Archive for the 'Section 304' Category

Interpol Global Standards To Combat Corruption In Police Forces

The Interpol document on combating police corruption


Consequences Of Filing False 498A Cases

There is a lot written about horror faced by families who get entangled in 498A cases, but nothing is said about the consequences faced by women who file these cases, if the plan backfires. 498A is ultimately a gamble. These women file cases at the advice of their lawyers, close relatives with vested interests or just to persecute the hubby and in-laws or to defraud the hubby and his family as they know that this law is actually designed to be more effective as a tool for extortionists and blackmailers than for protecting women facing dowry harassment or domestic violence.

The best source to know more about the consequences of filing a false case is the document by Madhu Purnima Kishwar ( She is a respected fighter for women’s rights, unlike the tabloid feminists of today who misrepresent facts and who hog the headlines with shrill statements (remember the Pooja Chauhan episode?).

Read this article in the LATimes to get an idea about what divorced womens finances look like.

I think you need to read what she has to say. I’ve put together a few points of my own:

  • Divorce after a 498A is guaranteed. 498A is a nuclear weapon. It should never be used for any other purpose than what it was intended for, which was to protect women from dowry harassment. It was not designed to allow it be used to settle scores or as an extortion tool. If the accused fight back, the filers of a false 498A will face the consequences.
  • She won’t get married again. The reason being our very conservative society. Feminism may be a fashionable thing to bandy about, but no family, including the family of the filer of a false 498A, would like to admit one of their own into their homes. This is all about power politics in relationships and once it is known that a woman had filed a false 498A, she will be treated like radioactive material.
  • Her sister(s) may eventually run off with the milkman or something along similar lines may happen as they risk remaining spinsters.
  • Any sisters-in-law she may have will turn against her as time goes by. Her brothers may not get married again. Think about this. Would you be willing to send your sister/daughter into a home where there is woman who has quarreled with a decent husband and used the law to terrorize him and his family? How happy would your sister/daughter be in a home like that? How secure would a family feel, if the sister of the woman who filed a false 498A enters the house as a bride? It also says a lot about that family that they did not discourage her from doing so.
  • The filer of a false 498A may face arrest under Section 182. The sentence may range up to 6 months.
  • If kids are involved, their well-being may be threatened as fathers play a crucial role in the up bringing of a child. A 498A almost always results in a divorce.
  • If the 498A is being filed at the instigation of close relatives and for no valid justification, be assured of this, once the relatives get what they want, they will abandon the woman.
  • The woman may get fined by the court for filing false charges. Click here for the news article.

Go through the The 498A Survival Kit if you anticipate a false 498A.


Violence against women: Good practices in combating violence against women”

Madhu Kishwar got it right. She exposes the Indian feminists to be the hypocrites they are in this article from 2005.

Here is the article:Violence against women: Good practices in combating violence against women”

Misc. Judgments Tying 498A, 304 And 306


I’ve been very busy and lack the bandwidth to summarize. Please bear with me. Time isn’t something I can spare right now. Anyway, here are the links:


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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women

In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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The family of the writer was tortured by the Indian Police in an attempt to extort over a $100,000 by holding them in custody for over a week. The police, in cahoots with the magistrate and the PP, did this due to the ridiculous allegations made in a 498A case by his embittered ex-wife. She filed the case years after he and his family had last seen her. Thousands of 498A cases are filed each year in India by women seeking to wreak vengeance on their husbands and in-laws. Enormous sums are extorted from intimidated families implicated in these cases by corrupt Indian police officers and elements of the Indian judiciary. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees.

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May 2024