Tricks Played On NRIs TO Settle Divorce Cases

Here are pdfs of news items that detail the tricks that will be played on NRIs to settle marital disputes. In all cases, the parents/siblings and relatives will be arrested and held until the NRI or his family coughs up the cash. Every agency/person involved in “settling” the dispute allegedly gets a cut of the settlement. The articles posted below are old news items, but this is the common pattern followed in almost all cases.

NRIs are being painted as crooks and monsters who marry innocent girls and dump them. The reality and statistics speak otherwise. The reality is that like most things, there are a few cads who do these things, but they represent a minuscule minority and are not representative of the true picture. More NRIs are being take for a ride than the other way round. NRIs are picked on as they have no real voice in India and the picture of an abandoned bride creates an emotional response that is used by the radical Indian feminists to advance their agenda.


35 Responses to “Tricks Played On NRIs TO Settle Divorce Cases”

  1. 1 Kanya October 13, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    Sad to see so many Non Resident Indians marriages falling apart!


  2. 2 N November 24, 2007 at 5:14 pm

    The Indian Government should have a strict warning to NRI’s before they marry in India about IPC 498a.
    But then this my be counter productive, as many will not only stop getting married in India to Indian women but also stop the Massive investment and cash flow, which the government so requires. Imagine how many Crores of rupee’s will stop flowing if just a mere 10% of NRI’s stop sending money to India?


    • 3 Hemal May 4, 2013 at 3:12 am

      Sad to say tht u are looking at it in financial aspect may b ur not educated n just like others might have a degree by books . Sad our country one of the richest heritage n culture is on downward spiral n we the so called educated cannot make the best use of education in our lives . We still wann to ignore such issues n issues more inhuman than these . I have been lucky that I was able to have enough evidence in my case that I could prove that my ex wife was an escort n a call gal . If we are matured as ppl n society then lets talk about the good n flaws of our current society . How many women housewives n other kids are either exploited n blackmailed ( men2) into shameful acts . Is this what our education n culture has taught us if yes then shame on each one of us . We should be ready for those days when we would not have any pious relations . Sorry but u must be totally f****** money minded person .


  3. 4 victim_to_misuse_of _tradition May 22, 2008 at 8:51 pm


    I am one of the victims of misuse of Indian tradition of a ” good wife – good daughter – in law”. Using these punch statements, my husband and mother – in – law tried to force me not to have any contact with my family in India, stop any connections with my sibblings and branding my parents as theives and using badwords on them, that they dont give enough money and gifts, and that me or my family are good for nothing – a series of sufferings for 8 full months – EVERYDAY. A good daughter in law and a good wife is supposed to take all this silently, apart from being beaten up by husband, not just out of his own will, but from his mother’s “mis-guidance”( his terminology during later apologies).

    While there are women who are mis-using 498 A, it is a revolution against Hindu in-laws who are mis-using tradition in the first place. When a girl who is educated, employed is herself treated with this, no wonder the girl parties are resorting to using whatever the law has to offer. While the former is misuse of law, the latter is mis-use of conscience. I think the concept of mis-use is in human nature itself. Not necessarily a particular group of people.

    I have two best girl friends who have a baby, and have gone through similar sequence – both of them being highly educated and from well-to do families, and both beaten up during their pregnancies !!!! Please do not say that most NRI guys are being taken on a ride. Reality is different for different people. Thanks to the 498 A for women like me – it has helped me re-gain my self-esteem that I am not alone, and that the law DOES NOT ask the woman to be walked over in the name of “Good wife – good daughter in law”. It has done good to me and my friends, not anyway close in extorting money,(None of us three friends have gained anything financially) but at a much higher level.

    Look around and you will see tonns of such cases, especially in the middle class families. Choose to close your eyes and ears – you will be making a judgement far from ‘reality’.


    • 5 Rehan May 26, 2011 at 1:05 pm

      Is this really true…I cannot believe bcoz there would be something that you are hiding to keep you clean…Girls play a lot of politics now a days. Its better to be single rather than marrying…


    • 7 Anshumali September 25, 2011 at 12:32 pm

      That’s incorrect dear! When u r educated why r u dependent on 498A?
      What makes woman behave multiple (inside outside different)? Do you know how much patience & hard work is needed for a male guy to earn instead of females? Has our society / humanity shameless to reach for females to 498A? My answer to woman if u don’t like your husband please do not spoil him under 498A instead take divorce & work to earn as u r educated.
      Hope i have opened the black side of truth.


    • 8 J R A October 2, 2011 at 5:47 am

      I will support this…As I have gone through the same situation, rather am still going through it…My husband started beating me after just a month of marriage…His personality changed as soon as I landed in the US…My in laws involvement in our day to day activities from talking on the phone with him as soon as he woke up to until he fell asleep…while this time was supposed to be meant for a newly wed couple or rather a married couple…they would get involve in the merest of activities that we shared..
      Please dear inlaws, do not get involved in your son’s married life to the extent that you would spoil and desert him of his wife and children….

      Let us live our lives…rather the lives of married women and their children…let go our your son after marriage…


    • 9 amit December 23, 2011 at 10:04 pm

      i am sure the real story would be all together different.
      I don’t understand, why some women always busy in gaining sympathy.


    • 10 Lakshmi May 26, 2012 at 3:44 am

      Yes , I truly agree … Case to case is different . I am one of the victims who suffered emotional abuse , considered good for nothing by my husband . I was forced to flee from USA , my husband cheated on me .., Send divorce papers from USA to escape indian law and keep himself safe for GC processing in USA . I was 6 months preg , suffered again emotional abuse from my in laws .. Mental agony , low thghts poured in my head , Almost crying for 3 years. Just want to change him … Nothing worked ………… Waiting for the best to happen..


      • 11 Hemal May 4, 2013 at 3:47 am

        Sorry to hear tht but one question be true to ur self n in ur heart n if they have abused u then take them to law if u feel u have done anything wrong then ask for forgiveness only u can be a good judge for uself . Good luck


    • 12 Hemal February 6, 2013 at 4:42 am

      How abt u get married to person who is high class in society due to money (white or black) n after staying married for 6-8 yrs u discover that ur wife is actually or was n is still a call gal n after knowing the fact trying to threaten with such laws is not right I firmly believe when women want equal rights to men then they should be treated equally when it comes to such heinous issues . Everyone must be treated the same irrespective of gender,race,religion or their orientation . Personally I have seen this law being misused by many Indian women just for easy money . Question to those women n men if u r capable of earning ur daily meal n u still resort these cheap tricks shame on u n ur parents who failed to install true virtues in u . I had to fight for my right n I did win but just to make it clear that seen lots of cases that women from India r abusive n have lost their values n culture . Makes me feel that westerners are much better than us Indians . Truly feel shameful to say that India that I belong to is not the India I grew up n it’s each one of our responsibility to correct the path that we are headed to .


    • 13 Hemal May 4, 2013 at 3:19 am

      Sorry to hear that n man or woman should not hit any one violence should not be tolerated that’s why we talk about issues but there are many women who are marrying for money n then abusing this law I can give u over 50 such cases that I have known n sometimes it feels that it’s better to have a foreigner as a life partner than an Indian women who in many cases have lost their values not sure which middle class are u referring to go to chennai go to Orissa or Andhra Pradesh or Delhi or Mumbai or any mid size towns there are many women resorting to illicit affairs n according to statistics even greater than men .. So the question arises why? Is this the cost of freedom which is allowing us to forget our ethics our culture ?? There was a time when Indian culture was highly regarded through out the world ….not any more n laws should be to protect both genders equally why only one why not treat everyone equal n who commits crime gets the punishment simple .. What do u say?


    • 14 hemal April 4, 2015 at 3:52 am

      Hi victim why hide ur identity and if one has been abused in a relation u should definitely step up and do the right thing but sad indeed well to do family does not mean others are not question is about being ethical not the question of financial stability not sure where u come from but there are tons of cases where in Indian society women these days are stooping to any level watch loads of incidents happening stop self pitying yourself and find a decent way of life karma gets you in the end …


  4. 15 bhupesh August 20, 2009 at 6:29 pm

    Pls stop this lie & cry policy. my wife have spoilt my home , my family & my life. same allegations. I invite u to my place & then start crying. I dont want to say more.


  5. 17 Swati Desai January 12, 2011 at 3:48 am

    I am an experienced East Indian divorce lawyer in Orange County California and feel strongly that women are abusing the 498A law. I have tried to lobby in favor of abolishing the 498A statute in India but politicians are reluctant to do so since they fear losing the women votes. If you fear that your wife will file a 498A against you or someone in your family please call my office immediately at (714) 637-1712 as I can help minimize the risk of this taking place.


    • 18 amit December 23, 2011 at 10:07 pm

      i really appreciate your efforts. At least some one is taking a stance.
      Dont think your efforts are not recognized.
      This is my first blog in last year and goes to you.


  6. 19 andalu May 26, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    you dont feeel ashamed being a woman and lobying against law to protect a woman we hav such women who are enemies of women that is why such law


    • 20 Hemal February 6, 2013 at 4:45 am

      Sweety where r u from ? U want to be equal to men then u will be treated equally for both progress n accountability . U cannot have ur cake n eat it too be responsible human being first n do the right thing then talk about women rights .


  7. 21 Amaniktala June 17, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    My family is going through mis-use of women rights in India. We live in US but my brother who is going through this is in India. My so-called “bhabhi” wants to cash my brother for having adultery act with someone else. We are trying to figure out to prove this adultery act but you never have a good solid proof in such cases. Women are not innocent and they know to use the Indian law to their advantage.


  8. 22 MenInPain December 17, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    Exactly, stop all these drama.. be practical.. if you are NOT happy in a marriage, just go divorce and go on your way and not by torturing or terrorising the other by misusing the laws… . you screw your marriage life and you screw him but you want your husband;s money.. what in the world does that justify?J ust go work and earn your own money and not try to steal from your husband..


  9. 24 Amit December 23, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    Its a strange sanerio in india.

    Firstly – your parents push you into marriage with an unknown girl.
    When things doesn’t work they never takes blame & you get frustrated.
    then women gives you harder time with wapons like 498A
    you run towards law thinking to get some relief but law scares you more.
    then you try divorce but …… there are no grounds…more frustrating.

    man position in our society is not better than a dog.

    At the end of year govt declare statistics stating than Indian divorce rate are so looow . our family values are very high in comparison with western countries….. my foot !!

    i have a practical solution.
    leave the country go some where else. you will get a divorce in 2 to 3 years. At least you will be having some years to live.

    Let India be happy thinking we have a less divorce rate.


  10. 26 Anju September 8, 2012 at 4:36 pm

    our culture teaches girls ( whether educated or not ) to have patience in married life. That is why they suffer silently for months, years to save thier marriage and family’s name. Sec. 498A is the last resort in such cases.


    • 27 Hemal February 6, 2013 at 4:51 am

      Our society where we idolize Durga is changed n we are the only one to be blamed for it in the name of modernization old saying goes that we got to be modern in our thoughts n actions not by physical we are killing our selves with this cultural revolution .


    • 28 Sunny May 3, 2013 at 6:54 pm

      gone are those days, now 498a is the first resort to make quick free money.


  11. 29 Singa December 5, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    I m male and married for 14 yrs and I have a daughter 14 yrs and son 7 yrs. Recently I need to resettle my family to India for the good eduction for kids and wife’s parents and old and alone at home. I thought the kids vicinity and her help would be better for them.
    Once she landed there, I came to know that she was trying to date with her ex-bf and start to call and fix dating. This guy didn’t give much importance to her request. I started to shout for it and she didn’t agree that it happened that way.
    During that period we were in brink of separation and patched up by parents and I pardoned her.
    Within 3 months later, she started having affair including body relationship with a guy and later I found there are 3 guys are having relationship with her.
    All these guys are family friends in day time.
    She was totally checking my patience and control over life.
    Now she wants a mutual divorce but need money for children security.
    All my savings are for them, i know that. But how can I trust such people now.

    How to tolerate such people? how you handle such people.?

    I wanna trash all my wealth and go there as a beggar and request for divorce.
    Any good lead to handle such case?


    • 30 Hemal February 6, 2013 at 4:49 am

      Drag her to court n make her pay child support to u n u can get ur children’s custody based on the fact of her bad character n let her pay u the child support . It’s tough but not impossible good luck!


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  14. 33 vish July 4, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    Some women only want sympathy and because they are too bossy we men go out and find someone who really loves us and takes care of us and when the wife is served with divorce she wants to keep the child away from father also ask for money and want my famly also to give her money. everything for her is money money she is out to ruin my life and is abusing the dowry law and playing the victim when she knows why our marriage really failed because of her control freak ways


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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women

In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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The family of the writer was tortured by the Indian Police in an attempt to extort over a $100,000 by holding them in custody for over a week. The police, in cahoots with the magistrate and the PP, did this due to the ridiculous allegations made in a 498A case by his embittered ex-wife. She filed the case years after he and his family had last seen her. Thousands of 498A cases are filed each year in India by women seeking to wreak vengeance on their husbands and in-laws. Enormous sums are extorted from intimidated families implicated in these cases by corrupt Indian police officers and elements of the Indian judiciary. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees.

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