Delhi HC Defines Powers Of The CAW Cell

Here are several judgments by Justice Dhingra since his return. He clearly defines the powers of the Crimes Against Women (CAW) cells and maintains that the proceeding before the CAW cell are reconciliatory and voluntary only. The CAW cells have no power to take coercive action. The proceedings of these cells are not judicial or quasi-judicial nor can they issue summons to appear before it. That power remains with the judiciary. With these judgments, Justice Dhingra has effectively ended the tyranny of these corrupt CAW cells.

Here is the news from the Tribune.

There is an earlier judgment about the CAW cells, again by the Delhi HC.

Here is the judgment:  Jasbir Kaur Vs State, Delhi HC – 2006.

I quote:

“Police Headquarter framed the procedure to be followed by the C.A.W. Cell with the intention of preventing abuse of the process of law. But in this case police committed abuse of the process established by its Commissioner. No attempt was made to resolve the difference between Manoj Kumar and respondent No.5 nor efforts were made to bring about amicable settlement for which purpose Crime Against Women Cell was created. This cell is meant to safeguard the marriage and not to ruin it by registering case immediately on the asking of the complainant. Once an FIR is registered it becomes difficult to solve matrimonial tangles and things reaches such a pass that it cannot be restored back”

Here are some articles about CAW:

Finally, here are the short and concise judgments of Justice Dhingra on the Delhi CAW cells.

NOTE: I thank the volunteer from Delhi who has been helping me with gathering these judgments.




Present: Mr. Vinay Singh, Advocate for the petitioner.

None for the respondent.

Crl. M. No.9052/2007 and W.P. (Crl.)1045/2007

This petition has been filed by the petitioner with a prayer that the conversation recorded by the petitioner between father of the petitioner and the father of the respondent should be heard by the CAW Cell and should be made part of the investigation. I consider that CAW Cell has no power to investigate the crime. It is not a police station where FIRs are registered. Investigation in any crime can be done only after registration of FIR. CAW Cell only makes reconciliatory efforts between the parties that also up to the stage of pre- registration of FIR. The investigation can also be done by CAW Cell if it is referred to it after registration of FIR. Since no FIR has been registered in this case, no directions can be given to CAW Cell for investigation. The petition is infructuous and is hereby dismissed.


August 13, 2007




Present: Mr. Keshav Kaushik, Advocate for the petitioner.

Ms. Mukta Gupta, Standing Counsel for State with

Ms. Rajdipa Behura and Mr. Akshai Malik, Adocates

W.P. (Crl.) No.1032/2007 and Crl.M.A.No. 8989/07

It is stated by the counsel for petitioner that CAW Cell was threatening the petitioner for appearance. It is made clear that CAW Cell has no authority to secure the presence of any person either by coercion or by threat. CAW Cell is only a conciliatory body where efforts are made for conciliation with the free will of the parties. If any person is not willing to go to CAW Cell, he cannot be compelled. It is also directed that CAW Cell, in future, instead of issuing summons to the parties shall send request letters asking them to appear for the purpose of conciliation and not for the purpose of investigation. The petitioner is at liberty not to appear before CAW Cell. No threat or coercive steps shall be taken by the CAW Cell. No further direction can be given by the Court in respect of respondent No. 5, who according to the petitioner has refused to accompany him. It is alleged that she was living under the influence of her parents. Earlier when she appeared in this Court, she was living with the petitioner. She refused to meet her parents at that time. If the respondent is such an immature lady that when she comes under the influence of petitioner, she refuses to meet her parents and next time when she comes under the influence of her parents, she refuses to meet the petitioner, the Court cannot help the petitioner. The petition is disposed of in above terms.


August 10, 2007


Present: Mr. Tarun Sharma, Advocate for the petitioner
Ms. Mukta Gupta, Standing Counsel for the state with
Mr. Ahshal Mehtra, Advocate
W.P.(Crl.) No. 1009/2007

Issue notice of the petition to the respondents returnable for 17th January, 2008. Notice is accepted by the Standing Counsel of the State. Crl.M. A. No. 8813/07 in W.P.(Crl.) No. 1009/2007.
The parties were referred to CAW Cell where CAW Cell after making enquiries, came to the conclusion that it was not a case of cruelty or harassment on the part of the husband. The CAW Cell recommended a Closure Report saying that no case is made out against the husband or family of the husband. After this recommendation, respondent no. 2 made an application under Section 156(3) before the learned Metropolitan Magistrate. Learned Metropolitan Magistrate without giving any reason as to why he considered that a case was made out, ordered for registration of an FIR. I consider that it is a fit case where operation of the order can be stayed. The operation of the order dated 3rd August, 2007 wrongly mentioned as dated 30th July, 2007 is stayed. Trial Court record be called.


August 07, 2007


Here is the second judgment:

Present: Mr.R.P. Yadav, Advocate for the petitioner.
Ms. Rajdipa Behura, Advocate for the State.
W.P. (Crl.) No.849/2007
Justice Shiv Narain Dhingra

This petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India read with Section 482 Cr.P.C has been filed by the petitioner for dropping of proceedings pending before the CAW Cell, Amar Colony against the petitioner and his family members on the ground that the complainant wife has already made a complaint under the provisions of Domestic Violence Act in the Court of learned Metropolitan Magistrate, Patiala House Courts. Her allegations made before the Metropolitan Magistrate and CAW Cell are ditto.
CAW Cell is an agency created to make efforts for reconciliation between the families before initiation of criminal proceedings on the complaint of the wife. The petitioner is at liberty not to appear before the CAW Cell. No coercive action can be taken by the CAW Cell, compelling an unwilling person to put in appearance before it. CAW Cell can conduct proceedings only where both the parties are ready and willing to join the proceedings voluntarily.
I consider that there is no reason for the Court to pass any order in respect of proceedings before the CAW Cell as these proceedings are not judicial or quasi-judicial nor proceedings in the investigation of the crime. They are only reconciliatory proceedings. The petitioner is at liberty not to join the proceedings before CAW Cell.
In view of the foregoing discussion, this petition is not maintainable and is hereby dismissed as such.
August 07, 2007


37 Responses to “Delhi HC Defines Powers Of The CAW Cell”

  1. 1 Neeraj August 13, 2007 at 1:14 pm

    One of the obvious question that comes out from these two judgements is that since “CAW cell’s power are for reconcilliationary purposes and they can not summon a paty to appear befoe them”, the question that judge considers while hearing the anticipatory bail plea of the husband “if husband and other family members are cooperating in the investigation?” doesn’t arise. Since its our own will that if we want to make reconcilliation efforts in CAW cell we can refuse to the IO’s call. Am i right in my interpretation?


  2. 2 Kuldeep sehrawat August 15, 2007 at 3:49 pm

    In my case,if a petitioner is a daughter of police person,and caw cell IO’S pressurising the husband and his family to reconcile without any investigation and harrass the whole family to do whatever his staff person and her daughter saying.they made a false case of sec 17(151)in CAW cell and arrest the husband and his brother whole night without any reason and false complain made by them with help of IO.This is done to create problem at the time of applying for anticipatory bail and showing that conduct of husband and his family was bad.No one is helping the family and tourcher the whole family to kill and arresting in other false cases.she took her all goods and jewellery with her and now she is giving list of approx. 25 lakhs as a dowry items list and the CAW cell people pressuring to give that amount to her,otherwise they will make F.I.R and made a strong case and arrest the whole family and caught them in jail for long time.they are not doing investigation about list and comlpain,they only tourcher the innocent family because she is a daughter of their staff person.TELL ME WHAT TO DO?



  3. 3 GS August 21, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    What if the boy’s family is not ready to come or not intrested in any negotitaions??


  4. 4 Rajeev Sharma September 29, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    I think the CAW at the behest of the girl, can file a FIR converting the complaint into a Court case, and fight on behalf of the complainant.

    However, under NO circumstances, can either the CAW or any other body, FORCE a negotiation. That judgement or action – is the preview of the Honourable Courts only.


  5. 5 Archana January 21, 2009 at 11:03 am

    Require Help for a girl


  6. 7 Vijay September 6, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    i have been badly maligned by my wife at the CAW cell dwarka. That i am a complete wife basher. i am into drugs. i watch xxx sites. that i dont take care of her. i give her no money. i dont take her to the doc when she is unwell.
    5yrs of marriage – 2 cute kids.
    i have spent on an average Rs.10000 a month on her medical treatment, its ongoing, either a muscel cramp, legs pain, neck pains, urine infection. u name it and she got all the diseases checked up…. forget the time that i spent ferrying her 2 n from the hospital. I bought a commercial property for her Rs.10lac in her name. well thats what my earning capacity is.
    she made me leave 6 jobs – sheer suspicion…
    her mother insigates her..
    she using the kids as a pawn…
    i do the bloody washing, cooking, bathing the kids, doing malish, changing diapers, cleaning their toilets, bills, grocery, ration, yet i get abuses. filthy once….
    i was living in a joint family.. she made me move out — k fair — but only to torture me like hell..
    my last job was Rs.13,00,000 (yes Rs.13 lac) per annum.
    i left it and m jobless now — trying to do a small business so that i can do the baby sitting..
    i cant get into a job – cause there’s no way she will take care of them..

    can i ?
    should i ?
    infact i have already paid the lawyer for a divorce on grounds of cruelty..
    cause i’ve been threatened again n again.. of 498A.

    am i doing it right?


    • 8 Rupali Sahu June 23, 2011 at 2:07 am

      we are also suffering like this….my s-i-l Vinod Ghosh has taken everything and now she is giving a list of abt 75 items including inner garments….she even had my brother sign cheques for selling a joint property and bought another one in her mothers and her name…11 years of marriage and two cute boys….shameless and false allegations…that my brother kicked her in stomach when she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage…to top it all ACP Yadav says that they will support all her allegations and accept them but not take any proof from our side to prove our innocence…he forces us by threatening us to come for hearings..we live in Greater Noida and when my brother said he cannot come on that particular date coz he’s going for a training…ACP Yadav said everybody works you are no exception….she has even allged that my brother threatens to kidnap HER children…wonder if she can produce children all by HERSELF..IF YOU FIND A SOLUTION pls HELP


  7. 9 Harapriya samantaray advocate. November 2, 2009 at 2:46 pm

    The commissioner,National Women`s commisioner

    Complain against a member of orissa state Bar named Sitansu Mohan Dwebedy for his deliberately, intentional and unnecessary harassment is giving mental turture by publishing false news in different daily news papers also dragging to me to different police station and insulting and defaming by using vulgar languages, The Said member called me to his house in several times but when he did not succeeded in his illegal motive become so vindictive and harassing me in my work place by assaulting me in court room when court was functioning by his two Associate named as Biswajit patttnaik. Subrat priyadarsini, who mis-utilizeing their power at his instances as well as violate the ethics of the advocate acts.

    Hon`ble Madam,

    With due respect I beg to state that Miss Harapriya samantaray D/o Bhagaban samantaray resides at-Qtrs no-2RA 11/36 ,OUAT colony Unit-8 is advocate practicing in Bhubaneswar Bar association from 1995 submit few lines for your kind perusal.
    That on dt 4.9.09 when I entered into the office room of the Civil Judge Senior division saw that a lady junior named Babita Agrawalla of the Sitansu Mohan Dwebwdy open the Money suit bearing no-145/07 which is posted to 7-10-09 and cunningly had taken away a document from the record which document opposed by defendant no -1 in the Hon`ble court of Orissa CRLMIS CASE NO 1649/07 and client of the Sitansu who begs apology for their mistake. That hand made false document also filed in M.S no-145/07 as annexure –O and that document was taken away by her .When I saw that incident immediately I informed to Presiding officer through an affidavit .On dt 5.9.09 it was advanced by advocate Sitansu and filed an affidavit without serving to me and put up for hearing at about 3.30 P.M. Before the hearing I was pressurized by the juniors of Sitansu Mohan Dwebedy over telephone to withdrawal of that affidavit. But till today no action has taken by the p.o for this heinous work.
    That Unfortunately when matter was hearing all of sudden, I had brutally assaulted Physically by instigation of Said bar council member Sitansu Mohan Dwebedy by his 2 Associates including other unknown persons namely Biswajit Pattanaik (Babi), Subhra Priyadarsi (Sumon) on 5th sept.2009 at about 3.30 p.m inside the court room of civil Judge senior division, when the court proceeding was going on. The learned Civil judge Hon`ble Chitt Ranjan Mohapatra has seen the occurrence but did not take any action immediately or subsequently. I along with 100 advocates submitted an application at about 3.30 p.m just after occurrence when he was seating in the desk for taking appropriate action against the advocates who violet the ethics of the lawyer as well as the decorum of the court but the learned court advised to me either compromise the matter in the bar or to inform to the police station because the accused person is powerful persons and bar council member so he could not take any action against him. Then I met the District and session’s judge and register on same day with injury face but they did not take any action. When I refused by the court accordingly I submitted an F.I.R before the I.I.C Baragarh police station at about 5 P.M and the I.I.C registered a p.s case no 110/ 09 corresponding to GR case No-2349/09. If such type of occurrence took place then general people will lost their faith on court and court record.
    That I submit here with folding hand that I came to from reliable source ,Dist,judge of Khurda has submitted a report in the Hon`ble High court, that bar association has given oral assurance to be settle the dispute, so he could not take any action against them. when any crime committed by an advocate with a lady advocate in the court room and in front of a judge and advice to the victim to settle the dispute then what is fate of a general people? If the dignity and modesty of a lady advocate is not protected in the temple of justice and she had assaulted and humiliated in an open court who fights for cause of justice then what about the general women who expects justice from the Hon`ble court .So here for dignity and prestige of the ladies as well as protection of justice punishment be awarded against the member so that offences may retrain for repeating the same in future.
    That it is pertinent to submit here that though it is the question of the dignity of whole Lawyers society and also the dignity of the court I wait for the justice from learned civil judge senior division, this so called powerful member very cunningly ran away from the court room and lodged a complain against me and against my younger brother who was in out side of town at that time who is innocent person and no way connected in this incident, at that time he was out side of the town
    That I was sustaining injury in the forehead, Nose and upper lip. On police requisition I was treated in the capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar and now taking medicine. I.I.C Baragarh police station has registered a case under section 294, 323, 506, 509, and 34 I.P.C but till date is not taken any action against the said advocates rather the police are pressurizing me to settle the matter amicably inside the bar.
    That on 7.09.09 at about 11A.M some lady member went to the learned district judge, Khurda at Bhubaneswar and informed about the alleged incident which district judge has not taken any action till date. I also informed the secretary of Bhubaneswar bar on same day but the bar did not take action against the said advocates but published news in the daily News paper and O.T.V local channel that the matter has already settle between the parties with the intervention of Bar which is totally false
    That finding no other way I informed the matter to the commissioner of police, Bhubaneswar but he did not also take any action till date. Further the police commissioner told me that accused persons are under the custody of the Bar council so he could not take any action against them Rather suggested me to settle the matter amicably.
    That due to such occurrence the life of mine is in danger and I also lost dignity in the court and society. Some of the lady advocates who came forward to support to me also threatened by the said member and his Hench man that they will outage the modesty of lady advocates who support to me.
    That I am a unmarried lady is continuously practicing since 1995 and has no personal enmity with any colleagues but the said member with ulterior motive is harassing in every manner by filling false criminal and civil cases against me and my family members since last two years by utilizing his client or himself or by his juniors through hand made manufacture documents.. Even if the said member gone to the extend to suspend my license by filling 3 disciplinary proceeding cases before the state bar council by utilizing his client, himself and also by his junior associate by making false documents and baseless allegation which is Professional misconduct and mis-utilization of power of this noble profession taking advantage of a bar council member. So such type of advocates has no moral value to practice.
    That I have approached pillar to post for justice and get back the dignity which i lost by assault in the open court for which I have made this application seeking justice. In such circumstances if my Lord will not protect my dignity and other lady advocates those who practicing then the entire justice system will paralyze and no lady member of the bar will ever dare to practice in legal profession.
    That due to the high handiness of the said bar council member I am suffering physically and mentally and also fabricating false documents to harass me. In several ways mis- utilize his power and violet the ethics of a lawyer as well as the member of the state council.
    Therefore prays that my Lord may kindly take appropriate action against the said Bar council member and associates for whom I loose prestige and dignity.

    Harapriya Samantaray
    Bhubaneswar Bar Association, Bhubaneswar-


    • 10 Harapriya samantaray advocate. November 2, 2009 at 2:48 pm

      Complain against a member of orissa state Bar named Sitansu Mohan Dwebedy for his deliberately, intentional and unnecessary harassment is giving mental turture by publishing false news in different daily news papers also dragging to me to different police station and insulting and defaming by using vulgar languages, The Said member called me to his house in several times but when he did not succeeded in his illegal motive become so vindictive and harassing me in my work place by assaulting me in court room when court was functioning by his two Associate named as Biswajit patttnaik. Subrat priyadarsini, who mis-utilizeing their power at his instances as well as violate the ethics of the advocate acts.

      Hon`ble Madam,sir

      With due respect I beg to state that Miss Harapriya samantaray D/o Bhagaban samantaray resides at-Qtrs no-2RA 11/36 ,OUAT colony Unit-8 is advocate practicing in Bhubaneswar Bar association from 1995 submit few lines for your kind perusal.
      That on dt 4.9.09 when I entered into the office room of the Civil Judge Senior division saw that a lady junior named Babita Agrawalla of the Sitansu Mohan Dwebwdy open the Money suit bearing no-145/07 which is posted to 7-10-09 and cunningly had taken away a document from the record which document opposed by defendant no -1 in the Hon`ble court of Orissa CRLMIS CASE NO 1649/07 and client of the Sitansu who begs apology for their mistake. That hand made false document also filed in M.S no-145/07 as annexure –O and that document was taken away by her .When I saw that incident immediately I informed to Presiding officer through an affidavit .On dt 5.9.09 it was advanced by advocate Sitansu and filed an affidavit without serving to me and put up for hearing at about 3.30 P.M. Before the hearing I was pressurized by the juniors of Sitansu Mohan Dwebedy over telephone to withdrawal of that affidavit. But till today no action has taken by the p.o for this heinous work.
      That Unfortunately when matter was hearing all of sudden, I had brutally assaulted Physically by instigation of Said bar council member Sitansu Mohan Dwebedy by his 2 Associates including other unknown persons namely Biswajit Pattanaik (Babi), Subhra Priyadarsi (Sumon) on 5th sept.2009 at about 3.30 p.m inside the court room of civil Judge senior division, when the court proceeding was going on. The learned Civil judge Hon`ble Chitt Ranjan Mohapatra has seen the occurrence but did not take any action immediately or subsequently. I along with 100 advocates submitted an application at about 3.30 p.m just after occurrence when he was seating in the desk for taking appropriate action against the advocates who violet the ethics of the lawyer as well as the decorum of the court but the learned court advised to me either compromise the matter in the bar or to inform to the police station because the accused person is powerful persons and bar council member so he could not take any action against him. Then I met the District and session’s judge and register on same day with injury face but they did not take any action. When I refused by the court accordingly I submitted an F.I.R before the I.I.C Baragarh police station at about 5 P.M and the I.I.C registered a p.s case no 110/ 09 corresponding to GR case No-2349/09. If such type of occurrence took place then general people will lost their faith on court and court record.
      That I submit here with folding hand that I came to from reliable source ,Dist,judge of Khurda has submitted a report in the Hon`ble High court, that bar association has given oral assurance to be settle the dispute, so he could not take any action against them. when any crime committed by an advocate with a lady advocate in the court room and in front of a judge and advice to the victim to settle the dispute then what is fate of a general people? If the dignity and modesty of a lady advocate is not protected in the temple of justice and she had assaulted and humiliated in an open court who fights for cause of justice then what about the general women who expects justice from the Hon`ble court .So here for dignity and prestige of the ladies as well as protection of justice punishment be awarded against the member so that offences may retrain for repeating the same in future.
      That it is pertinent to submit here that though it is the question of the dignity of whole Lawyers society and also the dignity of the court I wait for the justice from learned civil judge senior division, this so called powerful member very cunningly ran away from the court room and lodged a complain against me and against my younger brother who was in out side of town at that time who is innocent person and no way connected in this incident, at that time he was out side of the town
      That I was sustaining injury in the forehead, Nose and upper lip. On police requisition I was treated in the capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar and now taking medicine. I.I.C Baragarh police station has registered a case under section 294, 323, 506, 509, and 34 I.P.C but till date is not taken any action against the said advocates rather the police are pressurizing me to settle the matter amicably inside the bar.
      That on 7.09.09 at about 11A.M some lady member went to the learned district judge, Khurda at Bhubaneswar and informed about the alleged incident which district judge has not taken any action till date. I also informed the secretary of Bhubaneswar bar on same day but the bar did not take action against the said advocates but published news in the daily News paper and O.T.V local channel that the matter has already settle between the parties with the intervention of Bar which is totally false
      That finding no other way I informed the matter to the commissioner of police, Bhubaneswar but he did not also take any action till date. Further the police commissioner told me that accused persons are under the custody of the Bar council so he could not take any action against them Rather suggested me to settle the matter amicably.
      That due to such occurrence the life of mine is in danger and I also lost dignity in the court and society. Some of the lady advocates who came forward to support to me also threatened by the said member and his Hench man that they will outage the modesty of lady advocates who support to me.
      That I am a unmarried lady is continuously practicing since 1995 and has no personal enmity with any colleagues but the said member with ulterior motive is harassing in every manner by filling false criminal and civil cases against me and my family members since last two years by utilizing his client or himself or by his juniors through hand made manufacture documents.. Even if the said member gone to the extend to suspend my license by filling 3 disciplinary proceeding cases before the state bar council by utilizing his client, himself and also by his junior associate by making false documents and baseless allegation which is Professional misconduct and mis-utilization of power of this noble profession taking advantage of a bar council member. So such type of advocates has no moral value to practice.
      That I have approached pillar to post for justice and get back the dignity which i lost by assault in the open court for which I have made this application seeking justice. In such circumstances if my Lord will not protect my dignity and other lady advocates those who practicing then the entire justice system will paralyze and no lady member of the bar will ever dare to practice in legal profession.
      That due to the high handiness of the said bar council member I am suffering physically and mentally and also fabricating false documents to harass me. In several ways mis- utilize his power and violet the ethics of a lawyer as well as the member of the state council.
      Therefore prays that my Lord may kindly take appropriate action against the said Bar council member and associates for whom I loose prestige and dignity.

      Harapriya Samantaray
      Bhubaneswar Bar Association, Bhubaneswar-


  8. 11 iluvshrutiverma November 5, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    With your kind permission, I am copying this content from your blog to my blog


    Thank you !!!


  9. 12 ruchika February 26, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    can husband file a complaint against wife in CAW cell.please inform


  10. 13 Rajat March 6, 2011 at 8:47 am

    The only way to save husbands from the misuse of the act through false allegations is to come out with a requirement that the person (wife) would also be punished and the quantam of the punishement should also be the same which is for the husband as if he has committed the offence. In addition to this, the family of the girl should be given double punishment. This should deter the girls for false allegations. Otheriwse this would become dhanda (business) to extort the money from the innocent families.


  11. 14 Ravi Kumar August 25, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    respected sir & madam
    i am also frustrated and physically and mentally upset with my wife’s false allegations she put on her very vulgar allegaton coz presetly girls contains all legal power in hand so girls are missusing of this law 95%. pls can you help us what should i do after registered the case by caw cell coz i am going to slowly slowly in mouth of death we are going to be begger


  12. 15 manoj babra March 14, 2012 at 5:06 am

    ya tho dhanda ha paise kamna kya ladkeyo ka


  13. 16 K. K. Gupta August 4, 2012 at 9:38 am

    i wanted to know whether it is legal if Mediation(caw) cell wanted to send the girl to her matrimonial home (while she is living with her parents for last six months) alongwith her father to collect her cloths after filing the case 5 months back and simultaneously having filed the divorce case and domestic violence case against me. I would also like to inform that my mother has already filed partition suit against my wife which is been jointly held by both of them; and Learned high court has pass an ex-party interim injunction order against my wife for restraining her to creat any third party intrest.


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  16. 19 ak sharma July 8, 2013 at 9:54 am

    I want to seek guidance from all of you, if anyone guide. One female residing delhi file case IN CAW CELL AND FAMILY COURT OF DWARKA against her husband residing in ghaziabad after 15 years of marriage and female left their childrens aged 14 and 7 years with her husband and also include four other members like husband father, mother, sister (visited twice-thrice in a year on festive dates), and brother in law (who visited only three times since 2006). Charges framed by her that all wants to kill her and asking for maintenance allowance. On the other hand noone from husband family never did such things. Under these circumstances what husband family do so that she exposed


  17. 21 vijay October 14, 2013 at 5:45 am

    can anyone suggest me, both my daughters r wth my wife – there is no legal war so far, no divorce proceedings, but i m a frequent visitors to every small complaints to local police station n CWA cells (2yrs in DELHI now last 2yrs in BANGALORE), wifes been living away over 4 yrs now. Daughters r 8 n 6yrs – elder has lived with me 3 yrs alone — now shes with mother, willing to testify in court she wants to stay with me — wt r the chances?


  18. 22 eric john February 24, 2014 at 8:03 am



  19. 23 archana March 17, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    Hi…my husband has an extra marital affair with my cousin sister….I m very disturb and emotionally hurt…and thats why I m shifting with my parents ….but he is threatening me that if I will discuss anything with anyone about the same he will file a froud case against my family members…and I will pay for that etc.what should I do….I m very disturb.pls help me…..


    • 24 ram charan May 7, 2015 at 9:50 am

      first of all you discuss the matter with her parents and than you may goto the caw cell and i make a hummble request to you naver hide this matter of heer parents . and tray to understood her cousin the last i say taht you naver sclient on the matter if you sclient it is a very dangurs.


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  27. 32 N.A.Khan (Adv) December 7, 2015 at 2:16 pm

    Dear friends/ aggrieved persons.

    As per the suggestions sought and complaints given, I have deeply felt hurt by the wound sustained by the innocent persons due to misuse of the law by the women who used to implicate the innocent persons whether men or women only with the intention to harass, hurt, extort or to take revenge of no fault.

    I assure to every innocent persons who have been really harassed or given loss in different manner without any rhyme and reason that i shall try my best to take justice from the court by adopting legal /available procedure of law.

    I also assure you for frequent free legal advice upon visiting at my chamber No.392, First Floor, Western Wing, Tis Hazari Court, Delhi or on my mobile No.9891468169.



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  29. 34 Mohit Tomar May 31, 2017 at 5:45 am

    Dear Sir,

    i am facing lot of problem. my wife did fake allegiance against me and my family, and IO not listening and misbehaving with us


    • 35 Mohit Tomar May 31, 2017 at 5:46 am

      Dear Sir,

      i am facing lot of problem. my wife did fake allegiance against me and my family, and IO not listening and misbehaving with us, What we do please suggest

      Mohit Tomar


  1. 1 Justice Shiv Narayan Dhingra « 498agladiator Trackback on October 17, 2011 at 6:47 am
  2. 2 movie in theater Trackback on August 21, 2014 at 11:22 am

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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women

In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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The family of the writer was tortured by the Indian Police in an attempt to extort over a $100,000 by holding them in custody for over a week. The police, in cahoots with the magistrate and the PP, did this due to the ridiculous allegations made in a 498A case by his embittered ex-wife. She filed the case years after he and his family had last seen her. Thousands of 498A cases are filed each year in India by women seeking to wreak vengeance on their husbands and in-laws. Enormous sums are extorted from intimidated families implicated in these cases by corrupt Indian police officers and elements of the Indian judiciary. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees.

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August 2007