt steps b have to be taken according to law pz mail me to the following id


  162. 316 tushar pandit December 1, 2013 at 11:15 pm

    just to ask a few things.. with regards to divorce..
    1. wife left her husbands home on her own after filing for divorce..
    2. she asked for a settlement of 11 lacs for the same..
    3. my monthly income is less than hers and i have been paying for the monthly EMI since we bought the house in 2002;;
    4, due to huge financial burden i was not able to raise the 11 lacs either thru friends or thru banks.
    5. now she is putting a claim on the house for selling it and dividing the proceeds..
    6 what is a solution to this serious problem of mine.. once again there was no physical harassment whatsoever.. she went out on her own and is now saying that the rented place is very expensive hence she wants a share of this house..


    tushar pandit


  163. 317 ss December 13, 2013 at 6:02 pm

    my husband filed a divorce case in sep2012 n i filed Domestic violence in JAn 13 and joined job in feb13 n left in oct 13.judgement was given to pay me 10000rs on oct13 but my husband got to know about my job n filed against judgement. now will i b able to get maintainence if i am a MBA and also i am doing my further studies


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  166. 320 MP January 29, 2014 at 11:31 am

    Hello Sir,
    I have remarried to a divorcee.
    1. He has a daughter from his first marriage. he almost pay Rs.32000/- per month to his ex-wife for his daughter. His after tax income is Rs.1 lac per month.
    After marriage he has refused to take my and my would be child’s responsibility. Can he do so?
    2. His ex-wife is constantly poking her nose in our life. She always emotionally blackmail him for extracting money. Now she does it for breaking our relationship. What legal action can be taken against her?
    3. I am 8 months pregnant from this marriage. What will be my child’s rights in this case on my husband’s income. In verse case, can my child get similar amount of maintenance as his first daughter gets?

    I want to save my marriage from breaking.
    Can you please guide me? and also give me information about my rights in this situation.

    Thank you!


  167. 321 dinesh kumar January 30, 2014 at 10:51 am

    sir , i have married in 2006 but my wife stay with me 8 month and so many harries to me and born a female baby and he has file a crpc125 and family court mooradabad award Rs. 2000 for wife and Rs1000 for child i was filed a rit in high court and stay with 50 % amount but she is not satisfy to this .
    i want to divorce but she is not get divorce to me and she is file some false case over me so kindly help me what me do pl guide me thank you


  168. 322 Angelica Londos January 31, 2014 at 3:19 am

    My name is Mrs Angelica Londos from united states Daly city ca, i am married with two kids. Life has been a misery for me and my kids for over six years when my husband dumped me for his new mistress due to some minor misunderstanding that we had.
    So he engage in a fight with me and throw me out of the house, so all through these sorrowful period of my life, i have been in pain. So one day, as i was browsing through the internet, i came across many post about spell casters testifying how they were helped by them so i decided to seek help and advice. but naturally i didn’t believe in spells or magic powers but due to the fact that i was deeply in love with my husband, i decided to go for a try, So i came in contact with Dr. Aire of but before i contact Dr. Aire, i was scammed by alot of spell casters who makes me believe that they can help me. So because of all these, i almost lost hope that i can’t get my husband back anymore so when i contacted this Dr. Aire, he assure me that he will help me to reunite my marriage, so without demanding any single cent from me, he did a spell for me and he advice me to wait for just 24 hours. I actually waited as he said, so when it was 24 hours after he did the spell, my husband actually called me on my mobile phone and started apologizing for everything that he had caused me and the kids. This was how my marriage was reunited again and Starting from this point till date, i and my husband has been living peacefully and happily. Anybody viewing this testimony should please stop by and read and if you are so interested in contacting Dr. Aire for any help, simply do that via his email id ( and remain happy. You can visit his website on or


  169. 323 how do i get him back after he broke up with me February 1, 2014 at 12:31 am

    This website was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found
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  170. 324 D.K.MAHAPATRA Indian Oil February 24, 2014 at 5:52 pm

    Sir, Me and my wife married since last 15 years. We both are highly qualified and worked in a reputed company in different grades. We had two kids (Daughters aged 11 years and 7 years). I have taken one house on rent just near to her in laws house upon transfer to my native place. Problem started after the fact that her in laws interfering in all the matters in my life. More over, my wife was having a very suspicious nature and always doubts on my character. She has harassed me literally to the maximum extent by the help of in laws and no mood to listen any thing. It was now practically impossible for me to stay with her. Please help me in answering certain questions like..
    1. Whether any compensation to be paid if she draws almost equal amount of take home salary ?
    2. I had two flats in my name for which there is no loan to be paid. Also, one very big land was purchased in her name which was also having no loan. Whether she can claim any of the two properties (Flats under my name) ?
    3. I do not want any kind of compensation from her and I want to see my children happy. I do not want to go for a second marriage. Is it possible to get a mutual consent settlement ?
    4. If my wife claims monthly maintenance (Although she draws a very high salary) will court of law decide in her favour ?
    5. As I am planning to stay away from her, and getting shifted to a new flat, could you please help how to settle divorce immediately ?


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  176. 330 Lipsa Dash March 5, 2014 at 1:06 pm

    I, Smt. Lipsa, married at my hometown as per Hindu rites and caste custom & was fully arranged marriage.As per their demand my parents have given a cash of Rs 4,00,000/- gold weighing about 5 tolas to my husband,16 tolas of gold ornaments to me, Rs 25,000/-towards the cost of the suit, and another Rs 1,50,000/-towards the cost of other household articles and I joined my husband in his residential house at Bhubaneswar on the same day to lead our happy conjugal life. That just after one day being not satisfied with the given dowry cash and articles my husband and his family members being instigated by his uncle & aunt insisted me to bring more cash and more gold and when I expressed the inability of my father to meet their further demand of dowry so they all started to torture me both physically and mentally but considering my future and the reputation of my father I tolerated the same under the impression that at least my husband will understand the fact but all my expectations ended in vain. That after few days as per the caste custom when my parents called to my husband and me for “Kothamelani” my husband and his family members misbehaved him and deliberately refused to co-operate to observe the said custom and asked me to go with him and his mother to Delhi and my mother-in-law father-in-law and aunt-in-law took away all my gold ornaments at Bhubaneswar in presence of my husband giving me the impression that to go to Delhi with gold will lead to life risk. That even in Delhi my husband and mother-in-law finding me alone there repeated the same torture and my mother-in-law did not allow us to keep our conjugal relation unless my parents fulfill their further demand of dowry and his mother did not allow me to talk to my parents over telephone and snatched my own cell phone and ultimately my father sent me another cell phone at his own cost to communicate them the problem if any. That during my stay with my husband in Delhi I have also noticed him to have receiving the telephonic calls from his girlfriends in the odd hours of the night and being protest by me he has also assaulted me twice even he has not hesitated in showing a knife aiming at my neck without any reasonable cause and when the torture went beyond my toleration I was compelled to report my father over telephone to rescue me so he had come to Delhi. That again in the meantime my father with our relatives has also taken many attempts to settle the dispute amicably but my husband and his family members have avoided & misbehaved. Please help me what to do for justice..


  177. 331 Lipsa Dash March 5, 2014 at 4:08 pm

    I, Smt. Lipsa, married at my hometown as per Hindu rites and caste custom & was fully arranged marriage.As per their demand my parents have given a cash of Rs 4,00,000/- gold weighing about 5 tolas to my husband,16 tolas of gold ornaments to me, Rs 25,000/-towards the cost of the suit, and another Rs 1,50,000/-towards the cost of other household articles and I joined my husband in his residential house at Bhubaneswar on the same day to lead our happy conjugal life. That just after one day being not satisfied with the given dowry cash and articles my husband and his family members being instigated by his uncle & aunt insisted me to bring more cash and more gold and when I expressed the inability of my father to meet their further demand of dowry so they all started to torture me both physically and mentally but considering my future and the reputation of my father I tolerated the same under the impression that at least my husband will understand the fact but all my expectations ended in vain. That after few days as per the caste custom when my parents called to my husband and me for “Kothamelani” my husband and his family members misbehaved him and deliberately refused to co-operate to observe the said custom and asked me to go with him and his mother to Delhi and my mother-in-law father-in-law and aunt-in-law took away all my gold ornaments at Bhubaneswar in presence of my husband giving me the impression that to go to Delhi with gold will lead to life risk. That even in Delhi my husband and mother-in-law finding me alone there repeated the same torture and my mother-in-law did not allow us to keep our conjugal relation unless my parents fulfill their further demand of dowry and his mother did not allow me to talk to my parents over telephone and snatched my own cell phone and ultimately my father sent me another cell phone at his own cost to communicate them the problem if any. Even my MIL asked me 1/3rd of my father’s property & along with extra 5 lakhs money. Let me reveal that salary of my husband is 12 lakhs p.a . That during my stay with my husband in Delhi I have also noticed him to have receiving the telephonic calls from his girlfriends in the odd hours of the night and being protest by me he has also assaulted me twice even he has not hesitated in showing a knife aiming at my neck without any reasonable cause and when the torture went beyond my toleration I was compelled to report my father over telephone to rescue me so he had come to Delhi. That again in the meantime my father with our relatives has also taken many attempts to settle the dispute amicably but my husband and his family members have avoided & misbehaved. Please help me what to do for justice..


  178. 332 Lipsa Dash March 6, 2014 at 3:19 am

    I, Smt. Lipsa, married at my hometown as per Hindu rites and caste custom & was fully arranged marriage.As per their demand my parents have given a cash of Rs 4,00,000/- gold weighing about 5 tolas to my husband,16 tolas of gold ornaments to me, Rs 25,000/-towards the cost of the suit, and another Rs 1,50,000/-towards the cost of other household articles and I joined my husband in his residential house at Bhubaneswar on the same day to lead our happy conjugal life. That just after one day being not satisfied with the given dowry cash and articles my husband and his family members being instigated by his uncle & aunt insisted me to bring more cash and more gold and when I expressed the inability of my father to meet their further demand of dowry so they all started to torture me both physically and mentally but considering my future and the reputation of my father I tolerated the same under the impression that at least my husband will understand the fact but all my expectations ended in vain. That after few days as per the caste custom when my parents called to my husband and me for “Kothamelani” my husband and his family members misbehaved him and deliberately refused to co-operate to observe the said custom and asked me to go with him and his mother to Delhi and my mother-in-law father-in-law and aunt-in-law took away all my gold ornaments at Bhubaneswar in presence of my husband giving me the impression that to go to Delhi with gold will lead to life risk. That even in Delhi my husband and mother-in-law finding me alone there repeated the same torture and my mother-in-law did not allow us to keep our conjugal relation unless my parents fulfill their further demand of dowry and his mother did not allow me to talk to my parents over telephone and snatched my own cell phone and ultimately my father sent me another cell phone at his own cost to communicate them the problem if any. Even my MIL asked me 1/3rd of my father’s property & along with extra 5 lakhs money. Let me reveal that salary of my husband is 12 lakhs p.a . That during my stay with my husband in Delhi I have also noticed him to have receiving the telephonic calls from his girlfriends in the odd hours of the night and being protest by me he has also assaulted me twice even he has not hesitated in showing a knife aiming at my neck without any reasonable cause and when the torture went beyond my toleration I was compelled to report my father over telephone to rescue me so he had come to Delhi. That again in the meantime my father with our relatives has also taken many attempts to settle the dispute amicably but my husband and his family members have avoided & misbehaved. I lived with them only for 4 months.Please help me what to do for justice..


    • 333 suffering women March 6, 2014 at 12:24 pm

      Every girl has same problem. Still now in India dowry going on so nicely. Being a girl first of all I suggest you dont give your real name here. Do something on your own that is the best slap to them. Our law procedure is too lengthy dont go for law. Lawyer used to say something which really hamper your and your father image. What law did with me I just discuss here.

      1> Whenever I went to our in-laws house with police officer, police officer whisper with my aunty-in-law and my mother-in-law.

      2>IO did not ask to any body about my physical torture to any of the neighbor.

      3> IO Still now did not make any chrage sheet (around one and half years ago I filed an FIR.

      I would suggest you If your father-in-law is in higher position and your brother/father not in good position dont go for law. Our law is for only for the member who have the power.


      • 334 Lipsa Dash March 6, 2014 at 3:40 pm

        thnx ma’am… really thinks themselves as GOD after marrying a girl..Relation doesnot matter for them but money does….when they dont get money from their wife they also starts extra marital affairs also…only to ruin their life…


      • 335 Ish June 2, 2014 at 4:45 pm

        our law is only to play in any way…u r right..if a girl has no such power she has no right to fight against the torture. Coz while fighting its more suffering than u suffered with the abusive man or family.


      • 336 suffering women June 3, 2014 at 5:58 am

        To Ish ..I dont think at the time of fighting I suffer more than at my marital home. But whenever I do some compromise in my marital home with lot of expectation, when I go to court I think total waste of time. bcz I think we r live in male dominating society. except law all are in favor of boy family even the judge, police.


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  189. 347 spoil May 20, 2014 at 7:06 am

    Thank you sir.

    Hello All,

    Want to know how amount is decided? How much i need to pay out.
    I’ve filed a petition against my wife for divorce on grounds of cruelty – hindu marriage act 13(1)(ia) .
    We dont have any child. my marriage date is Dec 2012,

    She is staying with her brothers/parents in same city as mine.

    On payslip i earn nearly 60-70k p.m , and i dont have any other income source / fixed property(house etc).
    I live in my parents(mother) home.

    My father is Sr.citizen with paralysis.
    My mom is Sr.citizen with full body arthritis + severe urology problems
    A younger sister who is still studying.

    I’ve too much expenses on parents treatment +sister education/marriage + other household expenses which comes around 40-50k p.m

    1) What else can i show so that the maintenance is reduced?
    2) What will happen if my wife says she will not give divorce & want to stay with me? Believe me she is so cruel/cunning at
    my home/inside but looks very decent to public as if she is the sufferer.
    3) Will my brother income is also considered in my family income to calculate the maintenance? Can i say he does not have income/job.?
    I dont have any immovable property,
    4) Will court as for my PAN Card or Salary Slip or Form 16 or Bank Statement?
    5) Will court check my bank balance till date.
    6) Will court ask for income details/PAN card of my family members as well(say brother,mother,father)?
    7) Will court dismiss my petition and ask me to stay with her? or can court pass an order to live separately
    to avoid any bad in future?
    8) How can i show less income…

    Shame on such girls, why such people live in this society, just to drag the men away from his parents & stay with her parents & fight for the property.
    Marriage is curse with such girls. her main intention is to live separately with me, but i cant , who will look after my parents/sister.?

    plz help


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  191. 351 Marian Gregory May 31, 2014 at 12:01 am

    My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted Dr. OKORO LOVE SPELL and after I explained my problem, In just 3 days my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier more than ever before Dr. OKORO you are the best spell caster. I really appreciate the love spell you cast for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work. Thank you once again Dr. OKORO. You can also contact Dr. OKORO via email address: dr.okorospelltemple01@ gmail. com in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is: dr.okorospelltemple01@ gmail. com CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: dr.okorospelltemple01 @gmail. com AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.

    Dr. OKORO NUMBER: +2348053209149
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  192. 352 Ravikant June 2, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    Dear sir,
    I got married on 26 june 2011. After my marriage my wife with me for 3 months where i worked. As per her wish I send my wife for further education to bangalore for MBA. I paid all her college fees of 1.5 lacs, hostel fees and her pocket money. After completions of her studies she not coming to my native where I worked as engineer.I am having all her college fees paid receipts, bank counter file etc. Now her studies are completed now she with her parents. I filled a petition aganist my wife in family court I want to lead happy marriage life with my wife. But in her petition she asking maintenance of Rs 20000 per month. I don’t have any childrens. And my salary is Rs45000 per month.How much court will order the maintenance to my wife. my age is 33 years old and her age is 25 years. If suppose court has passed the order of maintenance then she will give me divorce to me?. please give input for above explanation please do the need full.

    with Respectful Regards



  193. 353 Lipsa Dash June 2, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    Hi guys,
    No problem arises without any reason .no one wants to create problems in his/her family life.the major problem is between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. the problem is there where a man cannot
    balance his duties towards his mother or love and care towards his wife.
    a girl comes her SASURAL with so many dreams but her dream cannot fulfi
    because of her coward so called husband.if he has no power to take any decision of his own.He walks with the SAREE PALLU of his mother/wife.whenever it was time to face the problem,he should face it.If not,why should he marry ??????


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  195. 355 Anonymous June 15, 2014 at 12:43 pm

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  196. 356 krishnakumar June 21, 2014 at 5:08 pm

    I got married 2 years before and i have a son of 9 months. My wife never listen to me or to my family members, i want to be a joint traditional family, but she denied and went to her home last week and she is not ready to come back, I least bothered about my wife but i need my son kindly advice me, I am mentally suffering a lot for the past 1 week.


  197. 357 shashwati July 8, 2014 at 11:28 am

    we got married in Jan.2008 in India and my husband is in UK till then. I went UK in May 2008, and my degree is not valuable in UK and therefore, I was unable to earn over there. He used to force me anyhow and if can’t wanted to send me back to India or other country by forcing me to study ahead, by taking loan on my head. He sent me to India in July 2009 for the preparation to study ahead in New zealand. I came and somehow I got a promise from a well known company for a job in UK. He was agreed with that, I went back to UK in September 2009. Again Indian promise didn’t work well and He wanted to send me back to India, and clearly mentioned that, give me a time limit for you to get in job in UK otherwise you will have to go back to India,,, I asked up till 31st of December 2009 and unfortunately, I got offer from the same people on 1st December 2009. My joining date was 11th of January 2010. Once I got my first salary slip, He immediately apply for home mortgage. and we bought a home. after 7 month’s time, I got part time and again, his pinching was started to earn more. Then I did have some skin problem in Jan 2011 and he never wanted to send me to India, as I was earning part time but he had to as I was unable to get proper treatment in UK, and for ticket purpose, he forced my parents to pay off the money. Even before that, He used to ask money from my parents for his loans or visa purpose. At that time, he booked my ticket for India for 4 months time, without asking me. and when I came to India, he again started for getting full time job in UK from India, for that I almost stayed in Haridwar and Delhi for almost 1 month and all the expenses was beared by my family. I got oral confirmation again from India for a job in UK and when I went back, I was unable to get job.

    The chain started again to get me work. But meantime, I got pregnant and during pregnancy I did have some complications and people in UK were unable to solve it, so we decided for me to come to India till the delivery. I got return ticket. He wanted me to move from UK as he wanted to give both the bedrooms on rent so he can earn from the property.

    I delivered a baby girl in Feb 2012 and after that, as my return ticket was there in July 2012, he again forced me live in a sharing property, where he will give both the bedrooms on rent and will have to manage in hall. my father was not agreed with that, and meantime he was forcing me to earn in India or UK, I did say, if you are ready to accept me as a house wife and will not force me to earn, I am ready to come right now.

    but he never agreed with that.

    he came thrice after our daughter’s birth, and he feels that we should be with him but just 6 month’s back I got job in India and I can’t take risk to leave a job.

    As Now its not the question of only my survival ,its for my daughter too.

    I want to keep the distance relationship or if he accepts I will be working as it suits me in UK.

    But now he is forcing me if I want to go to UK, I have to stay with parents in Mumbai and will have to cook, clean, earn and pressing their feet after that he will apply for my daughter’s PR and me on Visitor Visa.

    Please Guide me, I am in a big confusion what to do with the situation. and How fair he is?


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  199. 359 Cancer Causing July 16, 2014 at 3:56 am

    Yes! Finally ѕomething about lower back tattoos.


  200. 360 S_Ku July 18, 2014 at 8:06 pm

    IPC 498A, This is about empowering Indians…

    This is what the title says on the Top.

    Requesting the concerned to change the tag line to

    “This is about empowering Indian Wifes & threatening Indian Husband his family members”.



  201. 362 pb india July 25, 2014 at 2:54 pm

    Sir, I need your advice and help, I got married in 2002, its been 12 years now, its an arranged marriage , in my family I live with my husband one 11yr old son and mother in law. My mother-in law always been too interfering in my married life, she use to put allegations on me related to house hold chores and complain it to my husband, I simply use to ignore.
    During initial 6yrs, my father in law was alive he was nice to me and 6yrs went taking care of him. After his death, life became miserable, my husband started taking too much care of my mil bcos now she has fat amount of property that my father in law has left, he is so so much with my mil that he started sleeping in her room…I kept quiet for an year bcos of my father in law’s death although, she was not so good with my father in law .Also My husband never use to give me money, I have to tell him my requirements only then he would give that much amount, After that, to stay away from all this, I have taken up the job , but my mil somehow forced me to leave so that I can look after house and do her work…this went on but along with this difference between me and my husband started increasing and now its been nearly 6 years he is not sleeping with me , comes to room sometime for 2-3 days but again goes back, I use to feel sick about this, he never use to talk about any thing to me, he never use to share his talks, we hardly go out together. I walked out of house many times but come back after few months as I still use to love my husband and felt same from his side, but, last year only, as told by his mother he asked me to stay out of house till his mother doesn’t call me back, this was bcos I went to my mom’s house without informing them and he did not let me enter house…and I was sitting in cold with my son outside the house for nearly 3hours…he did not let me in…my parents asked me to call police but I did not bcos of my son, I didn’t want him to see his father been treated by police….I know… that was big mistake…I should have called, may be I stiill didn’t want to end my marriage
    …then my parents quitely took me to their house…my husband contacted my son after 20 days and met me but nothin he talked about coming home I also didn’t want to go…my parents forced me to take some step but I was not ready bcos I still felt my husband is under pressure of my mother in law and as he is not earning well so he is dependent on my mil …I again got a job, now in same school where my son is studying, I was happy at my parents house and life became comfortable, me and my husband use use to meet and chat and he use to take my son with him for 1-2 days, then after 8 months my husband decided to call me back, but I decided to come back on one condition that for no reason I will leave my job and If you don’t want to leave ur mother alone, I will stay with her but I will not take care of her atall…initially he agreed and called us back…after a month she also went for 2months to see her daughter abroad, we were very happy, now after she is back things have again got worsen than before, my husband is whole day at home don’t even go out for work and sitting in her room watching tv with her and its like his and mil’s routine, meals are exactly same, he fights with me and pleases her mom….it has become hell for me now. Ironical part is yet to come, due to some dirty politics at my work place, I was asked to leave the job…I am depressed now and want to run away with my son to another country…plz tell me can I do that…I want take migration visa…I cant survive here..plz help..can he create problems for me.. I dont want to let anybody know about all this and just quietly leave …help me I m in great depression.


  202. 363 Manju July 30, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    My husband want to give me divorce. And I am house wife He is a business man. His total profit of per/annum neer around 12 cr rs in that case. How much I will able. To receive profit


  203. 364 varun puri July 31, 2014 at 6:19 am

    What legal action I can take as a father if my wife does not let me see my child despite of visitation rights granted by court


  204. 365 Karan July 31, 2014 at 11:39 pm


    I am going through very rough time. I got married and i stayed with my wife for 12 days..After that i flew back to US for my job. She had to join me later but due to forced marriage, she decided not to come to US and her parents told same. I have all recordings and proofs in which she has agreed that she doesn’t want to come to US and wants me on trial purposes to stay with her. If during 6 nights she gets her peak point, and if i am ready to fuck her in car, kitchen and several fetish fantasies of her’s, then she will stay with me otherwise she needs divorce. Now after staying 8 months separately she has filed harassment case, dowry case, etc etc against me and family. and is looking for maintenance also. Its not even 1 year to our marriage. we stayed only for 12 days together after marriage and she is not pregnant. Can you please help me here because they are expecting me to pay 40 lakhs and maintenance for our of court settlement.


  205. 366 unila August 1, 2014 at 2:50 am

    I was married to my husband for 15 years without a baby of my own it was a sad marriage we had alots of fightings and even divorce until i met this great spell caster who helped me get my husband back and made me pregnant i dont know how he did it he just told me to go and have sex with my husband and the next month I missed my period and that is all i know I am a mother of triplets now thanks to dr Azima you can contact him now and say good bye to the spirits of barriness. Dr Azima of ablelovespell @gmail. com He is really powerful and i hope he helps you. save your marriage today ABLELOVESPELL @GMAIL. COM


  206. 367 Ela August 4, 2014 at 12:11 am

    I’m Ela from Italy. My husband left me for no reason on 24th of May 2011. He moved in with another woman, I felt like killing myself. I’ve tried different spell casters and went to different churches to pray but all to no avail. My life was very bitter and sorrowful. Then one day, a friend of mine told me about a man called Da abacha. he said him gave him some lucky numbers that he played in a lottery and he won 5 fives consecutively. I didn’t believe it because I’ve worked with so many of them and it didn’t work. He begged me further so I decided to try this great man called Dr abacha. I contacted him and I gave him the necessary information. after the days which he gave me, the next day which was on the 29th of July, I received a call and it was my darling husband. He apologized and came back to me crying for a second change and he even gave me money to start up a business as a means of compensating me on that very day before leaving. I’m now a very a happy woman and our marriage vows were renew again and ever since he has shown me love like never before. Thank you dear Dr abacha, I will forever be grateful to you. You can reach him in this she will solve any problem you are facing now. Try him today and share your own testimony. i know some people will look at it in the other way round, don’t ever hide your problem, because if you do, you will never find the solution. also share your problem with friends, they might be of help to you. thanks for taking your time to read my testimony


  207. 368 LAL August 13, 2014 at 12:11 am


    Thank you for your article! It touches my heart deeply because I have recently went through something similar case .About 3 years ago my husband left me and 2 of our kids for 3years to another woman. During this years of our separation I was so broken, so I finally went to a friend of mine who directed me to a spell caster Dr. Akim who helps me in reuniting my family and then i felt peace and felt whole love again. After the casting of the love spell, My Ex-husband offered me a job, to work at his His company. so I obeyed and went. After working together in 1 week we had come closer & starting dating and hanging out as a family with the kids again, Dr. Akim has restored our marriage in a way I have NEVER expected, but I’m truly Thankful!

    Contact Dr. Akim today on:
    Best Regards


  208. 369 Rahul Singh August 26, 2014 at 2:24 am

    Sir my monthly income 5000 and court say me 3000 RS per month giving wife n my small son this not possible for me giving payment it’s large sir plz reply me what can I do becoz my parents already patient his very old


  209. 371 kim September 5, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    I need advise, am married for four years and now have a child who is husband stays in Dubai and I stay in Delhi. I came here lswt year for the purpose of delivery, its now a year. My husband abd in laws are playing cheap games with me. On the name of rituals my in laws told my husband not to pay anything for my delivery. And it’s been 9months, that he hardly gave me money for my and my child expenses.
    If ask why he is doing he will make up stories and say he will not look after me bit will do for child! But for that Aldo he took advise from his father and says that monthly 4000 is also too much.

    I send him a msg saying that its top much of domestic drama, his parent’s send me back to delhi from Mumbai forcefully and now this drama. I said if he won’t do the right things then I have to take legal help.

    For which he threatens me and say do whatever I wish.

    Kindly let me know what can I do. And is there anyway to get a lawyer who don’t charge fees ( might sound stupid,as am not working)

    Your guidance ull be dry helpful.



  210. 372 gracy mardi September 6, 2014 at 11:08 am

    dear sir
    my friend is getting divorce from his wife from 3 years. He spend his marriage life 27 years. For his wife misbehavior and continue insult in public he filed divorce case. he is now giving 3500 for maintenance also but his wife did not giving divorce to him. He had a share with his wife in property and he had a child of 23 years and he also giving her daughter 10000 for education from LIC insurance. please give suggestion now what should he do to get divorce.


  211. 373 Aman September 7, 2014 at 4:24 am

    HI, I have been married for last seven years and have 6 years old kid. My wife is BA. BED. She has worked in call centers 5 years back. At present She was working in a CA firm and getting salary in form of cash also she is an LIC agent.. She has left her job only to get manitanance. my salary is apx 1lac, is shill still eligible for manitanance?

    I have been regularly paying my kid school fee and all other expenses via cheques.

    As far as i know 33% of husband’s salary is given to wife to maintain her, can all these fectors not be considered? Please advise. Question of life.


  212. 374 work at home September 11, 2014 at 7:01 pm

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  214. 376 sandra September 22, 2014 at 8:48 pm

    A couple of weeks ago I was in a dark period in my life, the man I love to bits had gone off with someone else, that was when I was told about this Esango Priest. Well he told me he could see that we would get back together that gave me hope, and he was right, because this week we have moved in with each other and we are so happy. A big thank you to Esango Priest. If you are in need of an angel please get in touch with my Esango Priest via


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  218. 380 Myrtle D. Goldhammer September 25, 2014 at 9:30 pm

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  219. 381 rahul bajaj September 29, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    Hey to all,

    I am Rahul from new delhi ,india

    my wife is very very angry lady, she can’t live with my parents
    due to this behaviour she always fight with me and my parents.

    she filled maintenance case and one other case right to live with me in my house.

    she try to commit suicide two times in my house.

    Our all family members are in shock.

    I fill a divorce case on the basis of cruelty.

    But she do not want to live me easily .

    she is earning 24000/- pm , my salary is 13000/- pm
    we had a girl child , 6 years old , school going .
    She said to me I will not marry again and also do not let you free .

    she demand one time settlement 12 lac + all her belongings.

    i do not have money , i belong to very poor family,

    she like to take revenge from me and my family.

    Now my question are :-

    1. can I take custody of my daughter.
    2. how much amount of maintenance should I have to pay for child.
    3. what I can do if she do not give me divorce.
    4.we did not stay together from so long time ( 3 years ) , with out any sex relation ship , can I get divorce on that grounds.

    please give advice me ….

    my lower said me to do marriage again / or show me the way for live in relationship with any other girl.

    I am confused , please advice me ……..


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  223. 385 ashok singh bisht October 22, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    Sir my wife filed complaint at c.A.W cell where i gone but she is not giving any +ve respone to live with me as on every date she didnot talk to me due extra pressure given by hwr parents and his advocate also mindwashed her and take her in faith that you will get soon divorce outside he was there as he didnot tries to solve case on 10/10/2014 they filed case for mentainence amout that is 15000 rs in which my 4+ daughter living with me since she left us on 10/8/2014 kindly tell me can we hire govt advct. As i have alow income of 10984 Rs only


  224. 386 kameshwar das October 25, 2014 at 9:46 am

    I Kameshwar Das both wife & husband govt. job working . But my wife pay her salary to self mother . She did not show her income to me . She also demand money from me. I have two children. What I can do in this case Please advice me. She war upon me again and again and she threat to me she will lodge case against me. My contact Number +919835247394


  225. 387 chakradhar October 29, 2014 at 3:33 pm



  226. 388 s November 3, 2014 at 7:11 am

    I am a male and I working in a government job get a salary of 32 thousands per month I have one wife and one son , we complete 6 year of marriage now I get divorce from my wife , what is compensation pay to my wife and my son is living with my wife


  227. 389 vvv November 12, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    I need advise on what to do . any reply would be appreciated… Here is my case..

    I m married for 3 years n have 2 years old son living away from parents for job per se..
    My wife secrately was making plan to get socially defame my family on right time n put her demands. Since last 3 years periodically she fought me n threaten me to make me n family jail. I was always in defence side as had responsibility of siblings. Now she has exceed limits n written all fake note about how my parents have harrased her when we go to home town. I full filled all her demand but now when parents want to come stay with me , she left her home n started calling my relatives n by fake cry tell wrong story.. She knows for me my family imp n i love much but she doesnt want them to come with me. By defamig family , want my sibling to suffer for marriage hence parents dont come with me…

    I requested her to come home but says need to rest n at same time she is meeting with all her n my relatives n tell false story. One of my relative come n said to do compromise. Now i m feared that she might ask directly for divorce n then money as her dad pass away n her mother is alone… So all this is plan….. Now next week may meet for talk but what she did in last few weeks make clear she had made her mind n this could be just her formality….

    Please advise what should i do ? I dont want to let my parents dignity down as they havent done anything… N at same time i feared to loose my son as well…


  228. 390 gigi November 14, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    Hello Sir,

    My brother’s wife went to see thier parents with their child of 4 months old. She never returned back to home. He tried many times to see his child. Every time his father-in-law is blocking my brother not to enter in their home and he split many arrogant words. My brother is very disappointed and finally he filed a divorce. The case is in court, but judge didn’t come and posteponed 2 times. How my brother could see his child? What are the procedures to apply ?


  229. 391 Vikas November 21, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    Sir my brothers wife want to blackmail my family by using dowry system. She file an application in district dowry prohibition court and Issued notice by the court. According to notice presence of my all family members in court is compulsory.
    sir please give me legal view.


  230. 392 Vikas November 21, 2014 at 6:25 pm

    Sir my brothers wife want to blackmail my family by using dowry system. She file an application in district dowry prohibition court and Issued notice by the court. According to notice presence of my all family members in court is compulsory.
    sir please give me legal view. Plz reply on my


  231. 393 rajesh November 21, 2014 at 6:39 pm

    My wife Nancy bawa from amabala cantt asked me to have threesome with my friend. When I told her no, she filed dowry case against me and my family. She also wanted me she wants sex in garden, car etc. I am filing harassment, torture etc. cases on her. Can you suggest me futher cases that can be filed against such prostitues?


  232. 395 manjn November 25, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    Dear Sir,

    I need help from your side, Please inform Men does not have any rights / law in India. Only Woman will get the rights / laws in all matters.

    I married to a girl on Dec 2012. From the date of marriage, their family members are speaking something else. Later during 1st day in the night she was telling we have to settle in our life and she has told that one of the boy friend has told to marry me. I questioned her how do that boy knows me and my character. She started fighting with me during the night and I was really upset and we did not have any physical relation.

    Later after 2nd day, I have to come my home with her along with my parents, during that time my aged father (78 years) told you have done every thing in urgent, so we can put the mangalasutra in a good time no need of urgency, so that her father started crawling and told i will remove the mangalsutra and every one get of my house you slummers etc., Later we bowed our head and brought her to my house.

    Again she starter crawling and hearing to their family member and each and every night we were having problem. My mother (58 yers) is a patient and I did not inform any thing to any body. I though I can correct in all the ways by putting my best efforts.

    In 6 months, the boy was messaging her in different ways and she was deleting the messages while returning from the office. Once i asked her so many calls have recieved but she refuses. One day I took her mobile to call to my friend during that time some message was opened informing from that boy, if your husband is not doing, please come and sleep with me, we will meet some where else and i asked her and she told by mistake it has come to me. From the day 1 i was really upset and i think it was a preplanned marriage. I did not have physical relationship and i told her that first we will settle and later we have baby after 1 year. But she refused and every day we were have a big fight during night time only.

    I have informed to my elder brother and he told to take some proof. Later at the last out of my control I have informed my parents to call her parents and explained the same, they told we grew her in Western culture and you can adjust. But later they took her to their home. After 2-3 months they have informed to one of our elder house for counselling, we went their and informed the same, Every one will make mistake in life and agreed and brought her back to my home. See was ok for again 2 months and started blackmailing to have a child. Because every one are asking, Again she started to call him. During the night when i sleep she used to message him during mid night. Later when i asked her she took a sleeping pill and she was unconusious my aged parents was nervous.

    Immediately we called their parents but they refused and she called up to her brother and he was telling vugular. Later we took her to my elder home who joined us. From their, her parents took her to their home informing if you donot want your husband.

    Next day her self and her mother came to my home and took every thing like clothes, passport, bank book etc., nothing is pending only one cot and cupboard with empty is remaining.

    After 1 1/2 year now they have send 3rd party for discussing and he informed that to give some maintenance and some money to run the life of the girl. They are asking Rs. 25 lakhs, after giving the money we will go for mutual divorce.

    My elder persons told we donot have any money and We can give Rs. 5 lakhs as a good will gesture, but they are refusing and telling we know what to do.


    Please inform how to proceed further. I am ready to face but i donot want my elderly parents to suffer.

    Please help me in this regards.


  233. 396 robbie williams November 28, 2014 at 11:30 am

    Hello friends out there my name is Krystal clark and i was born a normal human being, but i do love vampires and wizards because of their magical powers and do love to be one because i wanted to be very powerful and was searching for a way to become one until i saw a great spell caster i mean a very great spell caster online how he has helped so many people to be wizards, vampires and how he has helped so many people on many issues of life and i contacted him and explained to him and he laughed and told me that, that is very simple for him to do and he also told me that in seven days time i will see the positive results of his powerful spell and i believed him. Really in seven days time as he has said, i began to fill the change in me and he did helped me with his power to become a great wizard and vampire after i have done all he asked me to do. Today i love being a wizard and a vampire because i always get what i want, anything at all i always get it be it money i just command it and it is always mine and i am very rich, powerful, and i live longer than humans.. Wow isn’t that wonderful and amazing? Yea it is. I AM PROUD TO BE A GREAT WIZARD AND A VAMPIRE BECAUSE I DO THINGS THAT SEEMS TO BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR HUMANS TO DO. And i want you to know that this spell caster is real and not a scam. and i have initiated a lot of friends and family members. If you have interest and you want to be a wizard, witch and a vampire you are free and you can contact him on his email on and you will be one of us fame money anything you want will definitely be yours contact today and be initiated


  234. 397 Anna Korkova December 4, 2014 at 9:41 am

    I just wanted to say thank you for ex lover is back now. That very powerful spell to STOP THE DIVORCE – and get my ex husband back – as you him for help at {} Thank you for all your help.
    Anna Korkova, FL, USA


  235. 398 s.Mohammed Kasim December 15, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    hello sir
    my name is Mohammed kasim my father name is Mohammed sirajudeen he have own home .I am living in rent house.he file a case against me on family court but we did not get any notice but he get judgment against us after one year he did not get any action. again next year he give a warrent. now we paid 12000 thousand he asking again money what we do now. reply me mdkasim56@gmail
    com thank you sir


  236. 399 Anna Korkova, December 19, 2014 at 9:52 pm

    I just wanted to say thank you for ex lover is back now. That very powerful spell to STOP THE DIVORCE – and get my ex husband back – as you him for help at Thank you for all your help.
    Anna Korkova, FL, USA


  237. 400 Ashu Panwar January 20, 2015 at 12:05 pm

    Its been 5 years to our marriage…it was an intercast marriage and since 5 years my husband and enlaws are tonting me again and again for money and nothing came in marriage…my husband has hit me many times….my mother n law tried hard to seperate us…finaly 2 yrs back we shifted to bangalore…where atlesti could not hete my enlaws tonting…my husband on one or the other occassion kept tonting me..saying… teri maa bht kuvh daba k baithi hai nd all….and used to hit me…I wss working since starting ..but seeing all this I started to save…thinging my husband will not support me ny time..whivh he never used to…but he disvouaged my davings also stating I am selfish and all…now after 5 years I am 35 yrs old and he is saying I dnt want to have kid…its like a big shovk to me….vause since 5 years he kept saying I dnt want and then ok we will have it….oct o left my job….in fact he motivated me to leave the job and do business and said to have joint acvoint which I wad little hesitated because of past experience…also before leaving job he said you will conceive essily as there would be no tension…and no work pressure…in fact I went for an iui also which failed….then after diwali I went at my native place and stayed at my enlaws place for 2 days..then alsoy mother nd law tonted me again for money…nd when I came one month back…he said he dont want kid…and that is final…he has said n nomber of things to me that I am muftkhoor and all…I am really depressed now ..and thinking what to do..I have strong urge of commiting suicide..also…as my husband is torturing me financially and emitionally now…I cant imagine life eithout child…he says I have responsibility of my parents nd brother so I will not bring one more person in life…please suggest what should I do..I want to give him divorce now this selfish greedy and coward people…pls reply..


  238. 401 Sunny Oberoi January 26, 2015 at 2:37 pm

    Hello sir, is there a contact number


  239. 402 krish February 4, 2015 at 8:31 am

    I had filed a divorce petition against my wife because she’s behaving like a psychiatric woman and also forcing me to earn more and she’s also not working. I didn’t even ask a single rupee as a dowry. But on a curtosy after filing a divorce petition, I gave her a second chance to live together as a normal person. Then we’re living together for few months after this issue. She’s now 3 months pregnant, but within few weeks after again started our normal life she’s behaving like a psychiatric woman again and just acting. Her whole family is threatening me that if I again file a divorce they’ll kill my whole family. Moreover, my marriage is done without the knowledge of my parents since they refused that my wife’s character is not good. My parents both are government staffs. So from my marraige till now they’re threatening that they’ll make my parents to loose job by filing a false petition. Whether it’s possible?? And also she’s threating that she’ll comit suicide for many silly reasons. Now both are in my wife’s house. I’m getting tortured each and every moment. My whole family is very sad that they’ve loosed me and also I’m not allowed to visit my parents. But my parents are ready to help if I file a divorce petition. If I live this life, I’ll die soon by getting tortured by wife and her family. And also my health condition is not good since they’re not providing me healthy food. Please give me some correct guidence.


  240. 403 manoj kumar shaw March 18, 2015 at 12:01 am

    My wife ran away wt my sister son in 2008.leaving 1son age 7 and dauther4 yrs. She filed 3 cases of 498A same occurance of dowry At within a week
    In 2010 .the child r wt me.she went to family court for her first interim wch ws dismissed by court. And nw she is fighting for maintain anc.
    I earn rs 4000 per month .am I reliable to gv maintainance.since she already is worki g in beauty parlour.she also files only false cases to haress.
    She gv false school certificate of he dt of birth .she is nw 18 yrs and my son is 15 yrs pls adviceme


  241. 404 swathi March 28, 2015 at 8:19 am

    Sir I got married on 22.5.2014 husband after 1 month he started avoiding me.after meeting with family members he accepted .when I went to his home after 4 months he ,his mother n brother they scolded which I have recited it they did blackmail n they didn’t allow me to write 4.1 exam over all they di 3 months house harrasment finally when meeting with our n there village sarpanch they choose settlement n gave 50 lakhs n 2 flats which is under construction not registered but written settlement in bound paper but he had 13 crores property but unemployed. During divorce can I demand 1 crore property in court. Will juge agree to it?


  242. 405 Odense, Denmark April 28, 2015 at 3:58 am

    Odense, Denmark

    Its’s so much positive energy around me again. I haven’t felt like this for
    months, maybe years. And now when they broke up and she calling me to get back together and all..WOW I am so happy.all thanks gose to d.rrivershebalisthome the spell caster who help me out if you need his help also contact him email thank you so much doctor


  243. 406 G p Suri May 2, 2015 at 6:02 pm

    I father of son my son divorce from earlier marriage and again married with girl who also divorce and having a girl child we do not take the child in any agreement know they take divorce again in the social meating we given the all dorry articles and jewellery to girl and diaside first motion by immovably and on second motion the boy give Rs2250000/- to girl date of six month expire and they go to contacts the mediation person of social we have no arrange the money and also not in position for paying the amount please suggest us what we do in this the women cell they fight with us and longe the case criminal on both party girl and there father and boy and there father 321 323 341


  244. 407 pritam May 10, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    I am 31 yrs male, goverment servent, having 5 yrs of married life with a woman complited MA and she is housewife. My income is 4 lakh pa. How much I have to complenciate after divorce.


  245. 408 Chitra May 14, 2015 at 6:04 am

    without applied for divorce can wife have a right to ask maintainance if she dont have kid


    • 409 Chitra May 14, 2015 at 6:06 am

      My question is can she file a maintenance case if other case like (Dowary and Criminal ) its almost 2 year she is staying in her moms house


  246. 410 Chitra May 14, 2015 at 6:08 am

    My question is can she file a maintenance case if other case like Dowary and Criminal case going on against her inlaw at court and still not prove


  247. 411 b gita May 15, 2015 at 7:08 am

    Is maintenance cost incerases every year after divorce or once fixed by court, it remains same ?


  248. 412 sabyasachi May 19, 2015 at 3:59 am

    in fact i have a question. I am going thru a divorce procedure where my wife insists that she will not allow our son to get exposed to any future wife of mine. Is this legal?


  249. 413 Gajanan May 26, 2015 at 9:05 am


    The information you are providing is really needed for Men in marital trouble and who are scared by the law which provides more benefits to Women, and men has competitively less scope to fight their case.

    Keep writing…!

    Thank you,



  250. 414 Anonymous June 12, 2015 at 12:07 pm

    Sir, I want alimony info as I am thinking of divorce with my abusive, violent and characterless husband. We had performed marriage which was love cum arranged, according to our same religion and same caste about 3 yrs ago. After marriage I realised that he drinks a lot daily. He started bitting me for a small reason or frequently for no reason. He demanded dowry of 1 lack as he knew my parents r poor. At the time of marriage we didn’t offer any dowry and also he didn’t demand any. But after marriage he started demanding money from my parents. But we didn’t fulfill his demands. From last two years he is having affair/ affairs. With whom I don’t know. He sends SMS till he feels sleepy. When I tried to see his mobile there was nothing to see or read as he had already deleted call log and messages he had bitten me mercilessly. This is a routine for me to get bitten get abused by him. But after the 3 years of my bad marriage I finally decided to leave this hellish husband. I have no children yet as we had decided to have it after 3 years. Recently I have completed my post graduation in English literature. My husband works in a private but renown firm. He never said about his salary but I guess he gets 20000 per month. I don’t do any job yet. Because it was hard to take education while get abused in the home. Plz tell me what alimony rules r there for woman like me. At the other hand I don’t want any money from him. I just wanted his love and respect which he had never given to me. But I DONT FORGIVE SUCH PERSON. I AM GOING TO TAKE EVERY DECISION WISELY. HE PERFORMED MARRIAGE WITH ME WITHOUT HIS FAMILYS CONSENT BUT MY FAMILY WAS AGREE FOR THIS. MY FAMILY JUST WANTED TO SEE ME HAPPY. I WANT TO FILE CASE UPON HIM. HOW MUCH MONEY SHOULD I HAVE AS MY PARENTS R POOR. BUT I WILL EARN FOR ME. I KNOW VERY WELL THAT HIS ENOUGH WELTHY PARWNTS WILL TRY TO SAVE HIM BY SHOWING THEIR FINANCIAL POWER. I JUST WANT TO SEND HIM JAIL AT LEAST FOR A MONT I JUST WANT HIS PERSONAL INCOMES 50% OF AMOUNT. I DONT WANT ANYTHING FROM MY IN LAWS. PLZ SUGGEST ME AS I AM QUITE IGNORANT OF LAWS REGARDING DIVORCE AND ALIMONEY. I WILL BE LIFELONG GRATEFUL TO U.


  251. 415 Rahul June 26, 2015 at 10:05 pm

    Need your phone number.


  252. 416 Lucy June 29, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    hello, my best friend is getting trouble with his wife. they got married 15 years ago, but his wife can’t give my best friend any children because she is infertile. Even they tried to go everywhere to see so many doctor to help them have children, but the answer is hopeless. he is very sad and he really wants to have children now because he is growing old. In this case, he wants to divorce his wife, but she is too sefish and she doesn’t want to let him go. what should my friend do now? he need to have children and he wants to marry another girl. Also if he got married to another he need to have money to raise his children. What should he do to leave her withour giving her money every month?


  253. 417 Nitin July 23, 2015 at 11:40 am

    Hello friends,
    Myself Nitin, I am facing section 498a (Fake)of IPC and simulteneously my wife has file divorce case. as she left my house in 2011 and made police complain in 2013.
    I am earning 80.0 Thousand pm.
    Family court has passed interim order for maintenance of Rs 3000 PM.
    she is capable of working but right now she is not working, earlier she was in Job and she was earning.
    My wife every time increase the alimony amount.
    I wanted to know how much final monthly maintenace order pass by family court (only approximately)
    please advice what action i should take


  254. 418 ankur August 5, 2015 at 9:20 am

    hello Sir
    This is Rohit
    last one and half year I got married and now we have a baby girl age is 5 month. she is with me but my wife is not with me and now my wife file the false complaint against me and my family in women cell my first date is coming/. pls suggest how can I prove that she is filing false complaints and tell me that what is rights I have.


  255. 419 Gayatri Dalvi August 17, 2015 at 6:24 am

    Sir, I got married in December 2014 and my husband is leaving in saudi. They were asking for gold & dowry from me after marriage.Which is so disgusting.Harrasment is not tollerable.I m too educated. He went in the month january and has not returned still,its been 7 months. I am no longer going to keep relationship.What should i do next to file divorce within on year and about pitison.Its been only 9 months marriage.


  256. 420 N Pandita August 23, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    What are the norms of deciding compensation in case of mutual consent divorce and what happens if the wife initiates the process? Thanks


  257. 421 vallabh August 27, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    When i was at the age of 8 years 9 months my father and grandfather got married me at that time . I was informed 5 to 6 yrs later .I was never seen her nor she seen me . and neither we live together and nor make any physical relationship between us I don’t make suhagrat. now I amyrs 25 yrs old and working in govt department .and now she and her parents don’t want to this relationship but they are not taking any decision on this matter . what can I do . is this a valid marriage. Now is this a valid marriage. What are divorce rules for this. And she can claim for maintenance for her.


    • 422 srirangvijay August 28, 2015 at 1:09 pm

      child marriages in general are null and void, but trickily it void marriage for men but voidable marriage for women, there is a provision in the law that women if married at a minority age and soon after her getting majority knowing about her child marriage can either choose to terminate it or legalise that marriage with your consent, if you do not agree the marriage becomes void and you will be as good as a bachelor
      with regards


    • 423 suffering women August 29, 2015 at 4:28 am

      sad story.this should be null.I dont know the law very well. It is better you personally meet with that girl in presence of her parents and talk clearly what you want. (N B I am not a law person)


  258. 424 mandeep kour September 9, 2015 at 9:09 am

    sir, this information is helpful. My mom and dad are married since 20 years , from the first day they have many issues related to their relationship, but now the issues have increased alot & now they are planning for divorce. I just wanted to know that if the female partner is filing the divorce, will she get any monthly maintenance or alimony , as she is getting more salary than her husband, but her daughter & son are willing to stay with her only.

    plz plz plz plz plz reply on this Id…

    it’s really important for me to know this..


  259. 425 manisha September 12, 2015 at 7:12 am

    my brother is suffering from his wife . his wife is not leaving with him from last 9 year . he has one child about 11 year place with him . He is patient of drepression he is jobless now his wife make a case of maintenance and divorce with potgi 10 thousand per month and 10 lakh for maintence his also want TABA OF his son pl help me what can we do ?


  260. 426 Upender October 2, 2015 at 11:49 am

    If the wife is refuses to come for family life without any reasons..what will be the steps to be taken by husband


  261. 427 amit October 27, 2015 at 9:34 am

    guys….. even my brother has gone through all this situations. indian law is in favour of womens for divorce case and many girls taking wrong advantage of it. guys we need to fight for this how long we will keep giving our hard earn money to such girls in the name of maintenance & alimony. we guys need to get 1 & take some actions against such injustice law


  262. 428 amit October 27, 2015 at 9:40 am

    And If few guys are bad and if they fight with there wife for dowry things than go and punish them. why involving all the guys and punishing them by making such kind of laws? come on guys tell me honestly…. are we getting justice by this kind of women power law? law should be for both the parties. Guys just no use of keep posting our problems here, we wont get justice like dis. we have to take some step for our justice. kab tak sehenge….iska ek hi meaning banta h boss whole life you earn hard save your money get married stay few months with wife and pay her your hard earn money. hate indian law


  263. 429 nitesh sharma November 4, 2015 at 1:35 pm

    sir mri shadi ko 1 month huye hai ar mri wife mrey sath na bat krti hai yha may key ana chahati bs khtey ki humey fasayengey ar humsey harjana lengey to hum ab uskey ly kya krey jbki humney kch bhi nhi kiya .please advice me.on this email I’d thank you


    • 430 kapil December 13, 2015 at 6:17 pm

      go file a complaint against her and her parents in local police station,that she is saying this u will be on safe side if she file a false complaint tomorrow against you then u and ur family will be fighting only divorce no 498 no dowry case can be filed against you.


  264. 431 sunil November 15, 2015 at 3:07 am

    My father has no income at all still he have to pay the monthly maintenence ? If he has no income then should i have to fullfill the maintenance ammount ? Plz guide


  265. 432 Geeta November 20, 2015 at 11:55 am

    Respected sir, i m married from last 10 yrs. I m not working n i have a 6 yrs. Old daughter. My husband is not earning anything. But he have gud property on his name given by his father. How much maintence i m deserving plz tell me


  266. 433 roni December 3, 2015 at 9:55 pm

    Sir, i shall be grateful for information on the following issue:

    i got married on 2008 and both stayed away from family due to my job & thereafter i was facing mental & physical torcher from my wife but i supressed for the sake of my family reputation. strange behaviour & lieing to her mother & relatives about me. now things r going worse day by day. i hv a long story so i am not writing it here but i badly need some good suggessions & advice. i wish you will understand me and will reply me back on my email id so that i can explain you my probs wisely. Please Sir…. in the name of humanity and truth reply me back.

    Please, please please reply on



  267. 434 Pradeep December 4, 2015 at 6:16 pm

    Sir, iam from himachal our marriage is 5 yrs. Old have child girl (3.5yrs), son(2 yrs.). I am unemployed and have no property on my name. My wife is also housewife…i want divorce from her. Tell me what should be amount i have to pay to her.


  268. 435 Jins December 20, 2015 at 8:03 am


    I need a genuine advice in my case.
    I am married in 2009 & it’s a arrange marriage. In the beginning of first 2 months everything is ok. But after 2 months I got abroad job so I left country & due to VISA financial difficulty I request to wife to stay home. And I went to abroad. Within a week my wife asked me to & stay with her parents for a week & I said yes but then she did not return. When I am in good financial situation I called her to stay with me. They after 2 months she pregnant so on her own request I drop het to her parents’ home. So not more than 8 months we stay together. They she delivered a baby girl. We were happy. Again I got the good opportunity so I changed the country. Meanwhile I bought a house in India which is on my name & my mother’s name. After change the country I went to USA where after joining the job I faced a major accident & due to that I almost became a handicap & her family is aware of that. While my major surgeries she gave her consent also. Still after 3 years of accident I am under medical treatment & government pay my monthly expenses to me as I am not fit for work & due to my medical treatment. Meanwhile my selfish wife files a case against me for physical bad treatment. In reality she & me almost 3 years away due to my treatment & she refuses to come abroad for my help. In fact all these are false statements she made & asking me huge amount. Still I am under medical treatment & jobless from last 3 years. Where she is a Doctor & running her own clinic & making a good money. Also their family is not allowing me to talk with my daughter if I called her. She had a family member who is a lawyer & helping her in this. Now marriage is happened in 2009 & she files the case in 2015 & claiming that I had given her bad treatment in 2010. And asking me huge money. I n case she mentioned that I am staying in abroad & enjoying with foreign women & I have a very good income. In fact I am handicap now & unable to do the job so government is paying me very small amount for my monthly expenses. Where I am unable to pay my home loan so my younger brother & sister helps me financially.
    Please advise me. This is my genuine case.


  269. 436 accused December 24, 2015 at 4:51 am

    HI Sir,

    My email id: 498a34adp (at) gmail (dot) com.

    We got 100% arrange marriage on 26th september 2016. She and her family and relatives starting troubling us from day one as I apposed the regular visits of her cousin in afternoon time and father visits in evening time.

    She has filed 498a34adp case on me and my family members. We lived together in my home only for 4 months that too with lot of issues from her family members as they were visiting regularly to my home.

    She was pregnant of 3 months when i dropped her parents home for staying 4 days happily as pregnancy confirmed. she did not responded me when i went to take her back after 6 days, meanwhile we were doing chit chat and talk on phones regularly and she was ready to come with me but I don’t know what was wrong and she told that, she will come with her father as he is not available as of now in this city.

    later, they invited my to rowdy-sheeters and finally they complaint on us in Police station.

    There, I got to know that, she has no pregnancy by her father might be they killed my child of 4 months means abortion. And they were demanding for 2lakhs and refused to return my gold&silver jewelry (Worth 1.5 lakhs). That to i was agree to pay them and i requested them not to spoil my career and future by filing these false cases on us.

    Then immediately they were demanding 5 lakhs (excluding the jewelry she has kept with her), so i refused them for this much amount.

    Finally they filed 498a34adp on me, I was reminded for 4 days, I and my family took bails, later one year, they have forced to filed the charge sheet and charge sheet has submitted.

    And now, she has applied for crp125 and marriage dissolution petitions in family court.Here, I was redirected to mediation center and she is not interested to live with me and also for not reunion. After all in the 2 months mediation counselling her father finally agreed to return my gold ornaments on the condition of seeking KHULA (DIVORCE FROM HER SIDE) and quashing from my side in High court.

    I refused for quashing from my side to apply in high court. And requested them to put the papers for withdrawal in nampally criminal court where my case is running on.

    But, her father and advocate refused to do that, and the mediator of legal services of family court, has redirected our file to court by saying THAT, “RESPONDENT(myself) IS NOT INTERESTED FOR SETTLEMENT” and took the signatures of both petition(her) and respondent(myself).

    Kindly suggest me that, I want to get out from these cases as cleansheet as I have not done anything wrong with my wife and all. Those all allegations on me and my family members are baseless and meaningless.

    1.) I have pregnancy scan report of almost 3 months duration.
    2.) Once they filed the complaint then i sent the petition about their activities to that police station from High court that copy also i have with attestation of hight court while filing this petition only.
    3.) I did not take any dowry at the time of marriage nor single cloth for me also not done any harrasment, but they gave common stridhan as usual (for stridhan i did not do any signature and no proof of it if they claim, but we people don’t want to tell lie or cheat anyone)

    1.) may I get force from the court to give divorce her as “KHULA”?
    2.) may I get the responsibility of maintaining my wife by paying maintenance under crp125 as she is not interested to live with me and demanding for marriage dissolution and has done abortion which one she has told to judge from herself when I inquired infront of judge before redirecting to mediation center?
    3.) Is there any remedy/solution to stop her for asking khula means not to give her “KHULA” (as 498a is still running as appearance or presence at starting stage) under maintenance case crp125 itself?
    4.) How to file a strong petition towards both cases of maintenance and marriage dissolution?
    5.) Might be she was living in adultery as her cousin used to visit my home in my absence in starting days and due to that fear of detecting DNA of baby might proof her adultery she has done abortion without informing me and also not discussed anywhere in all the matters about pregnancy.

    I am in financial problems and paying my credits and loans by hardly dying myself. My parents health is not good as BP, sugar, asthma and back pains so we are doing their treatment in ‘SHADAN MEDICAL SCIENCE HOSPITAL” in free campus. Life became too complicated and horror due to this. We people lost our respect and image in society and relatives.

    Please let me know as soon as possible. Or Please help me to meet you personally for further steps before its too late.


  270. 439 December 24, 2015 at 5:50 am

    HI Sir,

    My email id: 498a34adp (at) gmail (dot) com.

    We got 100% arrange marriage on 26th september 2016. She and her family and relatives starting troubling us from day one as I apposed the regular visits of her cousin in afternoon time and father visits in evening time.

    She has filed 498a34adp case on me and my family members. We lived together in my home only for 4 months that too with lot of issues from her family members as they were visiting regularly to my home.

    She was pregnant of 3 months when i dropped her parents home for staying 4 days happily as pregnancy confirmed. she did not responded me when i went to take her back after 6 days, meanwhile we were doing chit chat and talk on phones regularly and she was ready to come with me. But I dont knowm, what was wrong and she told that, she will come with her father as her was not available as of now in this city. So, I returned by listening her words.

    later, they invited my to rowdy-sheeters and finally they complaint on us in Police station.

    There, I got to know that, she has no pregnancy by her father might be they killed my child of 4 months means abortion. And they were demanding for 2lakhs and refused to return my gold&silver jewelry (Worth 1.5 lakhs). That to i was agree to pay them and i requested them not to spoil my career and future by filing these false cases on us.

    Then immediately they were demanding 5 lakhs (excluding the jewelry she has kept with her), so i refused them for this much amount.

    Finally they filed 498a34adp on me, I was reminded for 4 days, I and my family took bails, later one year, they have forced to filed the charge sheet and charge sheet has submitted.

    And now, she has applied for crp125 and marriage dissolution petitions in family court.Here, I was redirected to mediation center and she is not interested to live with me and also for not reunion. After all in the 2 months mediation counselling her father finally agreed to return my gold ornaments on the condition of seeking KHULA (DIVORCE FROM HER SIDE) and quashing from my side in High court.

    I refused for quashing from my side to apply in high court. And requested them to put the papers for withdrawal in nampally criminal court where my case is running on.

    But, her father and advocate refused to do that, and the mediator of legal services of family court, has redirected our file to court by saying THAT, “RESPONDENT(myself) IS NOT INTERESTED FOR SETTLEMENT” and took the signatures of both petition(her) and respondent(myself).

    Kindly suggest me that, I want to get out from these cases as cleansheet as I have not done anything wrong with my wife and all. Those all allegations on me and my family members are baseless and meaningless.

    1.) I have pregnancy scan report of almost 3 months duration.
    2.) Once they filed the complaint then i sent the petition about their activities to that police station from High court that copy also i have with attestation of hight court while filing this petition only.
    3.) I did not take any dowry at the time of marriage nor single cloth for me also not done any harrasment, but they gave common stridhan as usual (for stridhan i did not do any signature and no proof of it if they claim, but we people dont want to tell lie or cheat anyone)

    1.) may I get force from the court to give divorce her as “KHULA”?
    2.) may I get the responsibility of maintaining my wife by paying maintenance under crp125 as she is not interested to live with me and demanding for marriage dissolution and has done abortion which one she has told to judge from herself when I inquired infront of judge before redirecting to mediation center?
    3.) Is there any remedy/solution to stop her for asking khula means not to give her “KHULA” (as 498a is still running as appearance or presence at starting stage) under maintenance case crp125 itself?
    4.) How to file a strong petition towards both cases of maintenance and marriage dissolution?
    5.) Might be she was living in adultery as her cousin used to visit my home in my absence in starting days and due to that fear of detecting DNA of baby might proof her adultery she has done abortion without informing me and also not discussed anywhere in all the matters about pregnancy.

    I am in financial problems and paying my credits and loans by hardly dying myself. My parents health is not good as BP, sugar, asthma and back pains so we are doing their treatment in SHADAN MEDICAL SCIENCE HOSPITAL in free campus. Life became too complicated and horror due to this. We people lost our respect and image in society and relatives.

    Please let me know as soon as possible. Or Please help me to meet you personally for further steps before its too late.



  271. 440 December 24, 2015 at 6:10 am

    HI Sir,

    My email id: 498a34adp (at) gmail (dot) com.

    We got 100% arrange marriage on 26th september 2013. She and her family and relatives starting troubling us from day one as I apposed the regular visits of her cousin in afternoon time and father visits in evening time.

    She has filed 498a34adp case on me and my family members. We lived together in my home only for 4 months that too with lot of issues from her family members as they were visiting regularly to my home.

    She was pregnant of 3 months when i dropped her parents home for staying 4 days happily as pregnancy confirmed. she did not responded me when i went to take her back after 6 days, meanwhile we were doing chit chat and talk on phones regularly and she was ready to come with me. But I dont knowm, what was wrong and she told that, she will come with her father as her was not available as of now in this city. So, I returned by listening her words.

    later, they invited my to rowdy-sheeters and finally they complaint on us in Police station.

    There, I got to know that, she has no pregnancy by her father might be they killed my child of 4 months means abortion. And they were demanding for 2lakhs and refused to return my gold&silver jewelry (Worth 1.5 lakhs). That to i was agree to pay them and i requested them not to spoil my career and future by filing these false cases on us.

    Then immediately they were demanding 5 lakhs (excluding the jewelry she has kept with her), so i refused them for this much amount.

    Finally they filed 498a34adp on me, I was reminded for 4 days, I and my family took bails, later one year, they have forced to filed the charge sheet and charge sheet has submitted.

    And now, she has applied for crp125 and marriage dissolution petitions in family court.Here, I was redirected to mediation center and she is not interested to live with me and also for not reunion. After all in the 2 months mediation counselling her father finally agreed to return my gold ornaments on the condition of seeking KHULA (DIVORCE FROM HER SIDE) and quashing from my side in High court.

    I refused for quashing from my side to apply in high court. And requested them to put the papers for withdrawal in nampally criminal court where my case is running on.

    But, her father and advocate refused to do that, and the mediator of legal services of family court, has redirected our file to court by saying THAT, “RESPONDENT(myself) IS NOT INTERESTED FOR SETTLEMENT” and took the signatures of both petition(her) and respondent(myself).

    Kindly suggest me that, I want to get out from these cases as cleansheet as I have not done anything wrong with my wife and all. Those all allegations on me and my family members are baseless and meaningless.

    1.) I have pregnancy scan report of almost 3 months duration.
    2.) Once they filed the complaint then i sent the petition about their activities to that police station from High court that copy also i have with attestation of hight court while filing this petition only.
    3.) I did not take any dowry at the time of marriage nor single cloth for me also not done any harrasment, but they gave common stridhan as usual (for stridhan i did not do any signature and no proof of it if they claim, but we people dont want to tell lie or cheat anyone)

    1.) may I get force from the court to give divorce her as “KHULA”?
    2.) may I get the responsibility of maintaining my wife by paying maintenance under crp125 as she is not interested to live with me and demanding for marriage dissolution and has done abortion which one she has told to judge from herself when I inquired infront of judge before redirecting to mediation center?
    3.) Is there any remedy/solution to stop her for asking khula means not to give her “KHULA” (as 498a is still running as appearance or presence at starting stage) under maintenance case crp125 itself?
    4.) How to file a strong petition towards both cases of maintenance and marriage dissolution?
    5.) Might be she was living in adultery as her cousin used to visit my home in my absence in starting days and due to that fear of detecting DNA of baby might proof her adultery she has done abortion without informing me and also not discussed anywhere in all the matters about pregnancy.

    I am in financial problems and paying my credits and loans by hardly dying myself. My parents health is not good as BP, sugar, asthma and back pains so we are doing their treatment in SHADAN MEDICAL SCIENCE HOSPITAL in free campus. Life became too complicated and horror due to this. We people lost our respect and image in society and relatives.

    Please let me know as soon as possible. Or Please help me to meet you personally for further steps before its too late.


  272. 442 Sindesh January 5, 2016 at 10:45 am

    Hi Sir,

    My Parents got separated 18 years ago, but are not legally divorced. I am staying with my Dad and my Mom and Elder brother are staying together.

    My Elder brother is earning well, but my Mom has put a case now, asking for maintenance charges of 50,000k or half of what I and my Dad earn, stating my elder bother is married and earning less, hence unable to take care of her.

    Please let me know am I liable to pay her money and also should my Dad pay, as he is not even earning a taxable Income after so many years of being apart.


  273. 444 npahirwar January 9, 2016 at 6:16 am

    आप की विषयवस्तु अच्छी थी


  274. 445 Income Opportunity January 13, 2016 at 11:04 am

    I’m excited to uncover this great site. I wanted to thank you for your time for
    this fantastic read!! I definitely savored every little bit of
    it and I have you bookmarked to see new information on your


  275. 446 Tanushree Nandy February 16, 2016 at 3:06 am

    I was in relationship, we got married 4 years ego by hindu process, but after 6 months we broke up due to some problems , i made a case against my ex , after that i withdraw it. Now i legally want to marry a guy , what should i do


    • 447 498aNvrTkHerBk July 14, 2016 at 10:04 am

      File divorce. Never file 498a – as you can get divorce but your name and reputation will be spoilt after that and you can never ever get it back if you file 498a. Ask your queries at you will get reponse from good lawyers.


  276. 448 vipul macwan February 18, 2016 at 9:11 am

    After one year complete of my marriage I have one male child 3 month old. My wife live with her parents for last 13 month so how I can get devorce??


  277. 449 Sachin February 18, 2016 at 11:09 am

    My parents did my marriage in 2003, that time I was 20 Years old.
    I was not interested but they did forcefully.
    from 2003 to 2016 I was only 1 year with her.
    I have two kids(girls – 12 & 11 years old) – I have doubt also my or not.

    Now since 2 years I did not go to home town.
    My parent is only supporting her because of society.

    Now I wanted to divorce and even I don’t want kids also.
    Please help for my issues.

    I can live without marriage, I can change religion, whatever possible I can do but I don’t want to she her.

    Now I am in Abu Dhabi for work..


  278. 450 Syed Ahmed February 23, 2016 at 9:01 am


    My brother got married in 2002 and its almost 14 years now , his wife trouble a lot to him every time she talks about money . If he gives money she will keep quite otherwise she will start fighting with him , In recent she even tried to eat sleeping piles . He is really fed up of her now . Two days days she failed a police complaint as well , we got the call from policy to come

    We are in confusion state , now sure what to do .Whether to give divorce , she is not ready to give divorce from her side , she uses slang language while speaking with her husband

    They have two kids , girl is around 13 years and one boy around 11 years old , I really feel pity for this kids she doesnt even realize about the kids

    Looks like she is planning to file dowry harassment case against him

    does it better if we give divorce ?
    Its 14 of marriage
    Two kids of (14 and 11 years)

    In case if we are giving what compensation we will be giving to her

    He doesnt have any fixed income , he does scrap business , most of the time its lose



  279. 452 Sandeep March 3, 2016 at 9:16 pm

    Me and my wife is living separately for last 2 years out of 4 yrs of marriage. We have a daughter out of wedlock..My wife is a MBA and I have spent 2 lacs in her BED course . Before marriage she use to work and after marriage also she use to work and earns a salary of 27k per month.. Now for last year she is not working voluntarily and filed a case of maintaince of 50k per month on me ..

    My salary is 50k only out of which I have to pay 20k EMI for my personal Loan and car loan and along with that I have look after my retired parents also ..

    So how much I have to pay maintaince to her on monthly basis..


    • 453 Jins March 4, 2016 at 6:04 pm

      Hello Sandeep,

      I am not a lawyer but as per my experience I want to suggest you.
      If wife is educated & not working then she is might be not eligible for monthly maintenance. But for kids you have to but you can try for his custody. My wife is educated & she demanded me 80k monthly. Instead of getting something her I am trying for monthly maintenance because from last couple of years I am under treatment due to some problem. So I am not working & she is working but showing to court that she is depend on me. So I collected all the evidences against to her. Now she has decided to withdraw the case & without anything she wanted separation. So you have to fight against her with the help of proper lawyer.



      • 454 498aNvrTkHerBk July 14, 2016 at 10:15 am

        Hi Jins,

        I am also having marital issues and my wife filed maintenance case against me. She is well educated. She was working for 5 years before marriage. She resigned job before marriage. We lived only together for 3 months. Now she lives with her parents and has filed maintenance case against me. If I can prove that she is working and earning, then I do not have to give her maintenance.

        I am trying to collect evidence, but I am unable to collect any. What methods did you use? how did you collect evidence ? Of course easy for you to prove that you are not working, but how did you know where she is working and did you collect evidence regarding her salary,paycheck,payslip? or from tax returns?

        Did you use a Private Investigator ? How much did they charge ? I talked to Private Investigator – he is asking for 40k just to find location where she is staying and another 60k for keeping a tab for a week (meaning following her) and he says he can get photos of her going to work if she goes to work. So he is asking 1 lakh for doing very basic stuff.

        Thanks !!


  280. 455 shalini March 4, 2016 at 9:39 am

    Hi sir,

    I am shalini 24 yrs old i took a wrong step to love a muslim person i am a hindu girl i dont have the feelings of community , cate religion i belief all the god`s are one. but lost my future , he loved me at the same time he married another women secretly . again continued relation with me mean while i was pregnent at that time he forced me to abortion but i refused to do that , attampt a murder attack on me with help of lady doctor in hospital with the help of injection. then i regestered a complaint at our area no one is supported me i given birth to my child now he is 3 yrs old DNA TEST is happend positive results came but not even single step moving my case he torchured me a lot , i trust him very much , i have no income no one is supporting me , i dont have my family support also m doing a small job now i am geeting feeling to sucide my self with my kid pleasee help me sir


    • 456 498aNvrTkHerBk July 14, 2016 at 10:33 am

      Hi Shalini,

      I am very very sorry for you. This is the most horrible thing I have heard or read in all the forums. You never got married to that guy and had his baby? Did you register your marriage? Please don’t lose hope. Please ask your questions at There are very excellent lawyers who will reply to you. And you can even find some good lawyer in your area.

      If those lawyers suggest that it is a waste of time and money to proceed in this direction, better don’t bother about it and rather move on. I am not asking you to just “NOT TAKE ACTION”.Do take actions – as far as it is producing some REAL RESULTS. If you are wasting TIME AND MONEY AND GETTING NO RESULT, then better to MOVE ON. Moving on means forgetting and forgiving. Once you move on, you wont be bothered by the past. You will focus on future! Try to find a nice husband who is ok with you and your child. Focus on your job and getting new skills, earning more money.

      Take good care! Please don’t even think about suicide. In a situation like yours it is very normal to get depressed (thoughts of suicide come when you are depressed). Depression has become a very common disease nowadays and there are medicines to take care of it. Pls consult a doctor, make sure to take medications for Depression. Take care of your health because you need to take care of your son! You need to be there for him. You cannot abandon your child like how your husband abandoned you.

      Also remember you have abandoned your Hindu parents when you chose to go with a Muslim boy and have his baby. Now they abandoned you and you are paying a heavy price. Go about your own life and take care of your child. Your parents may realize their mistakes and come back to you, if they see that you are struggling but being strong. Do not beg anyone for anything, they will never respect you.

      May All Gods be with you!! May God bless you and your child !!

      Best wishes !!


  281. 457 gayatri dalvi March 5, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    i got married on dec 2014 and after two months im living with my parents, because my husband anf his family started asking for dowry which was not decided before marriage.Now he has filed case against us that im ready to accept you, and he is not living in india from 2 years, and told i will settle in india after our marriage.He is not following his words after marriage and now im attending the all dates of court. He dont attend any dates and im getting only new dates and no conclusion is obtained. He is not ready to pay me also. What should i do now? so that case will be closed soon. Help me out please.


    • 458 498aNvrTkHerBk July 14, 2016 at 9:57 am

      Hi Gayatri,

      I read your comment from August 2015 also. What case did you file and when? what case did he file and when? Which court are you attending and what for (Divorce case or Maintenance Case or 498a) ?
      Please give these details. If he does not attend court, then the case will turn in your favor. Did you file RCR (Restitution of Conjugal Rights) ? How much does your husband earn ? and does he have properties in India ? How much did you ask for ? Monthly maintenance (how much)? One time settlement(how much) ? If you cannot pay for court proceedings, you can get that money also from your husband.

      Please give all details, so as to help you appropriately. I am a victim too. All victims will get justice at the end in Indian Judicial System but it takes time and money and proper effort from you side.

      Best Regards!


  282. 459 rahul March 6, 2016 at 6:17 pm

    Sir got married 10 months back after 2months marriage she lefted me wdnt to her home i sent notice saying that i wsnt her back where she had tsken all gold and dress. When she came back sfter 3months i find out that she loves some one i have i audio clip saying that her boyfriend asking her to delet his phone number and she saying dont pick phone if calls from my number again. Now if i file divorce i have to pay maintianace and settlement also. My lawyer saying file divorce but i canot trust because when she came for councilling she supported her. Pls help i dont have she is also educated i done engg she done bcom will i get divorce do i have to pay maintainance and what problems .she is a single daughter and i am 3 sisters and me all are married.i font have any parents. Her uncle is making all this in my life he wants my money…help me plzzzzz


    • 460 Jins March 6, 2016 at 8:06 pm

      Hello Rahul,

      I am not a lawyer but due to past bad experience I learn & share my experience with you.

      First if she is educated then find out her documents evidence. So even is she is not working then also you can prove that she do not want to do job but she is eligible for job. This is lawyer part but she will not get anything maintenance amount if she is educated. Keep her audio recording as a evidence that she has external martial affair. Also find some other evidences like snaps with her boy friend like that. This will help you in court.

      Also if she is staying away from your house with her own wish then your lawyer can send her request letter to come back officially. Even after that if she didn’t come back then you can file for divorce. You will get justice.

      But keep in mind you have to find right lawyer because some times these lawyers not guiding properly or they took the fees from us & working for other party for settlement in which they have some commission. So you have to choose right lawyer.

      Best of luck.


  283. 461 kabeer March 8, 2016 at 8:13 am

    Hello, we have seperated one year back through customery divoce deed and concent terms before court. As it was a dowery case 498 on me and my family, after few months of case we agreed for compromise and signed deed with notery and concent terms before court. In deed we have mention to file a joint petition in family court for decree. We have not yet applied it for some reasons. In deed other party has agreed and signed that they will not demand for maintenance, gold, property in future as we have given permanent allumony of sum of rupees by cheque and it is mentioned in the deed before court. My question is….i know that i can not remarry without divorce decree from court but can other party file a case on me again in future demanding for maintenance, gold, property etc..??? For information we dont have any children. Pls somebody help me for this i am worried a lot and i am not able to work and focus.


  284. 462 leela March 24, 2016 at 7:20 am

    Dear Sir,

    My name is leela, 5 yrs back as per hindu law i married one person, after marriage he left india within 5 days, he goto US.
    after that he send visa paper arround 2yrs he send 5 times, almost all are rejected visa papers.We ask every time he and his family said he come within 6 month, but he never visit india.
    My marriage under recorded like marriage certificate. I ask divorce but he is not ready to give. You try again visa and come to US we can settiled here he says always like this only.

    I put a case against his family members, i dnt no the us address thats i am not put a court case again-est to them. i put a case harrasment on his parents and relations. Last 2 yrs court case is running. In india courts and polices are very supported to ladies, who said sir, last 2 yrs no one help me in this situation. Court always saying compromise. If i compromise this can repeat like harassment on his family members and he also. If any thing happen who can told to my family members. He and His family members always hide his US Address.

    If this case is running, i can marry any other boy. I have no patience on waiting for that boy? with out divorce i can marry to others. If i can marry what is procedure. How to approach? Please suggest me sir.


  285. 463 Reshma s April 24, 2016 at 1:08 pm

    If a marriage of two months then how much maximum amount of money spouse can demand to her husband after taking her all assets


    • 464 498aNvrTkHerBk July 25, 2016 at 8:31 pm

      Wife can demand whatever money she wants! But if husband can’t pay then he won’t. even if husband can pay he won’t as it is only 2 months and he will only try to pay least amount possible. According to govt there is no rule for alimony payment. If both parties agree then divorce will be granted!

      Don’t make foolish demands ! Make reasonable demand and get the divorce soon and move on. That will be good for your future life. If not everyone of your relatives and friends will speak behind your back of how you are after money and wasting your life. They won’t tell you to your face for another year and then they will say that too as they don’t respect you enough to care about what you think.


  286. 466 Vijay May 2, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    i got married in Dec 2013, and my wife left my house without informing after our baby girl soon born, so now since 18 months we apart & i am transferring her Rs 5000 monthly. she has 1.5 acre in joint name with her mother areca nut & coconut growing land.

    we applied for mutual divorce recently in feb 2016, in mutual i mentioned that child & mother future monthly maintenance i will take care & additional child’s entire education expenses too. coming aug 2016 we both has need to appear court.

    at present she not allowing me to see my child & sending bad scolding messages, i am thinking to put petition against her for not allowing to see child & cruelty grounds.

    hope in my life i met one n only worst girl she is. any further advice friends?


  287. 467 satish June 16, 2016 at 11:59 am

    Sir can maintenance be claimed after the order of divorce is passed?or is there any ruling to that effect??


  288. 468 sharma June 28, 2016 at 12:18 pm

    After filing divorce case my friend is getting only Rs.3000/- as maintenance although her husband( govt. employee) is getting 50000/- per month, how can she get right amount to survive?


  289. 469 Jesintha d July 6, 2016 at 5:59 am

    Hi I got divorce on null and void.. 2011 I don’t know abt the case that time my husband force to sing me.. he got singed from me with out maintenanced.. He applied I will not ask any maintenance from him.. I meet a advocate after one year.. They said u were singed in joint memo.. So u can’t apply the maintenance.. But now am help less.. I have a kid 6yr old girl child. Am not working my parents only earning for us. If I can have chance to apply.. Maintenance.. and he planned and cheat me. . What I have to do.. Help me


  290. 470 ravi July 8, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    what if wife refuse to go with husband since he is jobless.


  291. 471 Seshadri July 23, 2016 at 8:30 am

    I am 21 yr old boy with a B.Tech degree in computer science and I have just got a job in Hcl in july 2016 with annual package of 2.75 lpa and monthly inhand salary of about 20500 but 16800 during initial 3 months training.I havent even received my first salary yet.My father is a retired bank manager getting a pension of 30090 rs per month.My mother is a housewife and earns rs 3000 pm by giving tuitions to a child but this work and the money is also not permanent. My father used to torture my mother physically,mentally and emotionally since their marriage.He doesnt even give her a single penny to spend on her basic necessities like clothes,spectacles,travel expenses and jewellery.Though he has stopped beating her ,but he keeps taunting her,scolding her,and harassing her emotionally and mentally.Now that I have got a job,he refuses to bear her expenses and asks me to do so.He straightaway refused to renew the insurance policy of my mother which he had made as part of his bank employees scheme.He doesnt give a single paisa to her to spend on her basic needs.Though I will bear the expenses of my mother,but isnt she entitled to get money from my father?Isnt it my fathers duty and responsiblity to bear her expenses?Is there any law stating that a husband has to bear the expenses of the wife?Can I file a case in Women cell asking them to direct him to pay a certain amount every month to my mother without having to go to court multiple times and without shelling out much money.Please help.What can me and my mother do?Any other way out or suggestion?


  292. 472 Soni Jha July 24, 2016 at 4:59 pm

    if wife is working in a govt firm and is well settled, then is it mandatory to give alimony and marriage is only 1 month old. simultaneously no relationship was established between husband and wife.

    Please give suggestion.

    Thank you.


    • 473 498aNvrTkHerBk July 25, 2016 at 8:15 pm

      @soni jha , when you say relationship not established I suppose you mean marriage not consummated to right ? Regardless of that if wife is working and well settled husband need not pay maintenance if he can prove that (BELEIVE me he will turn the world upside down to prove that ) and even if you quit job he and his lawyer will tell the judge you quit the job just for maintenance/alimony. The above is for maintenance case. In divorce case, court will grant decree of divorce if there is something super crazy (but most of the cases this wobt happen). So most divorce cases won’t end until both parties accept . So basically you cN ask whatever alimony you want and wait for him to accept. He may or may not agree. If he doesnt want to give you money he will say no and wait until you accept hid offer. After wasting a lot of time , either one of you will come to your senses and stop wasting time and agree. My suggestion is make a reasonable demand for alimony and stick to it. If you make unreasonable demand he will never budge no matter what as he will start to thinking you are greedy and at one point you will change your demand which will make you look weak and he will wait for some more time thinking he can reduce it further. Make a reasonable demand then as time goes by he will see that you are strong in your demand and that you won’t accept his offer and then soon he will accept your offer. Remember time is not on the side of the girl – so don’t be stupid and make unreasonable demand which you know he will never agree too.


      • 474 srirangvijay July 27, 2016 at 5:20 am

        Dont just ask alimony as a right, it is for those hapless women or even men who cannot sustain the life without support from other, usually confers as per the previous living style of the life partner.


    • 475 498aNvrTkHerBk July 25, 2016 at 8:21 pm

      No matter who made mistakes or whose side the fault is on alimony is must for any Indian wife who is seeking divorce – Regardless of who filed the divorce !
      Law is favorable to women in India – the main reason for this is time and honor are not favorable to these women!!


  293. 476 laxmi July 27, 2016 at 4:15 am

    Help need for good direction
    Wife poor & villager married with boy villager in 18-20 ago
    After month of marriage with he met with major accident he is driver, final his physical disorder due to accident since 18 years, now is live but he on bed only
    Mother taken her daughter from patient to their home mother is also coolie /Labor
    Old age mother wants to settle her daughter life before her death
    Finally mother and daughter went to court for divorce, but due lack of legal subject knowledge and not proper advocate, court judgment is given favorable patient husband with maintained of 3000/- per month from wife.
    Wife/complainant has no source, she is depends on her mother


  294. 477 Reshma kalamkar July 30, 2016 at 5:09 am

    I got devorce in 2013 on mutual base we distributed two flats individually court gave order to give chawl room tend to child Hus is not giving what to do my case was in Bandra family court please help


  295. 478 Sandeeep Sengupta August 8, 2016 at 8:23 am

    I having a boy child of two months and my wife is refusing to stay together with my mother and I don’t want to live my mother alone as my father passed away 8 months back and I am the only son with two sisters married. What can I do now? Should I file a restoration case against her? Please advice


  296. 479 amrit September 13, 2016 at 10:39 am

    i am husband. got married in apr 2016. my wife is working and earning 40000 . i am earning 60000 per month. we dont have any physical relation in this four month of marriage. wat kind of settlement should i choose either mutual or contest divorce because my wife wants 10 lakh for mutual divorce. my wife and her in laws are at a fault at evry point. wat should i do. plz guide


  297. 480 Kumar September 18, 2016 at 5:40 am

    I’m looking to be guided on my Sister ( a Home maker ) married for over 24 years with 2 grown-up children studying post graduation, one of them in premium University for MBA near Delhi. Despite several constraints she was advised to be contended within the family even tough the Husband had been influenced badly earlier by her Mother in law, and now by Brother & Sister in Law. The Husband along with 2 year elder brother ( married with 2 children and staying in an independent house ) runs a joint business of Freight Forwarding & owns a fleet of Trucks for over 40 years. They have an indicative Monthly Income of well over 5 Lakhs & more with rentals from several Properties. The properties are owned jointly, as it happens to reduce the Tax burden, with ownership with my Sister, Husband, Brother, Brother’ Wife, etc., etc., which together can be valued at more then 20 crores.

    In a way my Sister & 2 kids are only there for a formality & husband only for ornamental reason, neither as a husband & nor a father. The kids have been most hurt & frustrated as they are fully grown up at 23 & 21 and are furious at the state of affairs & the way they are treated.

    My Sister is given Rs 20,000 monthly for expenses, sometimes not, which are just not good enough to meet even the Expenditure of upkeep of her & the kids and their basic maintenance. The situation is getting worse day be day even though she cooks for him & the family. In fact my Sister, on & off, has had to be treated for mental stress at Home & on the Depression drugs and we had to bring her to our Home for sort of rehabilitation.

    I would seek help & guidance from all leaned lawyers if she ( & Kids who are major ) can take any legal recourse on seeking Maintenance Allowance and the process thereof.

    Appreciate all possible path(s) to pave a way for good. Please get back on any more information you may need to provide a short & long term Solution.


  298. 481 Anamika September 19, 2016 at 10:40 am

    Hello sir

    My marriage has been completed 3 and half years and I have a 9 months child. My husband has extra martial affair with one of his colleague and want to leave me..

    I have done masters but not doing job and my husband’s income is INR60000

    What should I do…?
    And how much maintenence I can get?



  299. 482 Rajeev kumar September 24, 2016 at 7:42 am

    Sir, meri wife pichale 6 mahine se maike me rah rahi hai. Kitna request karne par bhi ghar wapas nahi aarahi hai. Ek ajeeb si problem hai use jo ki shadi ke 4 saal hone ko hai aur 1 se 1 1/2 mahine hi mere ghar par rahti hai koi na koi bahana karke maike chale jaana aur agle 3-4 mahine tak koi contact nahi rakhna… Mere ghar se uska maika 300 km dur hai aur waha jakar puchne par ek shart pura karne par hi ghar wapas lotungi ye kahti hai. Aise pichle 4 saal me 5 bar kar chuki hai. Har bar uski shart manta aaya hun ye sochkar ki aaj nahi to kal sudhar jayegi . Lekin is bar to had hogyi hai. Mujhe apne job chod kar unke ghar me aakar rahne ko keh rahi hai. Wo khud jobless graduate hai. Aur mujhe job chodne ko kahti hai . Jo na mumkin hai. Use mere saath rahkar zindagi karne ke liye lawyer through request cum notice bhi bhej chuka hun. Lekin koi jawab nahi mila 1 1/2 saal ka ek beta bhi uske paas hai. Uski chita me maine kai baar phone bhi kiya hun parntu mera phone bhi nahi utha the. Thane me bulva kar counsling bhi karvaya, bade bujurgone bhi samjhaya fir bhi apne zid par adig hai. Mujhe apna job chod pana aur maa-bap bhai-bahan ko chod kar kisi ka ghar jamai ban ke rahna wo bhi sudur ilaka me jaha koi 3000 har rupaye ki noukar bhi nahi milegi jab ki apne ghar se mat 2 km ki duri par 20,000/- salary pata hun. Mata pita dono above 65 age ke hai . Kya karon rasta bataye.


  300. 483 Abha Gurain September 25, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    My daughter age 17can file maintenance ,self n her sister 10 from father??? Pl. Let me know


  301. 484 Gurpreet Kaur September 29, 2016 at 5:58 am

    Sir, My relative not giving monthly money to there wife. They go to jail For 1 month for 1 year’s money .Totally they go to jail for 4 times . In law how many times they go to jail.
    And sir we have one sided divorce order but we can’t show this to judge. Can we show this.


  302. 485 Nancy October 7, 2016 at 8:28 am

    Can I apply for maintenance money even before applying for a divorce from my husband. I’m working and earning equal to my husband n v don’t ve kids


    • 486 vijay srirang October 12, 2016 at 5:55 am

      if you are working you don’t get any maintenance, but the onus lies on your husband to prove your income, yes maintenance can be filed without divorce petition also


      • 487 sushma sharma October 14, 2016 at 9:54 am

        Dear Sir, Why my friend does not get any maintenance amount even it is declared by the court long back?please help urgently with Regards Sushma Sharma


      • 488 sushma sharma October 25, 2016 at 8:02 am

        Reminder 1


      • 489 vijay srirang October 26, 2016 at 6:04 am

        please give details about court order


      • 490 sushma sharma October 26, 2016 at 7:50 am

        Kind attn :- Mr. vijay srirang Thanks for the reply Please note that my friend and i are from Bhopal , M.P.where people consider woman as fooli.e. my friend does not have any evidence of court order in written  only this statement is told to her verbally by her lawyer that court already ordered to pay Rs.3000/- every month although her husband earns approximately Rs.40000/- per month as a Govt. employeeHe even does not attend any of the court event uptil now from 1 year by excusing that he is a Govt. servant and has to be always on dutyand even court does not cause him to be presentisn’t it a surpriseif you ask i can give my friend mobile no. to contact her directlycontact and realise by yourself that how a woman surviving in absence of any economic help 

        with Regards Sushma Sharma


      • 491 sushma sharma December 14, 2016 at 8:32 am

        My friend case no is MJCR/10672015233201209962015Please help her to get maintenance  as promised by Bhopal court today i.e. at 14-12-2016 bhopal court make her to fill the form 32 so as to link the maintenance amount with his husband salary account and it will be debited from there directly . you can also advise her on her mobile no. 9993281250 Sushma Sharma


  303. 492 Anik Ray October 8, 2016 at 3:20 pm

    What are the legal consequences (or problems) that may arise if a lady leaves her in laws family with her only child and started to stay with someone else or alone?? Please suggest.


  304. 493 Gollo Katung November 22, 2016 at 9:53 am

    I have seen one case where the wife has filed case against her husband that he is not caring for her and 4nos children. And she is asking Rs.15000 per month for maintenance of their children. The strange things is hat her husband is not a salaried man also he has no source of any income as per law, he is a farmer. But the wife has not filed for the divorce in the court. Now court has given ultimatum to the husband to pay Rs.150000.00 to the husband for the maintenance of the children as the court case is runing for last one year. If he did not pay this amount the husband may be taken into police custody as per court order. Is it legal please advice.


  305. 494 Rajeev December 2, 2016 at 10:01 pm


    I needed one advice, we got married in 2011 and still we don’t have any kid, recently my wife was influence by my in-laws-family and decide separate from me. I am a working man and drawing around 1.4 lakh Rs and my wife is house wife. One year we purchase a flat with joint account (me & my wife’s name). Recently I heard that my in-laws-family planning to go for divorce.
    So could you please advice me, what should I do to save money and what can be done to give lesser maintenance amount to my wife and as I said we purchase a flat on Loan, which installments are around 50K every month, which is paid my me only.
    Please let me know, what will happen about my property ? and how much money I have to give to my wife per month ?
    Is there any document, which I can prepare and get sign from my wife to get complete authority to sell my flat like (Power of Attorney/Property Transfer Letter). Please advice.


  306. 497 TRIVIKRAMA ACHARYA April 17, 2017 at 8:30 am


    my marraige happend two months back has my wife has 5 five personality charcter 1. errogant.2 abuse to others 3.lying telling 4 spending others money 5.arugnment expert. she has left my home statying in father house
    now if she apply for divorces what must i do ?.i can give divorces if it is mutal understanding with without maintainces, it is possible or not


  307. 498 Suman August 25, 2017 at 4:07 am

    Sir, my husban is a women eyeser n he is misbehaving as those ladies guiding him.i m a mother
    of a daughter..fed up from his behaviour. He is retired army do I get my maintenance n how much I get..daughter is 20.


  308. 499 Anshul September 24, 2017 at 9:11 pm

    This guy Anand Thakur is a celebrated lawyer at Raipur CG, known for building his wealth from divorce alimony extortion cases. Our society only promotes such kind of lawyers. And our law system empowers them further.


  309. 500 Priti May 20, 2018 at 12:17 am

    Sir meri shadi ko 10 sal ho gay hum delhi me rahte the.mere pati ne august 2016 me divorce ka case dala jabalpur se aur one sided divorce le liya maine supreme Court se transfer ka case lagaya tha 10 October ko stay lagne k bad bhi 23 October ko unhone one sided divorce le liya hai meri sara saman jabalpur mere sasural me hai mera 7 sal ka ladka hai jiske sath mai delhi me rah rahi hu kya mai apna aur bachhe ka mentence le sakti hu unse aur me dahej ka saman muze milega?


  310. 501 Организовывать мальчишники April 12, 2019 at 8:18 pm

    This site truly has all the info I needed about
    this subject and didn’t know who to ask.


  311. 502 Jitender August 28, 2019 at 4:14 pm

    Mera 2017 se divorce case chal raha hai may 2019 me usne maintenance liya aur court order me use date of application se maintenance mila hai mai 5000/- per month ke hisab se maintenance de raha hu. Usne June 2019me hum per dahej marpit chedchhad ka case laga diya jisme police humko pareshan karti hai ab 23 August ko uska baap use mere ghar pe fhenk ke chala gaya hai ab hum uske saath nahi reh sakte please bataiye hume kya karna chahiye subside karne ki naubat aa gai hai please help share ur contact no


  312. 503 aishagarg September 25, 2019 at 9:14 am

    Thanks for sharing this helpful was easy to understand the content..good work..keep it up


  313. 505 Rao Sb June 18, 2022 at 3:06 pm

    Found your article interesting to read. This article is really interesting and effective. Expecting more articles from you.


  314. 506 Litem Legalis May 13, 2024 at 6:48 am

    Maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal support, refers to the financial assistance provided by one spouse to the other following divorce or separation. Maintenance arrangements vary widely based on factors like the length of the marriage, earning capacity of each spouse, and individual needs. Courts typically determine the amount and duration of maintenance payments based on these factors, aiming to achieve fairness and financial stability for both parties post-divorce.

    For more details :


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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women

In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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The family of the writer was tortured by the Indian Police in an attempt to extort over a $100,000 by holding them in custody for over a week. The police, in cahoots with the magistrate and the PP, did this due to the ridiculous allegations made in a 498A case by his embittered ex-wife. She filed the case years after he and his family had last seen her. Thousands of 498A cases are filed each year in India by women seeking to wreak vengeance on their husbands and in-laws. Enormous sums are extorted from intimidated families implicated in these cases by corrupt Indian police officers and elements of the Indian judiciary. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees.

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April 2007